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[Cybermen menace Zoe Herriot]

Doctor Who Chronology: The 21st to 25th Centuries

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January 1: Doctor Who: The 8th Doctor returns Grace and Lee to Earth and says his goodbyes.

December 25: Something bad which could happen to Chang Lee on this date may be prevented by the 8th Doctor's interference ealier this year.

In Doctor Who, the Doctor warns Lee "don't be [in San Fransisco]" at this time.


A man named Gareth is head of a seismology unit at UCLA. He develops a earthquake detection technique which will save the human race a number of times.

Ten years after Doctor Who (1999).


A space capsule, containing three Daleks, crash-lands and buries itself on the planet Vulcan.

200 years before "The Power of the Daleks" (2220).


The Enemy of the World: 1,2,3,4,5,6: In Australia, the 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Victoria encounter Salamander, a ruthless leader who is the Doctor's double. By impersonating Salamander, the Doctor prevents him from taking control of the Earth by causing numerous natural disasters. Salamander manages to get on board the TARDIS, and cause it to dematerialize without closing the doors.

Although the date is not given in the story, most other chronologies use this year, taken from the novelization.


During the time of its 15th Emperor, the Doctor visits the Draconian Empire. He cures a great plague affecting the Empire. As a result, the Emperor proclaims the Doctor a noble of the Draconian Empire.

500 years before "Frontier in Space" (2540).


Galactic Salvage and Insurance is founded in London.

"Nightmare of Eden."


The Moonbase: 1,2,3,4: The 2nd Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie encounter the Cybermen on a weather station on the Moon. The Cybermen plan to use the station's weather control device, the Gravitron, to destroy the Earth by altering its weather drastically. The Doctor turns the Gravitron on the Cybermen, driving them away.


In an alternate timeline where a series of wars has left the Earth in ruins, a group of Daleks from the future find it simple to conquer Earth. They turn the Earth into a giant factory, taking whatever they need.

100 years after "Day of the Daleks" (1973).


On the planet Manussa, the crystal called the Great Mind's Eye, which created the Mara 300 years previously, is removed from its focal point, driving the Mara away, possibly to Deva Loka.

500 years before "Snakedance" (2582). Deva Loka is from "Kinda."

Around this time, an Earth prison colony is founded on the planet of Varos. A complicated set of rules and regulations for the governing of the colony is established.

The Governer says that Varos has been "stable" for more than 200 years at the time of "Vengeance on Varos" (2284).


Seabase 4 synch-operator Michaels is electrocuted during routine maintance. He is replaced by Maddox.

Some time before "Warriors of the Deep."

Warriors of the Deep: 1,2,3,4: A group of Silurians and Sea Devils take control of Seabase 4, an underwater military base, intending to launch a number of missiles, starting a world war; the Silurians intend to reclaim the Earth when all human life is destroyed in the conflict. The 5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough help to prevent the launch.


The Seeds of Death: 1,2,3,4,5,6: T-Mat has completely replaced rocket travel and is controlled from the Moonbase. A group of Ice Warriors take over the Moonbase and send to Earth a number of oxygen-sapping seeds in preparation to colonize the Earth. The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe destroy the seeds and defeat the Ice Warriors. As a result of this event, rockets begin to come into use again.

Dating for this story is uncertain. It apparently takes place sometime in the 21st century, and the end of a period during which mankind has abandoned space travel. I theorize that this period happens as a result of the destruction of the Graviton in "The Moonbase," and place this story 20 years later.


London-based Galactic Salvage and Insurance goes bankrupt and is liquidated.

"Nightmare of Eden."


Paradise Towers: 1,2,3,4: The 7th Doctor and Mel visit the resedential complex of Paradise Towers. The Towers have been isolated from the outside world for years; conditions have deteriorated and the residents have broken down into several "tribes," always at odds with one another. The Doctor and Mel help to unite the different groups and to defeat Kroagnon, the architect of the Towers, who is attempting to kill off all the inhabitants.

Placement here is somewhat conjectural. The Doctor says that Paradise Towers won some awards "back in the 21st century," implying the story takes place after that. However, it cannot be to long after, judging by the age of the Kangs.


Professor Tryst's zoological expedition is on the planet Eden. The expedition includes Tryst's assistant Della, and Stott, with whom she is in love. Unknown to the others, Stott is in the Intelligence Section of the Space Corps, tracking drug-smugglers. Tryst, in reality the smuggler, shoots Stott, leaving him for dead. Stott survives, however, and is trapped in the section of Eden placed on Tryst's CET (Continuous Event Transmitter) crystal, where he will remain for at least the next 6 months.

