One of the biggest trends I've noticed on Pern games is the noted lack of villainous characters. The world of Pern seems devoted exclusively to Happy Fluffy Fun, and yet most of the characters in the book had more than their share of flaws. Not just the obviously evil characters, like Fax; the oldtimers were heroes in their day, but in Lessa's, they were self-righteous bullies. The latter type of character appealed to me the most--someone who isn't necessarily evil, but with such a jaded view of things that he could almost be termed such. Naturally, any character without at least some respect for authority wouldn't last long in Pern's militarian society; so a char that thought the Man was God and everyone else was scum seemed ideal. Thus, on November 6, 2000, Einar came into being.

E'in is my boy, and he and Kalerriarth make a hilarious duo. Where E'in is scowling, cynical, and malicious, Kalerriarth is cheerful, clueless, and bouncier than a puppy. E'in is the Weyrsecond at Igen and, regarding Renegades, is much the same as a nazi with Jews. This is a new quirk that developed with the kidnapping of his, well, significant other, gold Rosselith's Dani. (No, I have no idea how E'in managed to get one of those female things to even admit to liking him, much less loving him. Stranger things have happened, I suppose.)

I have never had so much fun as when E accuses people of being Renegade sympathizers.

It's good to be bad.

Confused as to what the heck this whole thing is about? Telnet over to PernWorld ( today! And go to Igen. Because we rock. ;)

Site last updated November 27, 2003

Looking for That One Log? Check here and here.

Wondering who that cutie is in the picture? He's Simon Rex. I have no idea what he's famous for, really, except I know that he was on a couple of TV shows, did something on MTV for awhile, and a couple of pornos. But he's still cute.

And now for the disclaimer: Pern belongs completely and totally to Ms. Anne McCaffrey. I do not claim to own Pern or any part of it. E'in, Kalerriarth, and company are my characters on PernWorld, a MUSH running with Ms. McCaffery's consent. Though the characters belong to me and their respective players, Pern is still completely and totally Ms. McCaffrey's. I didn't think it up. I just play in it. I do not profit from any references to Pern or the Dragonriders of Pern. So please don't sue me.