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ENIGMA by: Gloriosus

DISCLAIMER: Apologies to the people of Renaissance Pictures and Studios USA whose world and characters I borrowed for this story. This was done up for amusement only, no copyright infringement was intended.

RATING: PG (for violence)


(Trumpet Fanfare)

A Gloriosus Production
A Renaissance Picture

FADE IN, CLOSE-UP of a dead man, a small blackened burn scar is in evidence just under his ear, along the jawline, two or more black burn marks adorn his tunic. The body is nudged by a boot-toe.

"Dammit, he was my best tech," said the black-clad leader.

CAMERA PANS up the muscular frame to reveal a handsome, full-lipped face with a neatly trimmed goatee.

He looked up from the body to his companions. "Now, does anyone have any idea who he might be with."

Around him, his gray-clad goons shake their heads, and "No, Valdis," is heard.

"Zorya?" asked Valdis of his petite lieutenant.

She shook her head. "He seemed interested in that module we picked up a couple of weeks ago."

"Hmmm ? what is it?"

"That's just it, we don't know," Zorya answered, running her fingers through her close-cropped hair. "I think he may've had some idea ?."

"And we just killed him," her leader finished for her. "Well, let's pack up and move out, then I suggest we find out just what is we have here. Communication scans on everyone, understand?" Zorya nodded as her chief continued to spell it out for the rest of his men. "See if there are anymore outside agents in our ranks. The last thing we need is someone taking this thing away from us before we can find out how much it's worth."

"Yes, Valdis." The Blackwatch members dispersed to pack up the equipment while Valdis and his lieutenant continued to stare at the body.

Valdis chewed his lip for a moment. "Is there any word on Manon?"

The petite lieutenant shrugged. "It's slow going, but we've narrowed down the sector where she's at, we're just trying to find the level without tipping them off. Shard's handling it, so it's just a matter of time before we have her back."

CUT TO The Laboratory, with the dusky team leader, Hel, standing apart from her compatriots as the young Cleopatra walks in.

"What is it?" Cleo asked quietly.

"Hel is getting an assignment briefing," answered Mauser, noting Hel's lips tightening in disapproval.

"So let me get this straight, you want us to go into a Blackwatch lair, and retrieve this device?" Hel asked, bringing the rest of her team into the picture.

"Yes, Hel," Voice responded, "but this is purely a voluntary mission, I will understand if you wish to refuse it."

"Give us a moment," Hel said, and turned to her companions.

"A Blackwatch lair? She's not asking for much, is she?" commented Sarge sarcastically.

"I know," said Hel, "but apparently they have managed to get their hands on what we think is an intact Bailey Encryption Module."

Mauser nodded, impressed, then seeing Cleo's incomprehension he explained. "With this module we'll be able to intercept and decode Bailey transmissions to each other, and maybe to their Betrayer robots."

"Unfortunately," Hel continued, "the Blackwatch uncovered the deep cover agent Voice had managed to insert into their ranks."

"Great, do we have any idea which lair they're at? Or even which chapter?" Sarge asked, growing more and more disgusted with what was being required.

"Voice?" Hel asked.

"Not precisely, Hel, it could be one of any number of locations that we're aware of, or even one that we're not."

"Voice isn't sure," Hel relayed beginning to share in her Lieutenant's pessimism.

"Then how do we even know about this device?" Cleo asked.

"A member of their group, Manon, was captured by one of our teams, and under interrogation clued us into the object's existence. This was confirmed by our man inside who was killed making his final transmission."

Sarge frowned, "I don't like this, too many variables. The only thing we're certain of is the existence of this module and that the Blackwatch has it."

"So," Hel finally asked, "think we can do it?"

Sarge looked up at her team leader. "The Blackwatch is notoriously paranoid, they've been tipped off as to someone's interest, and I'm known to them as a deserter, so chances are I won't be able to get back into their good graces. I'd say this mission's impossible."

Cleopatra's eyebrows quirk up, her eyes shining as she begins to grin.

(cue Mission: Impossible "Lighting the Fuse" riff)



Cleopatra 2525 Title Sequence:

500 years into the future,
she will enter a world where machines rule the Earth.
Mankind has been driven underground,
and Cleopatra is about to discover:
There is no place like home.

