Autobot Hound (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
No. in Series: 3
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Metallic dark green, black, light milky gray, and some clear plastic, transparent red, transparent orange, silver, yellow, white, and sky blue
Rating: 8.9

    Hound's Alternator form is a Jeep Wrangler. As you'd expect from an Alternator, his vehicle mode is practically flawless, and has many realistic details. Besides perfect proportions, he's got clear headlights, side doors that open and close, adjustable seats and steering wheel, and rubber wheels with spring suspension- the latter not a common feature on Alternators. (Although, because of this, his wheels can't turn from side to side.) You can also lift up his hood and find an engine inside. (It's actually made from the back of his arms.) Hound's color scheme is also great and suiting for a Jeep Wrangler, and overall, he's very close to his G1 alt mode in this form. There's only two, rather minor, problems I have with this mode. For one, the rear seats aren't really proportional (the part where you sit needs to be wider). And secondly, you can see a bit of Hound's waist and upper legs poking out from the bottom of the vehicle in this mode. It's definitely not too distracting, but it's there. But it's still a great, great vehicle mode.
    In robot mode, Alternator Hound resembles his G1 self to a reasonable degree, as well. He's got the same general chest, leg, and back design as his predecessor. His head is also spot-on with his G1 self. Hound's overall proportions are great in this mode, with pretty much everything right on target. His arms could be a little longer, but that's really about it. Hound also has excellent articulation- he can move at pretty much any place you can reasonably expect on a toy of this size, including some mighty fine ankle articulation, to boot. The hip joints on mine tend to be a little loose, though this could just be my toy. Hound does have a few noticeable flaws in this mode, though- namely that some of his jeep extras tend to be a bit cumbersome. The wheels on the sides of his hips restrict movement there a little, and the jeep parts on the sides of his legs are asymmetrical (namely because of the spare tire on his left leg). The interior jeep parts on his back also don't fit together much, and just kinda... hang there. His chest is also almost completely hollow- look at it from the side and it's basically just a shell, which means you can pretty much see right through his body from that perspective. He also isn't the most stable Alternator, as he's a little back-heavy when standing straight. The doors behind his arms help complement the mode some, though. And his gun, though really small, fits in a rather creative place when not in use- inside his spare tire! So unlike, say, Sideswipe or Smokescreen, Hound can store his gun in robot mode without carrying it in his hand. He also has a panel on the top of his chest that flips to reveal an Autobot symbol in this mode, while it's just plain green in his vehicle mode. This helps the "real model car" look that the Alternators are going for in their alt modes, while still showing you his allegiance prominently in robot mode. Very nice.
    Alternator Hound is a fine addition to any older Transfan's collection, but be warned-- he is a little difficult to transform the first few times, especially his legs. So I wouldn't recommend this toy for real young Transfans. But if that's not you, then Hound is definitely a recommended buy, as long as you don't mind some extras in robot mode.

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Review by Beastbot

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