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Teaser 1

...Jakob reached the end of the corridor and found that he had returned to the banquet hall from earlier that evening. The sounds of his pursuers grew closer. Drawing his sword, he ran across the empty hall to the bar that lined the far wall. As he drew near to it, the corporate squad led by Raek entered the room. "Hold Jakob Pureblood!" Raek said in his low voice " by corporate law.." Jakob did not let him finish, pulling the knife from the hilt of his sword, he turned and threw it at the Mastreel's face. The KNYGHT quickly dove to one side. The marine behind him let out a strangled gurgle as the dagger pierced his throat. Jakob made it to the other side of the bar just as the remaining marines opened fire into the room. Moving quickly in a low crouch, he made his way around the room towards the unsuspecting group of marines. The soldier closest to the exit saw Jakob as he moved towards their squad. He turned his scatter gun to bear on the big man. Before the marine could open fire, his weapon was swatted to the side by the lightening quick sword. The marine in front of him screamed as the razor rounds were discharged into his back. Shouldering past the stunned soldier, Jakob gutted another with his sword. Following the cut of his blade, he spun and set another one's head free. He turned and thrust his blade into the lungs of another marine. Yanking the falling man's gun from his hand and sheathing his sword, Jakob fired three times and the remaining marines were dead. He turned just in time to see Raek's twin swords whirring for his throat. They cut the gun in two. The Mastreel kicked him in his chest and sent him sprawling. Immediately Jakob was on his feet, sword drawn, ready to face Raek for the second time that day...