Approximately 183 days before "Nightmare of Eden."

Nightmare of Eden: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, the 2nd Romana and K-9 Mark II help separate two starships merged together in a hyperspace accident. They discover that the accident was staged to allow a transfer of the highly addictive drug Vraxoin between Professor Tryst on the Empress and Dymond on the Hecate. Tryst had discovered a source of Vraxoin in the Mandrel of the planet Eden and was using the "accident" to transfer the creatures, stored on a recording crystal, unnoticed. The time-travellers expose the smugglers.

At the time of this story, Galactic Salvage and Insurance has been out of business for 20 years, since 2096.


The rocket ship Silver Carrier is reported overdue and will not be found for almost two and a half months.

Nine weeks before "The Wheel in Space."

Around this time, Milo Clancy loses the ID registration for his ship, the LIZ 79.

Thirty years prior to "The Space Pirates" (2150).

The Wheel in Space: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor and Jamie prevent a take-over of the Wheel in Space by a group of Cybermen. They are aided by the crew of the Wheel, one of whom, Zoe Herriot, decides to join the Doctor in his travels.

Date is conjecture. I am arbitrarily placing this story 30 years after the reintroduction of space travel at the end of "The Seeds of Death" (2090).

The Evil of the Daleks (repeat): 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor uses a thought projector to warn Zoe of the dangers she may encounter if she joins him by showing her his most recent encounter with the Daleks..

The War Games: 10: Zoe is returned to her native time by the Time Lords, with no memory of her travels with the Doctor.


Mankind colonizes the planet Delta Magna. The natives are forcibly relocated to the planet's third moon, and some Earth species are introduced into Delta Magna III's marshy environment, including a number of squid.

"The Power of Kroll." This is 200 years before the first manifestation of Kroll in 2328; as the length of time between Kroll's appearances, I am going back another 200 years for the introduction of the squids into Delta Magna III's ecosystem.


Caven and his space pirates begins raiding argonite mining ships and taking their cargo. Milo Clancy is one of the hardest hit.

Two years before "The Space Pirates" (2150).


The Space Pirates: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe, with the aid of space mining pioneer Milo Clancy, break up Caven's ring of space pirates, and rescue Clancy's old partner.

Date is conjecture. This story seems to take place around one of Earth's expansionistic phases, and Clancy's "pioneer" appearance and attitude hints that it is one of the earlier periods. As a result, I am placing this story in the middle of the 22st century,


The Meddling Monk visits a bank where he deposited 200 pounds in 1968 and collects a fortune in compound interest.

"The Time Meddler." Although the Monk's notes say this happens 200 years after 1968, that would be during the Daleks' occupation of Earth from 2164 to 2174, so I'm pushing it back to shortly before the Dalek invasion.

The Daleks bombard the Earth with meteorites infested with a plague which wipes out large portions of life. As a result, the Earth breaks up into much smaller communities which are unable to resist when a Dalek invasion force lands six months later.

"The Dalek Invasion of Earth." Date comes from the calendar found by Ian.


In an alternate timeline where the Daleks rule Earth, a group of rebels gain access to plans for the Daleks' time-machines and plan to use them to travel back and prevent the wars which allowed the Daleks to take over.

Shortly before "Day of the Daleks."

Day of the Daleks: 1,2,3,4: The 3rd Doctor and Jo visit an alternate timeline where the Daleks have taken total control of the Earth. This timeline is wiped out when a peace conference in 1973 is saved from an explosion.

The Doctor says that the technology he finds is 200 years ahead of 1973.


The Dalek Invasion of Earth: World's End; The Daleks; Day of Reckoning; The End of Tomorrow; The Waking Ally; Flashpoint: The 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara help rebel forces to defeat the Daleks' plan to remove the Earth's core to make the planet a movable base. Susan stays behind with David Campbell, a rebel she has fallen in love with.

Ten years after the Daleks' 2164 invasion.


On the planet Tara, a great plague wipes out nine-tenths of the world's population. Once the plague runs its course, it is decided to replace the dead with a number of androids.

200 years prior to "The Androids of Tara" (2378).


The Arrow-class exploration ship Hydrax is pulled through a CVE into E-Space, crashing on an unnamed world. This world is home to the Great Vampire, the last of a race of Vampire destroyed by the Time Lords thousands of years previously. The Great Vampire takes control of the Hydrax crew, who become rulers over the village of peasants the Vampire feeds off of.

