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I took these in the summer of 2001.  Olympus digital model C-3000 camera. I have been interested in the connection between UFO's, Volcanic Activity, Native American History, Bible Prophecies , and the Military. I have seen many unexplained UFO's, below are some of my photo's for to to view Below. Here are a few of my theories for you to ponder. 

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

1. Unknown Military Aircraft

2. Alien Aircraft from unknown origin, with occupants of unknown origin.

3. Military, ie. government experiments on the population with advanced technologies unknown to the general population.

4. Fallen angels , GIANTS.gif (51795 bytes) Giant races of Canaan.  Nephilim ( Details , see here )

5. Holograms

6. Mind Control

7. Low frequency sound waves like the Taos Hum with devices like the Neurophone . The government classified as top secret  therefore you won't find documents about what the government is using the Neurophone for. Here is more sound technologies and other such devices to read more about the subject, click here.

Here are a few more I found at the US Patent office.

Behavior Modification 

Crowd Control

Tracking Devices

Subliminal Message

Transformation of America

Can mind control, be a possible explanation? And what about HAARP, environmental conditions, weather changes, top secret high technological devices, or a combination of these things? Can a top secret government be involved in this in the world, to change our values, control & monitor ,then use aliens as a cover story? Or are there other galaxies in the vast universe with planets that could support some other life forms besides humans? While our government continues to deny all these UFO reports, ect. one can only guess what the real agenda is.  What does the Scriptures say about UFO's? Here are a few web sites to check out. For seekers of the truth, all this will be reveled. In time. Again this site here best explains the UFO phenomena. Here are a few more that support my belief, with the so called "alien technology " given to governments over the history of the earth by lucifer , to create a massive deception with technology to create the miracles as foretold in the Bible. Please read thru the links on this page carefully before just looking at the photos. To put it all into perspective, read the King James Version of the Bible for end time prophecies.

The Great Tribulation 

Ufo's and the Bible 

The Cutting Edge



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