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We thought you might like a little visual stimulation for your reading enjoyment. In this gallery you will find pictures of the characters in our fanfiction, along with images of the actors who portray them. This is only a small offering, for now, but this site will no doubt continue to expand as we find more images we love. Until then, you can find more for yourself in the links provided below. Enjoy!

February 2, 2001. New images added to Susan Jameson's and Isahunter's manipulations galleries. Enjoy!

Haven for the FBI's Most Unwanted

One-stop 'shopping' for any X-Files fan. Pictures, articles, fanfic, spoilers, and much more. Even a visual episode guide. Check it out.

The X-Files Shrine

Mulder and Scully-centric, high quality images. Spoiler pics, too! One of the smaller archives, but the images are so nice you don't even care.

Joe's X-Files page

Yet another favorite site full of images, sounds, backgrounds and desktop themes. Tons of links, too.

The M&S Love Connection

Are you a shipper? Do you love music videos? Then this is the place for you. At the moment, my computer is too old to handle this collection, but I look forward to checking it out soon! Sarah McLachlan, Foo Fighters, and more.

Duchovnynet Gallery

The most complete Duchovny site I'm aware of. The gallery alone is mind-boggling, but that's only the beginning. The entire site is a DD shrine.


The official Gillian Anderson Website. Lovingly designed, this site portrays our 'Scully' as the glamorous woman she is. Images, articles, credits, and much more.

Skinnerholics Anonymous

Home of the Skinnerholics Anonymous mailing list. Images, links, and much more. I'm also a member!

Skinnerotic Photos

Oh baby! This is Yankee Rose's manipulated picture site. Skinner never looked so hot! From the deliciously naughty pictures to the background music, this is a must-see site.

My home away from home. I literally do a little dance every time I see that Leigh has done an update. Images, credits, television showtimes and much more. I'm like a kid in a candy store here!

The Krycek File

Another of Leigh's great Nick sites. Along with and the Once a Thief site, this is like my demented version of the Holy Trinity! The Krycek File is THE site for fanfiction writers. Intensive background information, images, and much more. Hallelujah!

Nick Lea Gallery

This huge gallery used to take forever to load, but the nice webmistresses decided to cut down on my headaches and add more pages for easier access. Hmm, now I wonder how I might put an idea like that to use? ;)


I've had a crush on David James Elliot for years. You can't imagine my elation when Suse told me he's the model for her character, Daniel. Mmmm. This site has images, articles, credits, and more.

The Unofficial David James Elliot homepage

Heavens. I really need to move to Canada. They sure have some gorgeous men up there. Sadly, I've yet to check out this site completely, but from what I can see I'll be doing that real soon! Gorgeous pics! Yummy.

Iconophile's Angelina Jolie page

Despite the chauvinistic approach, this is my absolute favorite Angelina site. Hundreds of high quality, large photos. Gorgeous.

The Angelina Pages

A very comprehensive Angelina site. Articles, sounds, and just about every image you can think of. The only drawback, as far as I'm concerned, is that all of the pictures are in gif form. But if you aren't a jpg nut like I am, you couldn't ask for more. A great site.

David Duchovny

Gillian Anderson

Mitch Pileggi

Nicholas Lea

David James Elliot

Angelina Jolie

Mudpuppy's Links! Although not every single website is listed on his pages, those that are have their links checked daily, can be rated by visitors, and even show when last updated. All from one convenient page! Bookmark em!

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Standard Disclaimer: These pictures do not belong to us, nor do we claim any association with the companies that provide them. No money is being made from this site, and no copyright infringement is intended. The X-Files belongs to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen productions and FOX broadcasting. All images are used with the utmost respect and love.

Have any comments, requests, or questions? Write me!