
Seattle, Washington

    Dark Angel takes place in this City.  The city is located on the west coast of the US.    Seattle lies at sea level and It is a city of hills. Many of its neighborhoods take their names from the topography. First Hill, Queen Anne Hill, Beacon Hill, and Capitol Hill are residential sections. The city is graced with many urban parks and boulevards.    East of the city lies Lake Washington.

Logan's Apartment

    Logan Cale lives in a large apartment.  Eyes Only is based there as well.  Logan lives alone but Bling comes over to help Logan with exercise and protecting Eyes-Only.  Max comes here for dinner and helps Logan with his work.  A lot of people would like to know know where Eyes-Only is located because a lot of people want him dead.

Characters seen here: Logan Cale, Bling, Peter Ashley, Valerie, and Max

Max's Apartment

    Max lives on the far side of Seattle on the seventh floor of an abandon apartment.  Her former roomate was Kendra.  Kendra was in between jobs and she teaches children on the floor Japannese for money or important goods.  She also pays off the police for the squatters.

    Kendra moved out in the episode the  Kidz Are Aiight and Original Cindy moved in.

Characters Seen Here: Max, Kendra, Oringal Cindy, Jacinda, Omar, Logan

Jam Pony X-Press

Lead by Normal, Jam Pony is a bike delevery service in the heart of Seattle.  None of the riders like Normal including Max.  In the episode 411 on the DL, Zack came here to get a closer look on Max.  In Cold Comfort, the Jam Pony riders tricked the place's new buyer into "not buying the place."
Characters Seen Here: Max, Normal, Original Cindy, Herbal Thought, Sketchy, Druid, Zack


A bar in Seattle.
Characters Seen Here: Max, Original Cindy, Herbal Thought, Sketchy, Druid, Logan,  Lemar, Eric

Space Needle

A tower in Seattle where Max goes alone to think.


Lab in Gillette, Wyoming where the X5s were born and trained.  Twelve of the X5s escaped in 2009.  One of them named Brin was recaptured and at one of the Manticore bases.  Zack was captured later but escaped again.
Characters Seen Here: Max, Donald Lydecker, Brin, Zack, Jondy, Jace, Zane, Ben, Tinga, Eva, Zack, Krit, Syl, and other X5s