Rules and Regulations
The rules for this drabble contest are:

1) Only two submissions will be accepted per person.

2) The stories must include B'Elanna Torres in some way.

3) No NC-17 drabbles will be allowed. That means no pure smut. I will accept G, PG, PG-13, and R.

4) Drabbles cannot be explicit. Stories that are solely about sex (hence the NC-17 rating) will not be entered into the contest. If you choose include violence, rape, etc. in your drabble, and it is tastefully done, I will consider accepting it. I am the judge here, so if you don't see it posted, it's too risky.

5) Drabbles must be newly created for this contest.

Other than that, you are free to make a story about whatever your imagination comes up with. And yes, slash is welcomed. Drabbles will be accepted from May 6 to June 7. Voting will begin sometime shortly after that. Have fun writing!

All submissions have been posted. Come
vote for your favorite drabble!

Read and Vote