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The Voyager Olympics The Voyager Olympics
By Cassie
Rating- PG13
Disclaimer- The usual disclaimer applies. I think you know what it is.
Feedback is always welcome. Do not reproduce story with out my concent

On her way to the bridge, Neelix approached Kathryn Janeway. Morale had been down recently and she was certain this is what he wanted to talk about. 'He probably wants another talent night.' She thought.

"Captain, Captain. Do you have a moment? I need to talk to you." Asked the Talaxian.

"Actually Neelix, I need to get to the bridge." Replied the Captain. She did need to get to the bridge, but actually did have time to listen to him. 'What he doesn't know won't hurt him.' She mused.

"I realise that, but this is important. Crew morale has dropped a lot. I've been thinking we should plan something to try to boost it. I've been going over the database trying to come up with something new and different for the crew and I believe I found something. Thanks to Mr Paris' 20th century database which has better information than the ships one. I believe we should have our own little Olympics." Said Neelix. He was happy.

"A what?" The captain said. She had a vague idea what an Olympics was and she didn't like that idea.

"I said an Olympics. It will be fun. We could get the computer to randomly pick the crew to see which teams they would be on or we could go by the colours of the uniforms they wear. One team 'Red' another team 'Green' and the last team 'Yellow'. And everyone will have to participate in at least one event. Pretty cool huh?" said Neelix. He was to busy babbling on about how the teams might be sorted out he didn't notice the blank stare on the Captains face.

"Hold on Neelix. What exactly to do you have planned for this Olympics? As far as I know it's about people competing in sport events. How would this help morale?" Asked Captain Janeway.

"Its all here on this padd Captain. You better hurry or you will be late for bridge duty." Said Neelix. Realising the time she grabbed the padd off him and headed for the nearest turbo-lift.

"Bridge." She called. While on the way to the bridge the turbo-lift stopped at deck 2 and picked up Chakotay. Being absorbed in the padd containing the plans for the Olympics she didn't notice him.

"Computer, halt turbo-lift." Said Chakotay. It wasn't like Kathryn not to notice him He was interested in what she was reading. "Kathryn, hello. Anyone home?" Asked Chakotay. He was waving a hand in front of her face.

"Oh hello Chakotay. Why did you stop the turbo-lift?" Asked Kathryn.

"No reason. Just wondering why you didn't say hello and what's on the padd?" Replied Chakotay.

"Well I didn't notice you and this has Neelix's new idea to boost morale." Kathryn said.

"Fun. As long as I'm not participating." Replied Chakotay. 'Is he in for a surprise if I let it happen' Thought Janeway.

"Computer resume lift. Actually Neelix wants everyone to participate." Janeway said. The last part was said just when the doors opened up onto the bridge. Leaving Chakotay just standing there. "Are you coming?" Janeway said walking to her chair.

She sat on the bridge reading the padd. While reading it she was muttering words like 'Great' and 'This should be fun'. After finishing the padd she gave it to Chakotay to read. He took the padd. He scrolled through the padd and was silently thanking that it wasn't a talent night. Putting the padd aside he sent a message to the captain. It said 'That's a good plan. It should be fun.'

Janeway turned to him and whispered "Glad you like it" Then in a commanding voice she said "You have the Bridge Commander.' Standing up she headed to the turbo-lift. She was headed to the mess hall to tell Neelix he had the go-ahead on the Olympics he wanted to hold.

Arriving at the mess hall she spotted Neelix cooking what was undoubtedly lunch. "Neelix," She called out. "I've decided to let you do your morale booster. You'll be responsible for creating the holoprogram and choosing what events you'll use. Don't pick too many. We do still have a ship to run. Maybe Mr Paris can help you." She said.

"Thank you Captain. I'll plan the best Olympics ever." Said Neelix. With that she turned and headed back to the bridge. When she got back to the bridge she went to her ready room.