Gina Torres - Hel
Victoria Pratt - Sarge
Jennifer Sky - Cleopatra
Patrick Kake - Mauser



FADE IN on CLOSE UP of Hel and Mauser speaking as subtitles roll.

Charles "Gloriosus"Gilliland

Guest Starring:
Angela Dotchin - Manon
Tamara Gorski - Zorya
Michael Hurst - Shard
Kevin Smith - Valdis

"We can electronically map Cleo's face here, but I'll need a map of Manon's as well as extensive Vid-recordings." Mauser was telling Hel.

"Voice ?"

"I'll transmit them with the rest of the information. But I still think your plan is extremely risky."

Hel smiled, looking her young companion who was being briefed by Sarge, "But it's just crazy enough to work."

CUT TO Cleo and Sarge, as the athletic lieutenant was explaining the basic layouts of the back tunnels to Cleo, so she could better make sense out of the information that was fed into her mind.

"They all follow that pattern, but some levels have their own variations, so keep your eyes open." Sarge squeezed Cleo's shoulder as she looked into the ex-stripper's eyes, "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked worriedly, "once you're in there, we won't be able to cover you until you get out."

Cleo gave her blond comrade an encouraging smile and gripped her hand, "Hey, no problem. Looks like those classes I took are finally going to pay off, after all."

Sarge returned Cleopatra's smile. "And Hel thinks I'm insane."

Cleo gave a short laugh as a holographic image of Manon's face popped up. Turning to the image, the pair of them began studying the playback.


"Okay, Hel, I'll set things up at this end for you, but I hope your plan works."

"So do I, Voice, so do I."

CUT TO Shot of Corridor, pristine white, with six guards in their White uniforms with red and black trim, carrying heavy weapons.

One of the Guards goes up to the wallpanel, where a light flashes on his eyes as the panel takes a retina scan. "Newkirk, for prison transfer of Manon from cell-block C-640 to cell-block R-168."

The guard enters and comes out with a shackled Manon, who was then surrounded by the Guards who activate their containment shields. She glances up at them as the party made its way down the corridor, two of the guards walked in advance of the party to make sure the path was clear.

CUT TO View from empty side corridor, as the rear-guard just finished passing, the walls of the side corridor waver revealing a group of armed men who had just dropped their holographic cloaks. They wore pale gray fatigues with slate gray tailcoats and matte-black accoutrements, and were mostly equipped with blaster guns, a few had the weapons gauntlets.

With a quick gesture from the leader, the dozen Blackwatch minions charged into the main corridor with the quietness of well-disciplined commandos. Their short leader whipped out a blade from his vambrace, plunging it into one of the guard's neck. As the rest of the guards began to turn around the raiding party let loose with a fusillade of withering fire, causing Manon to drop to the floor with a barely contained shriek. The other three guards were immediately dropped as the advanced two came back at the sounds of the laser fire. They were ultimately too late to reclaim their prisoner and were dropped in their turn, but not before an alarm was sounded.

"C'mon," Shard said, pulling the shackled Manon to her feet.

"What took you guys so long?"

"Had to get a little insurance for our getaway," explained Shard to Manon, as he undid the shackles on her wrists. "Let's get out of here before help arrives!" The raiding party reactivated their cloaks and disappeared down the side corridor with Manon in tow.

CUT TO Mauser in the Lab.

(cue Mission: Impossible "The Plot" theme)

"We have a solid trace on her, their vector indicates Sector Seven, Shaft Three. I'm feeding the telemetry to you, now."

VOICE OVER (Hel) "Sector Seven, Shaft Three, we're on our way."

CUT BACK to the Prison corridor. The guards who were shot, suddenly spring back to life and examine their knifed companion as muffled explosions are heard. One whispers into his collar.

CUT TO Hel and Sarge running through a dingy maintenance corridor.

"I read you, Voice," Hel said as the pair continued running. "Sarge, one of the guards was knifed."

Sarge turned towards her dusky companion, "Probably a ceramic blade, which means Shard is still around."

The two ladies reach a sub-shaft and jump down, plummeting five levels before they snapped off a shot with their web-lines to bring them onto Maintenance Level 37. Hel activated her gauntlet's holo-display which was tracking the Blackwatch raiding party. "Okay, they are three levels down, eight corridors over. Let's move."

