How Christians Stole Easter

Again like Christmas, Easter was originally a pagan holiday celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. The origin of the name Easter is unknown, it is an ancient celebration that goes back until the mists of time,however, scholars suspect that it comes from the goddess Eostre, the Teutonic goddess of fertility and spring. Many of the old traditions of Eostre survive today in the use of rabbits as symbolic for fertility and in the coloring of easter eggs, which was once symbolic of the sun-light of spring and used in Easter egg rolling contests or given as gifts.

In the gospel fable there are two different dates for the crucifixion, one on the 14th and one on the 15th of the month of Nisan. Although this contradiction is inexplainable in the context of the belief of Jesus Christ as an historical figure, it fits perfectly when put into its original context; astrology.

Christian historian Anatolius explained:"On this day [March 22] the sun is found not only to have reached the first sign of the Zodiac, but to be already passing through the fourth day within it. This sign is generally known as the first of the twelve, the equinoctial sign, the beginning of months, head of the cycle, and start of the planetary course. . . . Aristobolus adds that it is necessary at the Passover Festival that not only the sun but the moon as well should be passing through an equinoctial sign. There are two of these signs, one in spring, one in autumn, diametrically opposed to each other . . ."