After sitting in her ready room reading over reports she received a message from Neelix. It contained events and how teams would be arranged. She noted that he chose field hockey, swimming and running. 'They seem ok' She silently mused. After seeing that everything was in order she sent a message to everyone on board telling them about it and that EVERYONE was to compete in at least one event. She noted he chose to go by the colour of the uniforms. 'Gives me a reason to cheer for Chakotay.' She thought. 'I hope he does swimming.' She then heard her ready room door ringing. That brought her out of her musings.

"Come" She called. It was Chakotay. Undoubtedly to discuss the Olympics.

"Captain. Kathryn, so what events are you going to participate in? I've already sent a message to Neelix saying I will play hockey. He informs me that it will be a mixed team to cut down on time. I was thinking of running too but the hockey should be fine." He said. This disappointed Kathryn. She REALLY, REALLY wanted to see him in swimmers.

"Well," She started. "I'm going to go in swimming. I'm too slow to run and too dangerous at hockey. So that's what I'm doing. Why don't you go swimming? It's not that bad you know." She said.

"You should play hockey. We'd be on the same team you know. You, dangerous at a sport. I don't believe it." He said. He was glad she was swimming, since he could get a good look at her body.

"No thanks Commander. Swimming is just fine." She said. Then an idea formed in her head. She really didn't want to play hockey, but maybe she could get Chakotay to swim if she'd play hockey with him. "I'll play hockey with you Chakotay, IF you go join swimming. How does that sound?" She asked.

"Sounds bad. I don't want to swim." He said. He didn't want people to find out that he couldn't swim. What a useless Indian was he? He can't start fires and can't swim. No one knew he couldn't swim. He was fine when swimming in shallow waters. But to swim 25meters or more in a race, he'd drown. Then it hit him. Get her to be a lifeguard and when he drowns, she could save him. 'Perfect' he thought wickedly.

"How's this Kathryn. I swim and you will be a lifeguard in my race and play hockey. That is the best I can do." Said Chakotay. Kathryn sat still in her chair pondering what he said. 'Why would he want a lifeguard in the race? I might as well do it. Its not like I'd have to jump in and fetch anyone. People these days can swim.'

"Agreed." She said.

"Ok then. You send a message to Neelix saying your swimming and playing hockey and that you'll be a lifeguard in all of my swimming events. And I'll send him a message saying I'm swimming." Said Chakotay. He stood and left her ready room. 'I hope a holodeck is available these next few days. Need to practice.' Then it hit him. 'Why practice? You WANT to drown remember.' He started chuckling just when he walked by the helm. Of course TOM had to mention something.

"What's so funny Commander? Did you get the Captain to play hockey or something? Cause I've heard all about how she plays hockey. And I don't want to play with her. She's deadly." Tom stated.

"It isn't up to you. Just remember sh" Chakotay didn't get to finish.

"She's the Captain." Said Janeway. "I've just spoken to Neelix Commander, and it looks like our helmsman is playing too. Won't it be fun Tom?" Said Janeway. She knew that he knew that she was bad at hockey.

"Yes Captain." He replied. They moved back to their seats and he muttered "Thank god I shouldn't get hurt."

"Did you say something Tom?" Said Janeway.

"No Captain, just talking to myself" He replied.

At the end of Alpha Shift Chakotay asked the Captain to dinner. She accepted.

While eating at her quarters they engaged in small talk. Then the topic of the Olympics came up. "So Chakotay, how do you think you will go in swimming. I hear the Doctor is competing." She commented.

"Fine. I should come, oh, say last. From what I hear he hasn't swum before in his life. But he'll just download something from a database and be able to swim. What about you and the hockey matches?"

"Fun. You should be glad we are on the same team. I know Tom is." She said.

"I would have thought he would want to be on B'Ellana's team." He spoke up.

"To choose between being on the same team as the captain or being with his girlfriend, I think he would chose captain. I won't say why either." She said.