CAMERA FOLLOWS the women as they race down the ramp, through the hallway and around the corner disappearing from view.

VOICE OVER (Sarge) "I don't remember this being here."

CUT TO Hel and Sarge looking at a concrete wall. Sarge gives the wall some experimental taps as Hel turns around.

"Voice," Hel demanded, "Why doesn't this wall appear on our schematics?"

"It's apparently a local job, Hel. I suggest you make a note of it for our records and go around."

"Easier said than done," sighed Hel.

"Backtrack?" Sarge asked.

"No choice," Hel said, still eyeing the wall. "Damn, this just keeps getting better and better."

CUT TO Shard handing Manon a pair of web-shooters, while his men keep watch for pursuers.

"Here you go," Shard said. Manon looked at the gauntlets. "I know they aren't yours, but this is the best we could do on short notice. Ready to go?"

Manon gave herself a shudder and tightened the clasps on her gauntlets. "All set."

CUT TO The party heading down a corridor, racing for the shaft entrance, and like lemmings plummet off the landing.

CUT TO Sarge and Hel still backtracking and checking the telemetry.

"Sarge! They're going down," Hel said, and Sarge took a look at the display, grabbing a hold on the team-leader's arm. The athletic lieutenant's eyes followed the plunging cursor, noting what level they were getting off on.

"Mauser, what Base Tube trains are scheduled leave soon?" Sarge asked their tech-support.

"Wait one," came the reply, "there is a white train going to Gallery D in twelve minutes, and a green train to Gallery B leaving in 30," Sarge's eyes narrowed.

"What is it?"

"Cathedral" Sarge murmured, and started back to sub-shaft 6, with a bewildered Hel following.

"Cathedral? Sarge, what are ?"

"They're leaving this Gallery. See if you can get voice to vouch us some passes on the 'El' to Gallery D."

"Voice ?"

"I heard, Hel, I'm making the transfer to your voucher now."

CUT TO The Blackwatch entering the Bunker-like Base Station, Shard looked around and made his way to one of a row of cashiers in the crowded station.

The Base station was illuminated by flourescents and neon as blocky columns support the flat ceiling. Lying beyond the columns were the train cradles, arranged at right angles to each other, one set suspended over the other. Security guards, some of whom wore Blackwatch uniforms, patrolled the station.

Waiting in line, Shard finally saw a cashier's window flash indicating she was available. "Hi, thirteen for Gallery D," he said handing over a plastic card that the cashier swiped and examined it's contents on her Holo-Display. Satisfied, she handed his card back along with thirteen passes.

"On Lower Tube 2. Please remember to remove your weapon's power-cells prior to boarding the train."

Shard smiled, taking the passes. "Thanks, we will." He turned to rejoin Manon and his crew, distributing the tickets as they hurriedly made their way to the indicated tube.

CUT TO Sarge and Hel arriving at Shaft 6.

The two women fired their web-lines and began their ascent arriving at a bustling terminal, with a giant holo-display listing Arrivals and Departures hovering over the Magnetic Levitation Tubes, and embarkation platforms. The station was less crowded than the Base station, and the indirect lighting threw the molding of the arcing concrete walls and ceilings into high relief. From the elevated platforms columns seemingly poured like some milky liquid, tapering down to a slender base to support the platforms from the space between the suspension tubes. Sarge and Hel worked their way over to an 'El' cashier. "Two for Gallery D," Hel said, handing over her voucher chit. The cashier slid the chit into her reader and scanned the information. Nodding, she handed the Voucher back along with the two passes, and indicated the upper tube for Shaft D, with a waiting train hovering suspended in its boarding cradle.

CAMERA PANS following the two woman up.

CUT TO Hel and Sarge embarking onto the cylindrical train that sat suspended in its berth. The two move forward to some vacant seats as they removed their blasters from their gauntlets.

"Hard to believe that humanity could build something like this," Sarge remarked wistfully, gazing out the window. "I remember when I first made it to the Underground, I used to come into this station just to watch the trains come and go."

"Uh-huh," Hel remarked flatly, drawing Sarge's sharp stare. "Would you care to tell me what 'Cathedral' is?"

