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Matts EV/O/3 web page

Hi Yall. Yall, dude it's like I'm from the states eh. Like the new look? (Yes, i know the back ground sucks. Deal with it. It is VERY hard to change it!)No, well to bad. Okay the monty python is still here; i've just added and corrected some things. First the the monty python.

Okay first get a fast ship (the very fastes that can carry a gun like a defender or a cresent fighter or a star Bridge with some outfits to speed it up {in EVN there isn't really any good ship for monty python. You have to make it good}) Then buy the gun with the longest range (laser cannon, phaze cannon fusion pulse cannon/ rail gun {rail guns are huge, slow fireing and not that strong but they do have a massive range}[one will be enough but more makes it take a shorter amount of time])Then buy a missle jammer or what ever it is called{or several if in EVN (yes get the illegal ones to. It doens't affect you in any bad way}. Then find the ship that you want to attack. Make sure that it is slower than you. Then buzz it with one short to make it mad then run away until it has no secondary weapons left{in EVN you may have to do this more than once because the AI is more tolerant [yippie]}. After that fly as far away from it as you can while your guns can still hit it (it never hurts to be careful). Do this until its killed. : Note this is a lot harder if it has secondary tracking weapons; thank goodness for the voians. The best ship for this is the Azdra fighter. It has very good speed and very very good shiled recharge rate with lots of tons for guns. The only problem is that it is for the Adzra and there allies. You have to join them to get it.

Here is a trade route I found to be very good in EVO. (For the non cheater)

Go to Atlantic St. and buy as much fertilizer as you can. Then sell it on First Centuair.While there buy as much food as you can. Then jump back to Atlantic St. sell the food and repeat. This works really well. The only trick is to learn when to heir escorts.

Oh, an no matter what any of my other pages say, my email address is now and always will be

Yes, i know i changed block list was full

Also, for page updates, look in the guest book. I leave em there cuz it's easyer

If someone would like to give me some links to other Ambrosia related pg's email em to me. (above)


I finaly got the time to update this. Alright. the best way i found to make money in this game is to first get and do the Sigma Shipyards mission so you can get acsess to the hypergates. For the next phase you'll need about 100k so do missions until your there. Once you have it go to codehaven and buy as much bioweapons as you can. Take off and use the hypergates to get to Moash. Land ans sell. With you in a Leviathan fully loaded you can make over 5 mill a trip.

As far as ships go, get a Star Bridge. These are by far the most veritial and when you get the mount refits and 6 + 3 fusion pulse cannons/turrets with a thunderhead lance you are unbeatable. I have competed several of the strings without ever leaving this ship. If you the kind of person who likes bigger ships I just get an LDA frigate, mount refits (and always get any enhancement that doesn't way anything) and load it down with FPC/T.

Also, if you join the BHG get your missions at New england (right beaside sol) the target ship will always be in sol.

If you have any comments or suggestions please email me my links page

My Ares Help page (Taken with permission.)

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