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What the frell are the Hynerian Gods?

The purpose of this site:

Other pages to this site

Icons of the Hynerian Gods
My favorite Farscape sites

I realize that not much is on this site as of yet. I'm new at this webpage business and am still trying to figure out how to do most of this stuff. However, if you just hang in there with me, I guarantee (not really) that my site will eventually be one of the best pitstops for Farscape fans (aka Scapers). Thank you for your patience.
CJR (the editor and creator)

This just in: The mythology section now has the start of a story! I know it's hard to believe, but I've actually started adding to the site. Check it out! Just follow that obvious links, beginning with "Mythology." Enjoy!

P.S. If you wish to contribute either Hynerian mythology or pictures of the Hynerian Gods, just e-mail me with the info. Thanks for your contibutions. }:)
