Star Trek Book Reviews

Here are my brief reviews on the Star Trek books that I have read (listed alphabetically). At the end of each, there is a recommendation rating. Five stars is the best, and zero stars is the worst.

~Avatar (Books One and Two) By S.D. Perry

Although I'm not a huge Deep Space Nine fan, I really loved this set! It's full of action, suspense, romance, and everything else for the Star Trek enthusiast. Recommendation: * * * * *

~Battle Lines By Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur

Very action filled and has many plot twists. An exciting read. Recommendation: * * * *

~Bless the Beasts By Karen Haber

This story is a little strange because it takes place on a planet that has a society that is quite different from our own, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Recommendation: * * * *

~Death of a Neutron Star By Eric Kotani

Quite suspenseful. There were several plot twists and complications that made this story great. Also, the author knew what he was talking about, and that was very important because it dealt primarily with the science of stars. The only problem I had with it was that the crew kept refering to the shields as "screens", and it got a little annoying. Recommendation: * * * * 1/2.

~Echoes By Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman

Echoes has one of the most interesting story lines I have ever come across. A bit tragic and very well written. Recommendation: * * * * *

~Fireship (From the Captain's Table series, Book Four of Six) By Diane Carey

Written in first person, Fireship give you an unique look into Janeway's mind. You feel her frustration, her sorrow, and her triumph. I couldn't put this one down. Recommendation: * * * * *

~Life Signs: The Biology of Star Trek By Susan Jenkins, M.D., and Robert Jenkins, M.D., Ph.D.

This book contains interesting facts and theories about the biologic aspects of Star Trek. I especially liked the part where they point out some of the shows' bloopers like why Klingons went from smooth to rough foreheads and why everything that is inexplicable is blamed on viruses or beings that could never actually exist. Recommendation: * * * 1/2

~Marooned By Christie Golden

Strange, a bit cruel, and packed with adventure. If you're into that stuff, then that's fine, but I didn't really like this one too much. Maybe because I thought it was a bit...juvenile. Recommendation: * *

~Mosaic By Jeri Taylor

Like all of Jeri Taylor's works, this is well written. I enjoyed reading it, especially because it gave an insight to Kathryn Janeway that wasn't revealed until this book came out. Recommendation: * * * * *

~Pathways By Jeri Taylor

This book is one of my favorites. If you want to know more about the backgrounds on the characters of Voyager, this book is for you. If, because of some sick sense of humor, you like to see Voyager's crew suffer in a prison camp, this book is for you. Recommendation: * * * * *

~Section 31: Abyss By David Weddle and Jeffrey Lang

I can't say enough good things about this book. The plot was exceptional, the characters were very real (especially Locken who reminded me of Hannible Lecter), and it was fascinating. I find it interesting that I never liked DS9 a whole lot, but the books blow me away. Recommendation: * * * * * * (okay, so there isn't supposed to be six, but it deserves it!)

~Section 31: Shadow By Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Shadow contains exceptional imagery, mystery, and suspense. I absolutely loved reading this one! Recommendation: * * * * *

~Star Trek Strange New Worlds IV By various Star Trek fans, Edited by Dean Wesley Smith with John J. Ordover and Paula M. Block

A variety of different kinds of stories from "some of star Trek's most talented fans". Many of the stories are done in perspectives I would have never thought of. Recommendation: * * * *

~The Metaphysics of Star Trek By Richard Hanley

Not a story, but extremely thought provoking. This book goes into detail about certain aspects of Star Trek and whether they are possible or not...such as "Is Data a person?" and a discussion about transporters. There are only a few parts in it about Voyager, but I loved it. If you're interested things like these, I highly suggest you read this book. Recommendation: * * * * *

~The Murdered Sun By Christie Golden

I don't really like Christie Golden's books too much, but this one was actually enjoyable. (I couldn't even finish Seven of Nine, if that gives you any idea about my opinion on her writing...) This story's style is a little more sophisticated than her others, and it doesn't sound like some kid wrote it. It was easy reading for me, but it sparked my interest. Recommendation: * * * * 1/2

~Violations By Susan Wright

This one wasn't very good. There were many mistakes (such as the doctor being called Doc Zimmerman), and it's really dull as far as action goes. Funny, I think it's *supposed* to be an action story...atleast, that's how I saw it. Plus, to me it sounded like a combination of a few Voyager episodes (Concerning Flight, Resistance, and Prime Factors). Recommendation: *