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Welcome to the Ridaya Character Gallery! These are pictures of the various characters being played right now. They have either been drawn by the player, or are darn good representations. Those who do not have pictures will have text descriptions. Enjoy!

*Some pictures are used courtesy of Jonathan Earl Browser Gallery.

Text Descriptions

Ehsense: A being of light, she glows a radiant silver. Her face and form are that of a beautiful young woman, but her hair eyes and skin glow softly. Her face is often set determindly, and she carries herself with dignity.

Luminesca: The twin to Ehsense, her hair eyes and skin glow a soft gold.

Mitsukai: A slight young half-elf with fair skin. Her straight ebon hair falls just between her chin and shoulders, and her bangs are frequently falling in her strange eyes. Her eyes are usually a deep sapphire, but their shade of blue changes depending on her health, and glimmers and sparkles tend to betray her emotions. *Gran'Tar-A marbled dragonet of dark gray and black

Rhiow: She has long strawberry-blonde hair that reaches to her slender waist, fair skin, and dark blue eyes. Looks fairly approachable. *Akuma-A small black cat with long whiskers and dark blue eyes

Rhett: Sandy hair, greenish-blue eyes. Of average height, muscular though his slender build may not appear to be. *Monolent- A darkly marbled dragonet of midnight blue and black.

Jayden: A young elven lord with jet black hair that falls to his shoulders, expresive green eyes and a long lean figure.

King Cedric: A king at twenty one, with close cropped red hair and light grey eyes. He is tall and well bult, with pale skin and clear cut features.

High Commander Jebran: Medium height, with thick brown hair trimmed to his neck. His eyes are a warm brown, and his features are rugged and hawklike.

High Lord Darven Aldera: Tall and elegant, with long pale blond hair and cold grey eyes. He is slim and in good shape, and dresses to his position.

Ryan Falden: A young orphan from Mariandor, which reddish blond curls and light greyish blue eyes. He is tall, and well built, and dresses in simple wollen clothing.

Initiate Malka: A plump shopkeeper's daughter from Mariandor. Her hair is shoulder length and black, thick and strait. Her face is round and friendly, and her eyes dark brown and warm.

Dahen: A vampire who would rather he weren't. Dahen has a scruffy, unkempt appearence, his dark blong hair a wild mess atop a lanky body. His features are gaunt and haunted, and his eyes a pale grey that often appear silver.

Bondling Tahir: A desert lordling with black curling hair and dark almond shaped eyes. His skin is pale white, and he is tall and slender, with almost a willowy build. He never lets anyone forget who he is, and dresses in ornate robes and turbans.

Athenate Keltress: Half werewolf, half Brethkin, the Athenate is an imposing and beautiful woman. Her hair is thick and dark brown shot through with different shades. Her eyes are tinged with yellow, and she has a wild grace to her.

Commander Gregon: Tall and well built, with short light brown hair and jade colored eyes. Gregon has a stern featured face, and a lightly tanned complexion.