That must've been some sort of omen...the first time in almost half a year that I decide to work on this place, I get a damn error that wipes out my index page! AAAAARGH!

Although I think I've done rather well restoring it, given that the only thing currently gracing my neural pathways is "fire kill hot die burn hurt destroy" and other wonderful thoughts of the like.

As I mentioned in the first version of this page, before said error, I'm not going to worry about a new interface. Take this one or leave it. If you can't figure out how to navigate this site, USE THE LINKY THINGS AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY PAGE.

I plan to update my info and journal first, then maybe I'll poke around at the rest of it. Reminds me of poking at your plate with a chopstick, not quite sure if the congealed mass on it is still alive. "Did my mongolian beef just mewl at me?"

This is 6/30/01, for those inquiring minds who didn't care.

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