"It's getting late. I'm going to go now." They both stood up and she walked him to the door. "Bye Kathryn." He said.

"Bye, see you in the morning." Replied Kathryn.

~2 days later~

The holodeck is full. The crowd is wild. The first event is about to start. It just happens to be men swimming 50m freestyle. The holodeck has been programmed to include an Olympic size pool and a grandstand. Tom Paris is the commentator for this event. 6 men are standing on jumping blocks wearing red, green or yellow swimmers. Commander Chakotay is standing on the blocks. He turns to his right and sees the Captain wearing swimmers saying 'lifeguard' across them. Chakotay was unfortunate and got a middle lane. The buzzer goes and everyone dives in. Chakotay jumps and does a wonderful belly flop.

Tom starts yelling. "Tuvok's in the lead, followed by the doctor. Would you look at that? Chakotay is having trouble. The Captain's not responding. He's hopeless. Wait, Harry's catching up. He's in second. The Doctors lagging behind. 25 meters is completed they are on the home stretch. Chakotay is still trying to catch up. He's gone half way through the first lap. He's trying doggy paddle. Looks like his luck at staying afloat is up. He's sinking. Tuvok's still winning. Followed by Harry then the Doctor. Chakotay has completely sunk. He hasn't resurfaced. The Captain jumps in. Nice dive too. She swims to him and goes under to fetch him. Tuvok wins. Followed by Harry. The Doctor is still going. Well ladies and gentlemen this has been a great race. The captain's up with an unconscious Commander. She's hauling him over the side. The doctors third. He's noticed Chakotay. He's rushing over. He is trying to make up his mind what to do with him. I say let the Captain perform CPR. What do you say people?" The crowd starts yelling. "Looks like the Captains going to do it. Chakotay looks better. He's coughing up water now. The captains leaning over him to see if he's all right. Would you look at that? He is brave. He tried to kiss the Captain. Oh my god. Look at them. They are still at it. Well that is the end of the 50m freestyle men's event. Gold goes to the yellow. Same with silver. Green gets bronze. Looks like the reds aren't that good. Stay tuned to see more events. Oh, don't forget to place your bets regarding you know who." Tom Paris finished talking.

Everyone files out of the holodeck to get back to work. The next event would be on in half an hour.

Kathryn Janeway disentangled herself out of her first officer's embrace. She was deeply embarrassed. Wouldn't you be if you did that in front of most of the crew? She got off the ground and walked out of the holodeck.

Chakotay was still in shock. He was wondering what just happened. He got up and headed out of the holodeck. Shortly the next swimming event would be on. 'Kathryn's race' he thought. 'Got to see this.'

As soon as he got out the holodeck doors Tom was waiting for him. "Some stunt you pulled there Chakotay. Do you think we believe that you can't swim? Come on. I don't believe it. I've seen you swim. Everyone can swim." Tom started saying.

"You've seen me swim in shallow water, not deep water. That's different. I just can't swim." Replied Chakotay.

"Then why did you swim. If you can't swim, you just don't swim. So tell me, what's going on with you and the captain? I'm sure it will make me rich." Said Tom.

"Nothing's going on with the Captain and I Tom." Reacted Chakotay. 'At least not yet anyway' He pondered. With that he went to the mess hall to get some lunch.

After eating Neelix's newest Leola Root concoction for lunch he headed back to the holodeck for the Captain's race. 'I better hurry if I want to make it on time.' contemplated Chakotay. "Computer, time" Barked Chakotay. He wanted to make sure he wasn't running late.

"The time is 1259hrs" Replied the computer.

"Shit!" Said Chakotay. He wasn't one for swearing but he couldn't help it. He stopped walking and started running down the passageway.

