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Overseen by God's Servant - Don R.
This Home Page Is About 3 Pages Long. Check Links At Bottom Of It. The Site Is Under Construction, So Help Proof Read It. It's a Four Part Work, and for the sake of reading and printing, the approximate number of pages are given in each Part.


Part One: Surely everyone has heard of one or the other of the 12 Step Programs, and know that all 12 Step works use their version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous? Therefore Part One seeks to prepare a Spiritual Translation of those 12 Steps, with Spiritual Explanation. The Work is designed to include all 12 Step works and all addictions. The Work shows that the Spiritual Principles of the 12 Steps were taken out of the New Testament part of the Bible. The Work will also show that the 12 Steps can be reduced to a Triune Work, that one may call a Three Part or Three Step Work. And henceforth, it will be through the Unity of this Triune Work that the Spiritual Principles will Work best for the needs of 12 Step seekers.

The Powers that are, has Commissioned me to prepare this Work for the survivors of the 12 Step Works. Some 12 Step Works will continue, but like Judaism, they will become dead things without the Spirit of God in them. Remember, the Spirit left Judaism and went with the New Work, which was later labeled Christianity. But understand that this Triune Work is also replacing Christianity, and will be the Work in this in coming Final Age that we're entering into. And therein, this Triune Work will also replace religion and the carnal nature of governments.

Part Two of this Work contains My Story, which is my literal and Spiritual Autobiography. Some of My Story is inter woven in the explanation to the Steps, but most of it is in Part Two. I share My Story to show how the God of Heaven has Guided and taught me to this end from birth.

Part Three is a Personal Letters section and each of these Three Parts of this Work are incomplete at this time, but will be added to as God moves accordingly.

Part Four is what I call: "The Progressive Steps." It's brief, but is designed to show how the Steps are connected together, and it shows the simplicity of leaving the Steps open to cover all 12 Step Works. It's a must for most, with their many addictions. Such may check it out.

Three Sites: The first: While this present Site is God's Second Site, is God's First Site. It's a must for Truth seekers.

The Next Site: There is a writer, an AA historian, named: "Dick B." at Among other Books, he wrote the Book: "The Good Book and The Big Book." It shows that AA's Spiritual roots are from the New Testament part of the Bible. Truth seekers may check out his Site to confirm the Truths herein.

The Third Site: Is It's a 12 Step work specifically designed for people of all religions, to help them overcome any addiction. I share their name because their existence gives proof beyond doubt that religions are dead things without the Spirit of God in them. The Lord had me explain in the Letter to Dick B. that religions and their associated works are on the way out. However, until then, religious folks desiring to overcome addictions may check out OO's Site.

The Reader noticed that I didn't share Links to the above named Sites. That's because, for some reason this Site doesn't have automatic margins, and when jumping out of it to another Site, the other Site looses it's margins. Presently this whole Site is under a blockquote command. Should anyone have any knowledge on how to solve he problem, they may let me know.

1 Th.5:23

The Apostle said in 1 Th.5:23, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." This verse refers to the Triune Person and that truth dates back to creation. But since the Apostle Paul was Chosen to be an Apostle to all peoples, we'll just go back to him with this truth. But note, the word "soul" as it's used in the Bible, refers to the mind. Thus, there are three parts to people: The Physical, The Mental and The Spiritual; and at physical death, the mind goes with the spirit. Therefore, it's to one's Eternal gain to live in the Eternal Now, keeping their mind leaning towards the Spiritual. While this verse is explained in greater details in Part One, this present explanation lays the foundation for this Work.

Note, the above verse said: "...unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Understand that He is in the process of returning now in Spirit, Working through those like me who will let Him. This is the way He is returning, through Spirit, therefore let Him also return through you, for this is the way He returned to the Apostles after He had risen, (Acts 1:1-3). He said: "I Am The Truth." Therefore, His returning is a matter of Him revealing Spiritual Truths through those who will receive. Those looking for Him to return another way will miss Him. And for those who are not looking for Him to return in any way, may want to set their sights on another Site. Therefore, let them that desire Truth, continue by Clicking on the Links below.

Last Revision, May `2001

God's Servant - Don R.
Tabernacle of Wisdom
P.O. Box 1084
Bell, FL 32619-1084


Part One

Part Two

Personal: Letters

The Progressive Steps