Date is conjecture. The Hydrax is an exploration vessel, so I am placing these events during this century, one of Earth's earlier exploratory periods.


On the planet Vulcan, Deputy Governor Quinn secretly contacts Earth, asking for an Examiner to come the Vulcan and help deal with the rebels. Around the same time, a space capsule containing three Daleks in found buried in a swamp by colonists on the planet Vulcan.

Shortly before "The Power of the Daleks."

The Power of the Daleks: 1,2,3,4,5,6: On the Earth colony Vulcan, the 2nd Doctor, Polly and Ben discover a group of Daleks pretending to serve the colonists. Head of Security Bragen and a group of rebels are also "using" the Daleks against each other. The Doctor manages to overload the Daleks' power systems, but not before most of the colonists are killed.

Date is borrowed from the timeline in Jean-Marc Lofficier's Terrestrial Index.


On the planet Argolis, a warrior named Theron starts a war with the Foamasi, a race of reptiles living on a neighbouring planet. The war lasts for twenty minutes, during which Argolis is transformed into a radioactive wasteland by two thousand interplanetary missiles. As a result of the war, the Argolins age erratically and become sterile. They begin to experiment in tachyonics in an effort to perpetuate their race.

"The Leisure Hive."


On the planet Argolin, after Pangol's creation, a moratorium is called on the use of tachyonics.

20 years prior to "The Leisure Hive" (2290).


Vengeance on Varos: 1,2 ("long" episodes) or 1,2,3,4 ("short" episodes): In need of the mineral zeiton-7 to power the TARDIS, the 6th Doctor and Peri visit the planet Varos, one of the few worlds with zeiton-7 deposits. The planet is run by an archaic and oppresive system of government left over from the days when Varos was a prison colony; it is also being oppressed by the Galatron Mining Corporation, who are hiding zeiton-7's true value from the Varosians. The Doctor and Peri help rebel forces to reform the government, and free Varos from its corporate oppresor.

Peri says that her time (1985) is "nearly three centuries" before this story.


The Leisure Hive: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and the 2nd Romana visit the Leisure Hive on the planet Argolis. While there, they help the Foamasi ambassador capture renegades from his world attempting to sabotage the Hive and forcing the Argolins to sell-out to them. They also prevent Pangol, an Argolin artificially created by tachyonics, from replicating himself further and starting a new war with the Foamasi. Meanwhile, Earth scientist Hardin discovers how to use tachyonics to rejuvenate the Argolins.

40 years after the Argolin-Foamasi war of 2250.


December: Contact with the Spacehopper Mark III Freighter XV773 is lost when it is stolen by agents of Mestor.

A screen shown in "The Twin Dilemma" reads "Last Contact: 12-99." If "The Twin Dilemma" happens in 2300, the date given fits here.


August: The Twin Dilemma: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Jaconda, the Giant Gastropod Mestor, using the mathematical genuis of Earth twins Romulus and Remus Sylvest, attempt to move two other planets in Jaconda's solar system into orbit around Jaconda. This will cause the planets to plunge into Jaconda's sun, spreading his eggs across the universe. The newly-regenerated 6th Doctor and Peri are able to foil Mestor's plan and rescue the twins.

The setting for this story was presented in the original script as 2300. This would seem to be supported by the "12-99" given for the XV773's disappearance, eight months previously.

The 6th Doctor and Peri return Romulus and Remus Sylvest to their home on Earth.

Just after "The Twin Dilemma."


On the third moon of the planet Delta Magna, a giant squid appears before the native Swampies. They adopt this squid as their god, whom they name Kroll. This becomes known as the first Manifestation of Kroll.

"The Power of Kroll." Two centuries before Kroll's next appearance in 2528.


The Minyan ship R1C reaches the world the Minyans have dubbed Minyos II, and colonization begins.

370 years after "Underworld."


On the planet Thoros-Alpha, Linna is born. He will eventually become a spice trader and will join the rebel movement against the Mentors of Thoros-Beta.

Linna is twenty at the time of "The Trial of a Time Lord" (2379).


London becomes a part of Central City, which occupies the southern half of England.

400 years prior to "The Sensorites" (2764).


The Androids of Tara: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Tara, after recovering the fourth segment of the Key to Time (disguised as part of a statue), the 4th Doctor, K-9 Mark II and the 1st Romana help prevent the overthrow of Prince Reynard by the villainous Count Grendel of Gracht.