~On the holodeck~

Six people are just about to get up onto the starting blocks. The buzzer goes. They jump. Tom Paris commentates again. "The Captain's in the lead, followed by B'Elanna. Sam Wildman is coming third. Naomi is just behind her mother. Then Seven and an ensign from engineering are a bit behind. Naomi Wildman is swimming for the red team and Seven for the green. Where's the Captain gotten too? Oh there she is. She's swimming low under the water. B'Ellana's catching up to the Captain. The Captain's surfacing. Naomi's overtaken her mother. She's in third. The captain wins. Followed by B'Ellana and Naomi. Well the red team has finally gotten a medal. Gold goes to red, silver to yellow and bronze to red. Well that's the end of the 50m women's freestyle. To see the running events proceed to holodeck 2. The next event to be held here is the red team verses the green team in hockey. That will be in one hour. Neelix will be commentating." Tom Paris ended. Chakotay entered the holodeck at that time. He was out of breath.

Chakotay was scanning the room and realised he missed it.'I missed it' his mind screamed at him.

While his mind was telling him that he missed the race Kathryn was walking up to him.

"Hello Commander. Miss something?" Kathryn said in a teasing voice.

"Uh no. I was eating lunch. Didn't miss anything Captain. Why do you ask?" Chakotay said.

"Just wondering why you're out of breath." Kathryn responded.

"Well, our hockey game is in an hour so I decided to run from the mess hall to here for some exercise." Chakotay said. 'Good one Chakotay. That's a good response. Running after eating. Just hope she doesn't pick up on it. Oh great, I don't feel so well.' Chakotay's mind told him.

"Well why don't we go swimming for some exercise. In shallow water of course. The holodeck will be free shortly." Kathryn said. Chakotay suddenly landed on the ground with a thud.

Kathryn bent down to kneel next to him. She started slapping his face to wake him up. It didn't work. She called Tom over. He was lingering behind. Most of the crew was already out of the holodeck. 'He probably wants to see what has been going on between us so he can win some rations.' Kathryn thought.

"Tom help me wake him." She said.

"Computer. One small container of smelling salts." Said Tom. The computer complied. "Here, stick this under his nose to give him a whiff. That should wake him up. If not, I'll roll him over to the shallow end of the pool. That should wake him up." Said Tom wickedly.

"You'll do no such thing." Kathryn said. She stuck the smelling salts under his nose. "Chakotay, anyone home?" She whispered to him in his ear. That didn't work. "What shall we do Tom?" Kathryn said. Tom looked around and saw a few crewmembers still in the holodeck so he decided not to say this one out loud. He leant over to her and whispered something in her ear.

"Noway am I doing that. Go ahead and roll him in the water. Gently Tom." She said. There was no way she was doing what Tom suggested.

"Umm Captain," Tom started to say. "Perhaps you should get in the water in case he sinks again. We don't want him drowning twice in one day."

"No we wouldn't want that now would we? Computer, remove lane ropes." The lane ropes vanished. She slipped into the water. "Before you put him in the water pinch his arm real hard. See if he responds to that." Tom complied. He pinched hard but it had no effect on Chakotay. SPLASH! Tom pushed him in.

Being unprepared for being pushed into the water Chakotay woke up with a yelp. He didn't feel so good. He looked up and saw Tom smiling down at him. "Paris," he said in a stern voice. "I'll get you for that."

"No you wont Chakotay. I told him to do that." Said Kathryn. He turned around and saw her in the water.

"Why did you tell him to do that? That wasn't very nice. I'm getting out and going to sickbay. I feel really sick." Chakotay said. He paddled over to the side of the pool and got out. Kathryn followed.

Exiting out of the holodeck they proceeded to sickbay. After reaching deck 5 they made it to the sickbay. Walking through the doors Chakotay threw up his lunch. That caught the Doctors attention immediately. He rushed over to him and started scanning him. He then ushered him over to a biobed and gave him a bucket to throw up in.

"Hmm," the Doctor started saying. "It appears you are suffering from severe food poisoning. Probably something Mr Neelix cooked up. Has anything strange happened today apart from you not being able to swim?" The Doctor asked.

