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[Monoid Number One]

Doctor Who Chronology: The Far Future

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The Invisible Enemy: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and Leela, with the aid of Professor Marius of the Bi-Al Foundation and his dog-shaped computer K-9, prevent a giant, intelligent virus known as the Nucleus from spawning and sweeping its way through the galaxy. When the Doctor and Leela leave, K-9 goes with them.

Professor Marius leaves the Bi-Al Foundation asteroid for Earth.

Shortly after "The Invisible Enemy."

Another Ice Age affects Earth at this time, and the world is organized into a number of "Alliances." The Peking Homunculus, an artificial being with the brain of a pig intended as a child's companion, goes rogue and assassinates the Icelandic Alliance's commissioner, almost causing World War VI. The Supreme Alliance comes into power, with a man named Magnus Greel as its Minister of Justice. The Alliance commits a number of war crimes and is brought down by the Filipino Army at the Battle of Reykjavik, at which the Doctor is present. Greel, who has been experimenting with time travel, flees back through time to the 19th century with the Peking Homunculus.

"The Talons of Weng-Chiang."


The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Segonax, the 7th Doctor and Ace visit the Physic Circus, once "the Greatest Show in the Galaxy," now ruled and terrorized by the Gods of Ragnarok, all-powerful entities who wish only to be entertained. The Doctor turns the Gods' power back on them, freeing the Circus.

Placement is arbitrary. Galactic (and intergalactic, if Capt. Cook is to be believed) travel is common at the time of this story. Also, an abundance of "hippys" may stem from the "spaceniks" referred to by Prof. Marius in "The Invisible Enemy" earlier this century.


When it is discovered that severe solar flares will soon destroy almost all life on Earth, thousands of people are chosen to go into suspended animation on space station Nerva orbiting the Earth. Also placed on Nerva are enough plant and animal samples to help repopulate the planet, and a complete record of human knowledge. Several colony ships are also sent out from Earth, in hopes of populating the universe with human life. Some of these ships eventually encounter the insect species, the Wirrn, in the Andromeda galaxy. After a thousand year war, the Wirrn are beaten and left homeless, wandering the universe in search of food and breeding grounds.

"The Ark in Space." Date is conjecture.

Eventually, after thousands of years, most humans will begin to regard the stories of the Nerva station as myth, many cultures developing legends of the "Lost Colony."

"The Sontaran Experiment."

One colonization ship comes out of warp near the planet Metebelis III. The ship has lost power and is forced to crash on Metebelis III. A few sheep survive the wreck, as well as a handful of spiders. These spiders find their way into the cave of the Blue Crystals, where the Crystals' power begins to mutate the spiders. Eventually, the spiders will mutate into powerful beings who will rule over the colonists for several hundred years.

"Planet of the Spiders," assuming this ship is one of those sent out at this time.


On Metebelis III, one the spiders which rule that world is sent to 20th century Earth in an attempt to retrieve the Blue Crystal in the Doctor's possession. Shortly after, one of the colonists, Arak, attacks one of the spiders' field guards, after the guard strikes Arak's mother, Neska.

Shortly before "Planet of the Spiders."

Planet of the Spiders: 3,4,5,6: The 3rd Doctor and Sarah arrive on Metebelis III in pursuit of the spiders who rule that world and are attempting to invade 20th century Earth. They help to colonists living there to overthrow the spiders' rule. The Doctor gives the spiders' leader, the Great One, the final Blue Crystal it seeks. This causes her brain to overload, killing her. However, the radiation from all the Crystals nearly destroys the Doctor's body, forcing him to regenerate when he returns to Earth.

This takes place 433 years after the ship's crash in 6000.


Sutekh the Osiran dies of old age after being forced through a time corridor by the 4th Doctor in the year 1911.

In "Pyramids in Mars," the Doctor estimates that Sutekh survives 7000 years in the time corridor beginning in 1911.

10 000

Wandering through space, the Wirrn Queen comes upon space station Nerva in orbit around Earth. Intending to use the sleeping human race there as food for her children, she sabotages the station's systems, so that the colonists will not awaken. While doing this, the Queen is mortally wounded by the station security system. She manages to lay her eggs in the body of 1st Technician Dune before she dies.