The Doctor implies that he and the others have travelled 400 years (probably forward) from the previous setting of 1978 in "The Stones of Blood."


The 6th Doctor and Peri discover that the warlords of Thordon have acquired an illicit supply of "CD phasers." Concerned by this, the Doctor decides to track down the source of the weapons.

Some time before "The Trial of a Time Lord."

July 3: The Trial of a Time Lord: 5,6,7,8: The 6th Doctor and Peri, attempting to trace certain weapons sales, travel to Thoros-Beta, planet of the Mentors. Scientist Crozier is attempting to transplant the expanding consciousness of Kiv, leader of the Mentors, into a new, more suitable host; Peri is chosen. Before the Doctor is able to rescue her, the Time Lords pull him out of time to stand trial. In order to prevent Crozier's research from being revealed, the Time Lords apparently also use King Yrcanos of Thoros-Alpha to kill all those involved in the experiment.

Contrary to appearances, Peri does survive the Time Lords' attack. King Yrcanos takes her as her bride and she becomes Queen of Thoros-Alpha.

Shortly after "The Trial of a Time Lord."


Unreal Transfer is discovered.

"The Leisure Hive."


A group of colonists led by Robert Ashe leave Earth and attempt to colonize the planet Uxarieus. Shortly after their arrival, a number of colonists are killed by the natives, called Primitives, before a deal is reached with the Primitives by providing food to them. Several colonists also go missing while investigating the Primitive City.

A year before "Colony in Space" (2472).


On Uxarieus, the Martins see an enormous lizard outside their habitat. In reality, it is only a projection produced by the Interplanetary Mining Corporation.

The night before "Colony in Space."

Colony in Space: 1,2,3,4,5,6: On the planet Uxarieus, the 3rd Doctor and Jo help a group of colonists fight off the Interplanetary Mining Corporation (IMC). They also prevent the Master from gaining control of a powerful Doomsday Weapon by causing it to self-destruct.


Earth discovers Solos, a planet rich in the mineral thaesium, and begins to colonize it. Around this time, Solos begins its 500 year "spring."

500 years before "The Mutants" (2973).


On the planet Manussa, Snakedancing is banned by the local government. This does not prevent the Snakedancers from continuing their craft, who simply relocate outside the cities.

"Nearly 100 years" before "Snakedance" (2583).


The Tomb of the Cybermen: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Telos, an archeological expedition from Earth discovers the lost tombs of the Cybermen. Some members of the expedition decide to revive the Cybermen, in hopes of forming an alliance to take over the Earth. The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Victoria help the rest of the group defeat the Cybermen, re-freezing them in their tombs.

Professor Parry says that the Cybermen have not been heard from for "500 years." The story must take place before "Attack of the Cybermen," as we see events on Telos which clearly take place after this adventure. That means it must also take place before 2526, the setting for "Earthshock," which leads to the events of "Attack of the Cybermen." 500 years after "The Wheel in Space" and "The Moonbase" are after 2526. Therefore, this story is being placed 500 years after "The Tenth Planet" (1986).


Trevor Sigma is present on Terra Alpha to conduct a census for Galactic Central.

Six months before "The Happiness Patrol."

The Happiness Patrol: 1,2,3: On the colony world of Terra Alpha, the oppresive government, led by Helen A, has outlawed sorrow; happiness is manditory. All those not deemed happy enough are dubbed "Killjoys" and executed. The 7th Doctor and Ace arrive and help topple the oppressive government.

Placement is conjecture. The Doctor describes this time as simply being "centuries in [Ace's] future."


Vicki, her father, Bennett, and a group of colonist leave Earth for the colony Astra. En route, Bennett kills a man and is arrested. The ship crashes on the planet Dido, where Bennett kills all the other colonists but Vicki, and most of the native people. Bennet tells Vicki the Didonians were responsible for the deaths, and takes on the identity of Koquillion to keep her in line.

"The Rescue."


The Rescue: The Powerful Enemy; Desperate Measures: On the planet Dido, the 1st Doctor, Barbara and Ian encounter two survivors of a spaceship crash, Vicki and Bennett, who are being terrorized by a figure called Koquillion. Bennett is revealed as Koquillion, and the murderer of the other crash survivors and most of the native population. Bennett is killed by the remaining Didonians. Vicki joins the TARDIS crew.

A year after the ship leaves Earth in 2493.

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