"Well," The Captain started saying. "He just fainted before in the holodeck. Mr Pairs and I decided to roll him in the water to wake him up. After that we came here." Finished Kathryn.

"Doctor to Paris. Report to sickbay immediately." The doctor called over the comm system. The Doctor continued speaking. "I'll give you this medication. It should stop the vomiting and eradicate the poisoning. Mr Paris can clean up the floor. I want you to stay off your feet for the rest of the day. No bridge duty AND no competing in the hockey match." The Doctor said.

"Fine, but can I still sit in the dugout?" Asked Chakotay. If he can't compete he was going to watch. Mr Paris walks into sickbay and sees the mess.

"Let me guess Doc. I get to clean this up." Mr Paris said.

"Yes Mr Paris you do. Commander I don't see anything wrong with you watching the match. You can go now." The Doctor said.

They headed out of sickbay and made their way back to the holodeck. They barely had anytime left until the game would start. "Chakotay, why don't you go to your quarters and rest for a while." Kathryn Janeway said. She was rubbing his back in a soothing type way. She didn't realise what she was doing.

"No Kathryn, I want to watch." Chakotay replied. "It's not like I'm doing anything. I'll be sitting down. I won't get hurt." Chakotay continued.

~The hockey match~

The game has been in progress for 20 minutes. The score is 1-0. Red team is winning. Neelix is commentating. "The red team is now in the lead thanks to the goal scored by Tom Paris. He looks happy. Looks like the Doctor is annoyed." Said Neelix.

The Doctor was on the field complaining to Jenny Delaney. "I'm a Doctor, not a goal keeper." He said.

"Look Doctor. What I hear from Tom about the Captain is that she's dangerous at this game. You don't want her to hurt someone now do. With you being in there that limits the number of people. Don't you agree Megan?" Said Jenny. The Delaney sister's were playing the full backs for the green team.

"Oh yes." Said Megan.

With all three of them yapping away to each other they didn’t Ensign Donnelly running down their end with the ball with the Captain right beside her.

“Ensign Donnelly has the ball. She’s over the 25. The crowd is yelling. The Delaney sister’s realise what’s happening. They are running to the ball. They tackle. Tom Paris gets down there. He gets the ball. He shoots. The Doctor stops it. The referee has called a short corner.”

“Ensign Pailthorpe is going to be hitting the ball out with Mr Paris trapping and the Captain hitting in. 5 member’s of the green team are in the goal box. The ball has been hit. It was trapped nicely. The captain gets ready to hit. Everyone ducks for cover. The Doctor is screaming something at them. The captain shoots and scores.” Neelix said to the crowd.

“What were you doing. Did that hit look dangerous? No. So next time don’t go and duck for cover.” Said an annoyed Doctor. “Seven,” he yelled. “Replace Megan here at right full back. Megan, you can go and play right wing.” He continued.

“What! Why should I go and play a forward?” She protested.

“Because Seven won’t duck for cover when the ball comes. I need at least one person who won’t be scared.” He replied.

“Looks like the Doctor is re-arranging positions back there. With 5 minutes left of this half the green team is loosing. Ensign Wildman has the ball. She’s running down to the other end. She passes it to Megan. Look’s like the red team goalie is sitting in the goal box daydreaming.” Neelix said.

“Crewman Edwards gets the ball. She runs to the circle. The red team goalie stands up finally. She passes it to Megan. She shoots. She scores.” Neelix finishes.

BEEP. “Well the green team is catching up. The score at half time is 2 to the reds and 1 to the greens. Beware of the water that should be starting in just a few minutes” Neelix ended his commentary for this half.

Chakotay was sitting in the dugout when Kathryn plonked herself next to him. “How are you feeling?” She asked Chakotay. She was concerned about him.

“Fine, now that you’re here. How are you going out there? Nice goal you scored. It was funny how most of them went for cover.” Chakotay said.