"The Ark in Space." Date is conjecture. I'm estimating this happens about 1000 years before the colonists were to reawaken.

11 000

The Earth is once again habitable, having recovered from the massive solar flares of 6000. The colonists on space station Nerva are meant to awaken at this time, but do not, due to the sabotage inflicted by the Wirrn Queen a thousand years before.

In "The Ark in Space" (16 000), the colonists have overslept by 5000 years.

16 000

A group of astronauts from the GalSec colony receive a distress call from Earth from one of their ships. This signal has been faked by Field-Major Stryre, a Sontaran. After the astronauts land, Styre destroys their ship, and begins performing experiments on them, eventually killing them, one by one. Styre is testing human stamina in preparation for a Sontaran invasion of the galaxy.

Some time before "The Sontaran Experiment," and probably "The Ark in Space."

The Ark in Space: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, Sarah and Harry discover the Nerva space station, where thousands of humans in suspended animation wait to awaken to repopulate an Earth devastated by solar flares. The travellers reawaken some of the sleepers to discover that they have overslept by 5000 years and that they are all threatened by the insect-like Wirrn, who intend to use the human race as a food supply. The Wirrn are beaten off, and destroyed by the colonists' leader, Noah, at the cost of his own life.

10 000 years after the colonists go into hibernation in 6000.

The Sontaran Experiment: 1,2: The 4th Doctor, Sarah and Harry teleport down to Earth to repair a transmat station, so that the Nerva colonists can begin reclaiming the planet. While doing these repairs, they encounter a group of astronauts from the GalSec colony, who are being experimented on by a Sontaran, Styre. Styre's report on human stamina is needed before an invasion of the galaxy by the Sontarans can begin. The travellers manage to destroy Styre, thus putting a halt to the invasion.

This story immediately follows "The Ark in Space."

The remaining GalSec astronauts meet with the first Nerva colonists to teleport to the planet's surface, and the rebirth of Earth finally begins.

Shortly after "The Sontaran Experiment."

17 000

A Dalek attack on the planet Venus is ended by the intervention of a fleet of war rockets from the planet Hyperon. The rockets are made of a metal totally impervious to Dalek firepower and the Dalek force is completely destroyed.

"Genesis of the Daleks." The Doctor says this happens in the "space year" 17 000; for simplicity's sake, I am assuming this is the same as 17 000.

20 000

On an unnamed planet, Leela, a warrior of the tribe Sevateem, speaks out against her tribe's god, Xoanon.

Shortly before "The Face of Evil."

The Face of Evil: 1,2,3,4: On an unnamed world, the 4th Doctor encounters the tribe of Sevateem, the Tesh, and their god Xoanon, who has forced them into conflict with each other. Xoanon is in fact a sentient spaceship's computer which the Doctor tried to repair years earlier by mentally joining with it. The computer's personality conflicted with the Doctor's, and it went insane. It separated the Survey Team from the Technicians, both groups eventually forgetting their true origins and worshipping the computer as a god. The Doctor wipes his personality from Xoanon before it can destroy the planet. A female warrior of the Sevateem tribe, Leela, joins the Doctor on his journeys.

Date is conjecture. In "The Invisible Enemy," the Doctor describes the year 5000 to Leela as "the time of your ancestors." I am arbitrarily adding 15 000 years to that date to allow time for the ship's launch, crash, and the subsequent evolution neccessary.

37 166

A Morestran scientific expedition, led by Professor Sorenson, lands on the planet Zeta Minor. Their purpose is to find a new power source to rekindle their dying sun; Prof. Sorenson believes that anti-matter is that source. However, once they begin collecting the anti-matter, members of the expedition are killed off one at a time, the moisture completely removed from their bodies.

The expedition has been on Zeta Minor for "months" at the time of "Planet of Evil."

Planet of Evil: 1,2,3,4: Answering a distress call, the 4th Doctor and Sarah encounter a group of Morestrans attempting to leave the planet Zeta Minor. An anti-matter creature living on the planet will not allow them to leave until the anti-matter they have taken is returned. In addition, one of the Morestrans, Professor Sorenson, has become infected by the anti-matter, and is mutating and killing the rest of the crew. The Doctor returns the anti-matter to its rightful place, returning Sorenson to normal and allowing the Morestran ship to leave.