Sarge shrugged, "It used to be a giant depot, with over a dozen entrances and exits making for easy distribution of supplies. Several years ago we ?" Sarge stopped and corrected herself, "THEY had driven the Cubs out, and the Blackwatch used it as a swing space when they moved from one lair to the next. Or else it acted as a staging area if multiple chapters planned to hit a secured level."

"And you think they're there?"

"It would make sense as a rendezvous point," the lieutenant remarked, "especially if they were looking for Manon before our agent was discovered. It's a space that all Blackwatch members generally know about."

The last of the passengers boarded the train before the ramps drew up and the train doors shut and sealed themselves. The air whispered as the train pressurized, and then smoothly began to slide forward, gently propelled by the tube's electro-magnets.

Blue clad conductors begin to roam the aisle asking to see the passenger's passes. Hel and Sarge handed theirs over when he came by, and the passes were slipped into the base of the conductor's baton confirming that these two belonged on this train. The conductor then handed them back and made his way down the aisle. When he came to the lone, female passenger in the back of the car, Manon handed him her pass.




FADE IN Interior of a large warehouse style facility, complete with gangways, suspended lights, and empty shelves. The remaining boxes are arranged to act as pseudo-partitions in the cavernous space. The Blackwatch chapter finished entering the space, dropping off the hauled equipment they had brought with them from their recently abandoned lair.

ZOOM IN on one member who deposits a large metallic ovoid onto a hastily set up table.

CUT TO Valdis and Zorya.

"What word on our raid," Valdis asked.

"They successfully raided the facility, liberating Manon," the petite lieutenant reported, "and are taking the Tube back to this gallery."

"Excellent, and our men in the station are instructed to keep their eyes open for them, and provide whatever assistance they need?"

"Yes, Valdis," Zorya said, turning away to address her microphone.

Valdis studied the module for a moment. "Bring a torch. Let's crack this baby," he barked at his minions. He then leaned forward to examine the casing more closely.

ZOOM IN on Valdis' reflection on the brushed metal Ovoid surface. Etched lines forming various sized squares, rectangles, rhomboids and quadrilaterals criss-cross the module's surface. In the background Zorya asked for survey status of their search for a new base of operations while her muscular boss quietly asked the mysterious module, "What are you?"

CUT TO Tube Station, Gallery D, as the train slides into its embarkation cradle. The platform ramps lower as the doors align themselves, and with a slight gush of pressurized air the doors open to disgorge streams of passengers, among them is the Blackwatch party with Shard and Manon.

CUT TO "El" Station as Manon disembarks from the train and heads towards the camera. CAMERA ZOOMS past her shoulder to focus on the figures of Sarge and Hel stepping down a ramp and turning away from the retreating form of Manon. CAMERA FOLLOWS as they make their way clear of the terminal.

"Okay, Sarge, where do we go from here?"

"We've a number of options," replied the athletic lieutenant pulling up a holographic map of Gallery D that was provided by Mauser. "I think our best bet is to go up two levels and then over to Shaft 17."

"Are you crazy?" asked the dusky team-leader. "That's going way out of our way."

"Yeah, and chances are it won't be covered by Blackwatch so it'll be faster. This way." Sarge said pointing as they turned the corner to approach a shaft. Firing their spinnerets, the two women ascended off the landing.

CUT TO interior of the cavernous Cathedral. Light plays against the walls from the arc-welders being fruitlessly applied to the module casing.

CAMERA PANS to reveal Valdis standing back from the laboring welders, watching their progress.


A welder looked up, dowsed his torch and shook his head.

VOICE OVER (Shard) "Hey, Boss, lookee what we got."

Valdis turned around to see Shard walking in with his team and Manon in tow. "Shard, I knew I could count on you. Welcome back, Manon," Valdis said, gesturing to one of his men to examine the young woman.

Manon gave a shaky smile, "Good to be back ? Boss." She gave a slight twitch as the henchman ran a scanner over her. After the scan the henchman looked at Valdis and shook his head indicating the lack of a transmitter on the Manon while Shard looked on in bemusement.

"Yeah," agreed the Blackwatch leader with a smirk. "We got something here that should be right up your alley."

"What?" Manon asked.

"Consider this a test," Valdis explained, "we've been infiltrated once, I'm not in a hurry to have it happen again. Prove that you are our tech." He then gestured towards the smudged module. "Open it."