“Why thank you. My shoulder’s and back are sore. Too much exercise for one day. Apart from that I’m fine.” She finished and took a sip of some cold water to cool down. Tom Paris walks over to them.

“Captain. I’m shocked. You haven’t hurt anyone yet.” Said Tom.

“If I’m to hurt anyone in this match it will be you Mr Paris.” She countered.

“Yes Ma’am” He replied and then went away to talk to some of the others.

“After the game,” Chakotay started saying. “You don’t have to go to the bridge until later on so come back to my quarter and I’ll give you a massage. How does that sound?” He finished.

“Mmm tempting. Talk to you soon. I got to go back and play again.” Said Kathryn. She gets up and stands in front of Chakotay, bends down and gives him a light kiss.

Tom Paris walks up to Chakotay and asks what’s going on between the two of them. “So Chakotay, I thought you said there wasn’t anything going on between you.”

“There isn’t yet. Hey Tom aren’t you supposed to be on the field?” Said Chakotay. He wanted to get rid of Tom and his questions.

“Nope. You’re stuck with me while I sit out. So what shall we discuss? Swimming techniques, ways on not throwing up in sickbay. Your choice? Thank you for throwing up in sickbay too.” Tom said.

In the background you can here people screaming. Chakotay realises why and yells at Tom to duck.

“Nice try at….” Tom started to say but was cut off by a ball hitting him in the head. He is knocked unconscious. The Doctor sees this and rushes over to him. Kathryn on the other hand doubled over and started laughing. She heads over to Chakotay.

“I told him I would hurt him. I guess he didn’t believe me.” She said.

“Nope, guess not.” He replied. The Doctor ordered an emergency beam out. That left the green team without a goalkeeper. In the green teams dugout a vote was taking place on who should replace the Doctor.

It was unanimous, everyone agreed that Seven should be the goalkeeper. Their reason was that she has good coordination and that she isn’t scared of the Captain hitting a ball. Seven agreed.

Everyone gets back onto the field and starts playing again. 15minutes past and the score was still the same.

“Pailthorpe runs with the ball towards the goal. He passes it to Donnelly who then passes it to Janeway. The Delaney sisters go after her. What’s this? They whacked Janeway in the hand. That’s one way of getting her off the field. She’s travelling to the dugout. The Umpire called for a corner.” Neelix spoke.

Chakotay saw Kathryn coming towards him and he got up. He saw her hand and they both exited the holodeck to go to sickbay. Once they were in the corridors he put his arm around her shoulders. They proceeded to sickbay in silence.

Entering sickbay the Doctor walked over to them. He was getting annoyed at how many injuries were happening because of the Olympics.

“What brings you two here?” The doctor asked.

“This” Said Kathryn showing him her hand.

“Let’s see what we have here. You have had your index finger broken in 3 places. I’ll fix that up now. Captain, I would also like to discuss the Olympics with you. I’ve had many people come in here after being hurt in some form or another. I’ve had people with sprained ankles from the running events, people with concussion, broken bones and the list goes on. So I think we’ve had enough of the Olympics and that it should be called off. Morale has gone up a lot already. Why not quit while ahead.” The Doctor told the Captain. She contemplated it.

“Ok Doctor, I see your point. I’ll discuss this with Neelix and Tom and see if they have any suggestions on how to wrap it up.” Said Kathryn.

“Ok Captain. Your finger is all set. You can go now.” Finished the Doctor.

Heading out of sickbay they headed back to his quarters. They decided to talk to Neelix and Tom later on since Tom was most likely resting and Neelix still commentating. But for now Kathryn had a date for a massage.

Arriving at his quarters, Chakotay keyed in his door code. Chakotay indicated that she should enter first and she did. Taking a seat on his couch she made herself comfortable. An uncomfortable silence pursued.

“Kathryn, I think it’s best if I give you this massage while your lying down on my bed. That’d give me some room to move around.” Said Chakotay to break the silence that was going on.