The date appearing on the headstone in this story may be Morestran dating, but I am accepting it as "translated" for the viewers.

After returning to his own planet, Professor Sorenson begins to examine the possibility of using the energy generated by planetary motion as an alternative energy source for his people.

Some time after "Planet of Evil."

500 000

In an alternate timeline where the Earth has been consumed by millennia of industrial waste, mankind has evolved into the blood-devouring Haemovores, led by the Ancient One. The Ancient One and a number of Haemovores are pulled back through time by Fenric is his attempt to destroy Earth. This timeline is prevented when the Ancient One turns against Fenric in 1943.

"The Curse of Fenric." The Doctor describes this Earth as suffering the effects of "half a million years of industrial progess."

1 770 000

During the 10th segment of time, mankind fights the "Primal Wars." During these Wars, much knowledge is lost, including the cure for the common cold.

"The Ark." Assumes a "segment of time" to be approximately 177 000 years in length (please don't ask me to do the math again).

1 997 000

On Proamon, the leaders of the Kane-Xana criminal ring are tracked down. Xana kills herself rather than face trial and Kane is exiled to the dark side of the planet Svartos.

Three thousand years before "Dragonfire" (2 000 000).

1 998 000

The planet Proamon is completely destroyed when its sun goes nova.

Two thousand years before "Dragonfire" (2 000 000).

1 999 500

Several Andromedans, using Earth as a base of operations, are able to steal a number of secret files from the Time Lord's Matrix. In order to prevent the files from being exposed, the Time Lord High Council uses the magnetron to move Earth and its solar system four light-years, almost destroying the planet in a fireball in the process. The Andromedans, eventually known as the Sleepers, go into suspended animation and place a robot, Dathro, on guard to watch over them and the Matrix files until help comes from their own world. That help, unable to find the Earth in its proper position, never arrives.

Five hundred years prior to "The Trial of a Time Lord."

2 000 000

The Trial of a Time Lord: 1,2,3,4: The 6th Doctor and Peri visit what they believe to be the planet Ravalox. Here the discover a group of underground dwellers being controlled by a robot which has come to be named the "Immortal." The travellers prevent the robot's power source from exploding and free the dwellers from the robot's rule, allowing them to reclaim the formerly desolate surface. They also encounter the mercenary Sabalom Glitz, who is on Ravalox attempting to recover secrets stolen from the Time Lord's Matrix, guarded by the Immortal. From him, the Doctor and Peri learn that "Ravalox" is, in fact, Earth, shunted light-years from its proper place 500 years previously, although none involved are aware that the Time Lords are responsible.

While visiting Iceworld, Sabalom Glitz sells Kane a space freighter of deep frozen fruit for 100 crowns and his crew for 102 crowns. Glitz loses the money in a fixed card game. In another game, he "wins" a "treasure map" which Kane wishes him to have.

Over the few days leading up to "Dragonfire."

Dragonfire: 1,2,3: The 7th Doctor and Mel visit Iceworld, a colony/trading post on the planet Svartos, where they once again encounter Sabalom Glitz and a time-lost girl from the 20th century called Ace. Kane, criminal mastermind and ruler of Iceworld, manipulates the group into finding the crystal "Dragonfire." Kane needs the crystal to power the engines of Iceworld, in reality a huge ship; he intends to return to his homeworld of Proamon to seek vengeance. Proamon, however, is long dead and Kane, extremely sensitive to heat, perishes when exposed to the light of a nova. Mel and Glitz leave to explore the universe in the Iceworld ship and Ace joins the Doctor on his travels.

Placement of this story here assumes that Glitz is returned to his own time after "The Trial of a Time Lord."

2 999 960

On Pluto, Citizen Cordo's father begins work in his position as an E-grade municipal worker, cleaning walkways. He will hold this position until his death in 3 000 000.

"The Sun Makers." Cordo's father had held his position for the last forty years.

3 000 000

On Pluto, Citizen Cordo's father dies. Cordo has arranged that he go through the "Golden Death" program, at an agreed price of 80 talmars.

