Starscream (Deluxe) [Universe 2.0]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Pale off-white, light red, dark blue, and some silver, dull metallic gunmetal gray, transparent amber-orange, and black
Rating: 9.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Classics Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Classics Starscream here.)

    This mold gets done up again in Starscream's colors, but they're (for the most part) even MORE traditional than on his Classics toy. Gone are his dynamic multiple red red stripes along his wings and blue stripe down his middle, and instead they're replaced with very close replicas of his G1 toy's silver/red stripe on each wing. More G1-accurate it may be, but frankly the old G1 stripes are boooorrring compared to his Classics flashier deco. The red is also a noticeably lighter color, so light it's almost pinkish. This... really doesn't look all that hot, though it doesn't look BAD. The base plastic color of gray is now more of an off-white, which not only is less G1-accurate, but just looks bland. Granted, the previous gray wasn't the epitome of flashy, but it still looks better than this flat chalky shade. His dark blue is also a shade or too lighter, but that color change is negligible. His paint apps generally seem less varied and more sparse, particularly in jet mode where he just look boring-- though again, this is partially due to the more G1-slavish lines on his wings. His robot mode is also has a painted head AND face now, whereas the Classics version didn't have a painted face-- needless to say, this looks MUCH better and is the only area where I think this deco outdoes the Classics version.
    No mold changes have been made to Universe 2.0 Starscream.
    There's homaging a toy's deco, and there's slavishly recreating it even when changing things up a bit would be better. The Classics toy of Starscream is the latter; the deluxe class version of Universe 2.0 Starscream is the former. If you can't find the Classics toy, I'd recommend this toy as it's still a great mold and the best "cheap" version of this top-tier Transformers character, but if you can at all get the Classics version go for that instead, as that toy is looks much more dynamic and interesting compared to this rather flat, boring deco.

Starscream Bio:
Starscream is one of the deadliest warriors ever to emerge from the early battles of the civil war. He allied himself early on with Megatron, realizing that the Decepticon way was the easiest path to absolute power. He takes joy in destruction, his shrill laughter echoing across any battlefield over which he flies. Despite his power, he is a coward at heart, a bully more than a tyrant. He lives to lord his strength over those weaker than him, but he lives in fear of anyone stronger.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 4.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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