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Bucky O' Hare Downloads

Here you can find some nice Bucky O' Hare downloads. Due to rarity of BOH downloads being available on the internet, there is not much here...yet. =)

NOTE:I realize the Mp3 Link is not working. If you want the Mp3, email me and I'd be more than happy to email it to you.

Theme Song Lyrics

In another demension

Another time and space

A parralel universe is fallin' on it's face

When out of the chaos

Who else could it be?

But the animal adventurers from S.P.A.C.E!

Bucky! Captain Bucky O' Hare!

Mutants, and aliens, and toads beware!

You're lookin for adventure, well this is it

With Jenny, Deadeye, Blinky

And Willy DuWitt!

I said Bucky! Captian Bucky O' Hare!

In the battle of the Aniverse you don't know what's next

You only know amphibians [cant tell what this word is] KOMPLEX!

When you check out your scanner and the evil planet Poads

There's only one course of action..LET'S CROAK US SOME TOADS!

Bucky! Captain Bucky O' Hare!

He goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare

If your Righteous Indignation has suffered a hit

And your photon accelorator's broken to bits!

And you're loosin your mind

And you're havin' a fit

Get the funky fresh rabbit who can take care of it!

Bucky! Captain Bucky O' Hare!

Did you say Bucky? I SAID BUCKY!

Bucky O' Haaaare...Let's croak us some toads!


Bucky O' Hare Cartoon Themesong (Mp3, about 997 KB)
RARE Bucky O' Hare NES Game Stage Select MIDI
RARE Bucky O' Hare NES Game Intro MIDI
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