"Ummm ? right." Manon said hesitantly, and with a wary eye on Valdis, she moved towards the unit as the Blackwatch leader drew his blaster when she passed.

CUT TO Hel and Sarge running down a darkened corridor. Drops echo down the empty hallway as condensation dripped from the overhead pipes.

"Hel," Voice said. "We've got a problem."

CUT TO Sarge glancing over when she noticed her team-leader slowing down, intent on understanding what was being conveyed to her.

"What?!" Hel exclaimed, stopping.

"What is it?" Sarge asked as Voice continued.

"During the jail-break, the Blackwatch set off some explosives which freed the other inmates. We managed to account for them all, but one."

"Damn," cursed Hel, and at Sarge's silent query, she explained, "Manon's escaped."

CUT TO Manon sitting before the module, spinning it around and noting the patterns while Valdis waited impatiently behind her with his drawn blaster. Shard and Zorya silently looked on, for despite themselves they were curious about the process Manon would use to open this package that had thus far balked their efforts.

After a few tense moments, Manon smiled, and placed her hands at the extreme ends of the ovoid, slinding her fingers over the etched figures until she felt some give under her fingertips.

"Thank you, Mr. Rubik," she said under her breath as she began to manipulate the casing.

CUT TO CLOSE-UP of her hands and the mechanism. The etched quadrilaterals under her fingers depressed and Manon then twisted her wrists, managing to slide the rings in opposite directions until they stopped. With quiet clicks, the surface re-aligned itself, with the squares, rectangles and quadrilaterals sliding into a new patterns before the casing blossomed, and the module extended the connectors and revealed the mysterious device that was hidden within the impenetrable shell.

"Impressive," remarked Valdis, shoving the blaster back into its holster. "How did you manage it?"

"It's a puzzle-box," Manon explained, "you just have to find the right place to press and it'll open up as nice as you please."

Zorya smiled and remarked to her leader, "Well, Manon always did love her puzzles."

Valdis laughed and squeezed Manon's shoulder. "Good to have you back." He then turned to Zorya, "Any word on a new base."

Zorya nodded, and her comment "We should be on the move inside of an hour," is heard in the background, when Shard leaned forward, "I never doubted who you were for a second."

"Thanks," Manon said, smiling in her relief, until her eyes settle on something beyond Shard's shoulders, and her smile fades.

i>CUT TO Manon's POV: Escorted by Blackwatch guards is Manon.

CUT TO Sarge and Hel running down the abandoned corridor to a large shaft.

"Is this it?" Hel asked as they approached the landing. At Sarge's affirmation, the team-mates leapt off the ledge.

CUT TO the two Manons staring at the other while the minions of the Blackwatch looked on in puzzlement. The camera begins circling the girls and the Blackwatch leaders as the argument ensued.

An irritated Valdis turned on Shard, "You did grab the right one, correct?"

"Yes, Valdis, I'm sure of it. You scanned her yourself, and she did manage to crack that thing," Shard pointed out, looking at the bickering lookalikes. "And I swear to you, the one I grabbed was where and when my sources told she'd be."

"Oh right!" Manon yelled at her counterpart. "You just happened to escape when I was rescued? A bit of a coincidence, don't you think."

"And I suppose when you were rescued, the team just waltzed right in and snatched you, no problem."

"Hey! It's not my fault Shard knows how to plan a raid."

"Actually," Shard attempted to intervene, "I do recall thinking that mission went off particularly well."

"Are you saying that you might not have rescued our tech?" Valdis growled.

"C'mon," pleaded Manon, "certainly you can see that she's a plant."

"I'm not the plant." Manon protested and pointed an accusing finger, "She is."

Zorya ran the scanner on both the Manons and declared, "There's nothing, neither has a holo-projector or a vocalizer."

"You mean one might be a Betrayer?" Valdis asked, drawing his blaster again. Even Shard looked shaken at that possibility.

"That's right," said Manon, "she must be a Betrayer."

"Yeah, right," said the other Manon sarcastically, "and what are the chances of the original person escaping from a Betrayer factory?" Valdis's eyes darted between the two of them, clearly unhappy with this dilemma.

