Lilly's World

Lillian Rosemary was born on June 13, 2002 at 11:07pm. She weighed 5lbs 2oz.


Lilly's Journal
as told my mom

December 14, 2002: Sorry it's been so long since I have updeated here. Lilly just turned six months old yesterday. It was also my mother's birthday. Lilly is still pretty small for her age but she is doing great. She is very healthy. Right now she can roll over, she has grasped objects for awhile now, she is beginning to reach for things. She laughs, coos and jibberjabbers in baby talk, which is so cute.

October 10, 2002: Lilly will be four months on the 13th. We are taking a trip to North Carolina next week. This will be her first long car trip. She has grown so much this past couple of months. But she still looks small to babies her age. She is also getting cute by the day if that's possible. I think she will be spoiled so much when we go visit our family next week.

August 25, 2002: Lily got four shots during her last doctors appointment. She slept the rest of that day, but she was a little cranky the next day. I don't blame I would be too if I got stuck with four needles. She now weighs 9 lbs 1 oz. The doctor was amazed at how well she is doing. So far she hasn't gotten sick. I hope she has her father's immune system because he hardly ever gets sick either. My son and I on the otherhand have allergies and gets sick everytime the seasons change. Back to Lily, she is getting so beautiful. Not that she wasn't when she was born but she is so cute. I look at both our children and thank God for blessing us with such beautiful and healthy children.

August 13, 2002: Lilly is two months old today. She is growing so fast. She is the cutest baby I have ever seen and I may be biased but everyone tells me the samething. She is now sleeping in her own room, in her crib. She smiles too, which is funny sometimes, because she likes to give you a little half smile.

August 8, 2002: Lilly is growing so much these past couple of months. She got weighed yesterday at the doctor's office, she weighs 8 lbs 9 oz now. She is doing wonderfully. I think she's starting to smile now. She gets these little smirks and half smiles like her daddy does. She is so cute. Right now she is in the middle of a growth spurt period so she is eating a lot and being cranky. But even then she can be pleasent.

August 3, 2002: I changed this page from the Big News page to Lilly's Journal. Here I will tell you of her progresses. She is now almost two months old. She is still tiny compared to some babies. But she is filling out quite nicely.

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