Original Cindy

Played by Valarie Rae Miller

    Original Cindy is Max's best friend and she look out for her. She lives in the squat near Max and Kendra.  Original Cindy works at Jam Pony.  At night she spends time at Crash with Max, Kendra, Sketchy, Herbal Thought, and her other friends.

    One time she thought Max was a dug addict when she and Kendra found out Max used the squatters money to pay off the cops.  They flushed the pills. When Logan showed up looking for Max, Original Cindy gave him a piece of her mind about making her a drug addict.  Logan told  Original Cindy, the pills kept Max from having severe seizures that make her go into a coma and dying. Original Cindy is devastated that she's unwittingly put her friend in mortal danger.  With the help of Logan and his police contact, Orignal Cindy smuggles in the pills for Max.

She was captured by the Red Series so they can capture Max.  Max risked her life to save Cindy.  Cindy saved Max when she helped Logan zap the RED implant.  After Max told Cindy her secret.

Cindy soon moved in with Max when she was evicted from her apartment.