CUT TO Hel and Sarge alighting on a landing, hearing the argument echoing down the hallway, they start running towards the commotion.

VOICE OVER (Valdis) "Enough!"

VOICE OVER (Manon) "Hey did I, or did I not, manage to open that thing?"

CUT TO the feuding Manons

(Cue Mission: Impossible "The Plot" riff)

"A bit too easily if you ask me." Valdis snarled.

"So you admit she's a fake," the other Manon seized on his statement.

"I'm not stating anything of the sort ?"

"But it has to be obvious ?" Manon stated.

"Hey," the other Manon interrupted, "you were the one who came in late, I had to prove my ?"

"Enough!" cried Valdis, attempting to make himself heard over the bickering of the women.

"But, Valdis" they both cried, and then looked at each other, "I'm the real?"

"ENOUGH!" Valdis yelled, drawing a bead with his blaster. "No one plays me for a fool," and he fired.

CUT TO Sarge and Hel arriving at their final destination. CUT TO CLOSE UP of their faces as their eyes widened in horror. CUT TO their POV of the two Manons as one falls dead after being blasted.

(Cue Mission: Impossible Theme)

"NO!" Hel and Sarge shouted in unison. Startled, Manon looked up from her dead counterpart and spotted the pair, with a quick glance at Valdis she snatched up the module by a connector and clasped it to her chest as she started running towards the duo. The Blackwatch fired at her retreating form while Hel and Sarge shielded up and provided cover fire for the fleeing girl to give her a head start while carrying the device.

"C'mon, Sarge! We can't get to her!" Hel exclaimed as her lieutenant shot her a venomous look. Under the heavy fire of the Blackwatch, Sarge and Hel reluctantly retreated after Manon.

"GET THEM!" Valdis commanded.

The Blackwatch pursued, firing, while Manon was already ascending with Hel and Sarge shooting their web-lines to follow her. Sarge paused to fire a couple more blasts before she began her own ascent after her team-mate.

Multiple "Thwaps" are heard from the Blackwatch's own lines being cast. The black clad members began their pursuit, opening fire up at the retreating trio. Sarge and Hel fired back down as the Blackwatch lasers continue to coruscate off their shields.

"We can't take much more of this!" Hel said.

"I'm on it!"

"Wait, what're you ? SARGE!" shouted Hel, as her comrade disengaged her web. Sarge fell backwards arcing into a dive and firing at the Blackwatch goons, dropping a couple, while she plummeted past them. She then righted herself, firing the web-spinner to resume her ascent, and took out the last of the pursuers as his comrade is felled by Hel's fire. The bodies tumbled down the shaft to either side of Sarge's ascending form.

CUT TO Cathedral entrance to the shaft, as two figures watch the dark forms of their comrades fall past them. The shorter one leans out to observe the chase.

"Damn, damn, damn," muttered Valdis, surveying the damage.

"That was Sarge," remarked Shard, still leaning out to observe the flight of the heroines. "I'd swear to it. Hmmm ? She's improved," he remarked with professional admiration.

"This means it was that disembodied Voice who wanted the module. " Valdis chewed is lip in frustration. "Well, at least we got her agent back there. Put the word out to all the chapters, Manon's a traitor, shoot on sight."

CUT TO our heroines on the upper landing.

"Hel, did you get the module?" Voice asks.

"Yeah," Hel said resignedly, "we got it."

A visibly upset Sarge nodded towards Manon. "What're we going to do with her?" she asked Hel.

"I don't know," Hel said, eyeing the startled Manon who laid down the module, reached for the back of her neck (cue Mission: Accomplished theme) and peeled the off the mask revealing a grinning Cleopatra.

Hel and Sarge gape, and Sarge caught and wrapped the laughing Cleo in a bear hug while Hel let loose a laugh of relief. "Uh ? Sarge, can't breathe ?" Cleo managed to gasp. Sarge laughed and released Cleo.

"How the heck did you convince them the other was an imposter?" Hel asked with a big grin, hugging Cleo herself.

"Talent, pure, unadulterated talent." Cleo remarked with a cocky smirk, the trio laughed and began making their way back to the lab, knowing that this time they had gotten lucky. Sarge was carrying the module, Cleo still had her mask, and Hel checked their rear to make sure they weren't followed.