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The Rules of Destiny

House Rules

  1. Please refrain from OOC (out of character) on the main channels.

  2. Swearing is allowed to an extent but try not to do it too often. The only word that will not be tolerated is the "F" word and you know which word we mean.

  3. No character under the age of 16 is allowed in any of the rooms. If your character have a child or even children, they are not allowed in any of them rooms except the inn and even then a parent must be there with them.

  4. We don't allow items and weapons from "foreign" lands or those that do not exist. Sure, we'd all love to carry around a super-power, high-charged, neutronic reacting alien blast gun...but, it doesn't exist in Destiny.

  5. The host has the final say. If you feel like one has made a mistake, take it up with them after they are done hosting. Don't interrupt them in the middle of doing their job.

  6. Drugs of any illegal nature are not allowed in Destiny.

  7. You are only allowed to play 1 of your characters in any hosted event. To play more than 1 is considered cheating.

  8. Last, but not least, "Have fun"!

Here you will find the rules for the different rooms in the game of Destiny. Some of the rules may just be a reminder to the house rules. These rules must be followed at all times. Those who break the rules may be kicked or possibly banned from the game. Destiny is an RPG and for others to continue to enjoy it, order must be kept. The overall "fun" of the game is the fantasy of it, so with these rules we hope to keep this form of role-playing within guidelines to be followed by the hosts of the game.

#Destiny-Inn Rules
#Destiny- Summit Rules
#Destiny-Quest Rules
#Destiny-Temple Rules
#Destiny-OOC Rules


Death Duel Rules
Pregnancy Rules

Soak Rules

In addition to the main Destiny rules, we have included the various rules to go by in case you want to duel class your character, change their stats, ethic, profession or even their name. Also included are the rules if you are a profession able to create your own spells/prayers/songs.

Duel Classing A Character

  1. The character must be level 4 of higher and the character must be of a profession able to dual class.

  2. Characters go by the stat rolls under the profession of the skill they are using (Example: When using thief skills and you are a Fighter/Thief, the character would roll based on the thief hit %, not the fighter hit%).

  3. Any experience earned with a dual classed character will be divided evenly between the two class. In the case of an odd amount, anything extra once evened it placed on the primary or first profession.

  4. Soak rules for dual classing will go by the lowest of the two if using skills from that class (Example: Mage/Fighter still must have no more than 45% soak to cast spells. If they have over 45% then they are unable to cast).

Changes To A Character Sheet

To change something on your character sheet, you must send an update to and include the registered name of the character you want to change as well as the item to change.

  1. Ethic Change : 100 xp

  2. Stat Change : 100 xp per stat changed

  3. Profession : 1 complete level of xp (that means if you are changing at level 7, you will drop to one level to the beginning of level 6). Based on the profession, some changes may not be allowed. A thief could change to a ninja or an assassin but not to a gladiator, paladin or renegade. A gladiator could change to a fighter but not to an illusionist or a shadow witch. These are just some examples.

  4. Name : 20 xp (to change it as it appears on the town hall registry)

  5. Height/Eye Color/Hair Color/Weight : No charge.

Creation Of Personal Spells/Prayers/Songs

  1. Every even level, a character that is able to use spells, prayers or song are able to make one original spell/prayer/song. The levels a character is able to do this will be 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc. All submissions for these spells/prayers/song can be sent to and please include the level of the submission as well as the name of the character trying to get it approved.

Magical Items

  1. We all know that each character will have a magical item or two. If you have any that add to your percent to hit or your percent to evade, keep in mind you may only use two (2) that add to your hit percent and only two (2) that will add to your evade percent. If you are caught using (meaning they have been added into your percents) more than the number allowed, you will lose all + bonuses to your hit and evade regardless of how you got them.

  2. There is no limit at this time for any other magical item you may have listed on your sheet but if you are still confused or have questions, please feel free to ask a host.

Next is a list of some hosted games, with their rules, played around Destiny.