Shortly before "The Sun Makers."

The Sun Makers: 1,2,3,4: At this time, the entire human race has been relocated to the planet Pluto by the Company. Run by the Usurians, the Company works people to death while taxing them for every conceivable need. The 4th Doctor, Leela and K-9 help to bring about a revolution by eliminating the anxiety-inducing drugs being fed into the workers' systems by the Company.

There is no definite date stated in this story, although it obviously takes place in the far future, as all of mankind has left the Earth uninhabited and moved to Pluto. According to Lance Parkin in A History Of The Universe, publicity material placed the story "millions of years" in the future. I am choosing the year 3 000 000.

After the Company's defeat on Pluto, humanity begins the process of returning to and reclaiming the Earth, whose natural resources have by now regenerated.

Some time after "The Sun Makers."

4 779 000

During the 27th segment of time, humanity once again experiments with time travel. The experiments are a failure, and finally abandoned.

"The Ark." Assumes a length of 177 000 years for a "segment of time."

5 279 000

The Gunfighters: The OK Corral: The 1st Doctor, Steven and Dodo arrive on the planet of the Elders and the Savages.

The Savages: 1,2,3,4: On an unnamed world, the1st Doctor, Steven and Dodo encounter the Elders, a highly advanced civilization, who drain all their energy from the primitives they call the Savages. After draining some of the Doctor's energy, the Elders acquire his conscience, and make peace with the Savages. Steven stays behind when he is asked to lead both peoples.

The Doctor implies that they have traveled into the far future, and the Elders do identify themselves as human. I am placing this story half a million years after the failed time travel experiments of the 27th segment of time, because the Elders are able to track the TARDIS through the Vortex, but not able to travel through time themselves.

9 999 540

Around this time, the Tractators and their leader, the Gravis, become marooned on Frontios.

500 years before "Frontios."

10 000 000

With Sol's destruction immenent, a number of ships are launched from Earth in an effort to preserve the human race.

As seen in "The Ark" and "Frontios."

One of the Guardians of the human race aboard the Ark almost causes an accidental explosion.

Shortly before "The Ark."

The Ark: The Steel Sky; The Plague: The 1st Doctor, Steven and Dodo discover a ship moving the entire miniaturized human race from a doomed Earth to a new home on Refusis II. Dodo gives many of the Guardians, and their servants the Monoids, a cold, to which they have no resistance. The Doctor manages to devise a cure.

Another ship launched from the doomed Earth passes near the planet Frontios in the Veruna system. The Tratactors, marooned on Frontios, use their gravity-manipulation abilities to bring the ship down in a crash-landing. The Tractators hope to eventually use the humans for their own purposes.

Parkin's History and The Discontinuity Guide both agree that "Frontios" occurs at around the same time as "The Ark." I'm moving the actual crash back to the same time as "The Ark," and "Frontios" itself 40 years later.

10 000 010

Having allowed the colonists stranded on Frontios time to establish themselves, the Tractators begin pulling asteriods down to the planet in order to keep them technologically crippled and easier to take advantage of.

Ten years after the crash (10 000 000) and thirty years prior to "Frontios" (10 000 040).

10 000 040

The metor attacks on Frontios orchestrated by the Tractators become more frequent.

"A few weeks" before "Frontios."

On Frontios, colony leader Captain Revere begins to suspect the existence of creatures living beneath the Earth. He gives orders that, in the event of his death, the colony's research center is to be shut down.

Some time before "Frontios."

Frontios: 1,2,3,4: The 5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough assist Frontios, a struggling colony of humans, one of the last in existence. The colony is under attack by the Gravis and his Tractators, who require human beings to run their machinery. The Doctor manages to isolate the Gravis from the Tractators, rendering both dormant; as a result, the colony has an opportunity to thrive.

Forty years after the crash in 10 000 000.

10 000 700

The Ark: The Plague; The Return; The Bomb: The 1st Doctor, Steven and Dodo return to the Ark at the end of its journey to discover that the Monoids have taken over. With the help of the inhabitants of Refusis II, they put a stop to the Monoids' plan the destroy the human race and take the planet for themselves.

700 years after the first part of this story.

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