They both got up and headed to his bed. She was feeling slightly embarrassed about what was about to happen.

Climbing into his bed she layed down on her stomach. His smell on his bed assaulted her senses. She decided it was nice to be surrounded by him in a manner of speaking.

Chakotay sat down next to her and was about to remove her shirt when Tom called them over the comm. “Paris to Commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway please

respond” Said Tom.

“Yes Tom what is it?” Asked a very annoyed Chakotay.

“No need to be like that Chakotay. The Doctor informed me that he wants to stop the Olympics and he said he talked to you both about it. And I have a good idea to finish it with a bang. So all you need to do is inform the crew that no more events will be held. I will get Neelix to spread the word about my idea which would take place in the holodecks.” Said Tom.

“Sure, sure. Whatever you think is best will be fine. Chakotay out.” Chakotay ended. He didn’t give Tom a chance to fully explain the things he needed to explain.

Getting ready to start, Chakotay looked at Kathryn and noticed she was sound asleep. ‘I’ll let her sleep.’ He thought. She looked peaceful. Noticing she was snuggling into the bed he decided to lie down next to her and watch her sleep.

Crawling in beside her, he wrapped his arms around her and watched her sleep. Sometime during his watching, he fell asleep.

~ The holodeck the next day ~
The senior staff assembled outside the holodeck. They were to be the first ones to see Tom’s program that was to be used shortly. Entering the holodeck they all saw that it was quiet dark with stars in the sky. A light breeze was blowing.

They continued on into the holodeck when Tom told them to grab a blanket and settle down on it. All did as they were told. Everyone was curious as to what the program was to do since it was to finish of the Olympics since they had to stop it.

Kathryn and Chakotay settled on a blanket together. The others settled on their own blanket. Some were sharing, some not.

They all continued to wait while the others were to get there. After talking quietly amongst each other, the holodeck began to fill.

When everyone was settled on a blanket, Tom Paris’ voice filled the holodeck. “Welcome everyone. I am sure you are wondering why we are all settled on a blanket in a dark night sky. The answer is… FIREWORKS. That’s right- fireworks. Using 20th Century styled ones. None of the fancy stuff we have now, but the good old ones. Now on with the show.” Finished Tom.

Noise started to fill the holodeck. Everyone looked up towards the sky. Big, beautiful sparks filled the sky. Red, blue, green coloured fireworks could be seen. A holodeck character was trying to sell people 3D glasses to make it look more interesting and these glowing tubes filled with pretty colours that people wear around their necks or head. Kathryn got one of each.

The fireworks eventually stopped and people looked back down. Then they noticed something on the main arena where the fireworks were being deployed. It was a waving person that was lit up. Then sparks flew out of its head and up into the sky. ‘Ohs and ahs’ could be heard from the Voyager Crew. Then a sign was released down the person’s arm. It said ‘It’s the Doctors fault this is over. But hey enjoy the fireworks.’

Everyone laughed at this. Kathryn and Chakotay were still sharing a blanket. Chakotay was trying to get the 3D glasses of her so he could see what it looked like. “Come on Kathryn, all I want is to borrow them for less than a minute. If you don’t let me borrow them I’ll resort to something you wont like.” Said Chakotay.

“Go a head. Try it.” Said Kathryn. He did just that. He leant over her and placed his mouth on hers. She was terrified in case people saw her kissing him. They were in the holodeck with most of the crew. And he knew she wouldn't like it for a while.

Tom Paris saw this and said “Computer, place one very large, flat viewing screen in the main arena and for the visual picture aim it at Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay.” The computer complied.

Everyone except the Captain and Commander saw this. The whole crew in the holodeck was cheering for them. They didn’t realise. They just continued kissing. Tom Paris’s voice could be heard again. “Alright everyone, I think it’s time to go. Those who have to see me regarding certain matters can do so tomorrow morning.”

Everyone filled out. Those two just stayed there for a while.


