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A New Hope

Cut Luke Scene Luke notices the space battle Real Player
Complete description of scene with pictures and dialogue

Cut Anchorhead Scene Luke meets up with friends Real Player
Complete description of scene with pictures and dialogue

Cut Biggs Scene Short video with music QuickTime

Cut Biggs Scene Luke catches up with his old pal Real Player
Complete description of scene with pictures and dialogue

Different Cantina A different version of the famous scene Real Player
Click here for GIF animation of Han and his girlfriend

Jabba The original Jabba that was redone for the SE QuickTime

The Empire Strikes Back

Cut C-3PO Scene 3PO removes warning sign AVI

Cut Kiss Scene Luckily they were interrupted by C-3PO QuickTime

Return of the Jedi

Cut Sandstorm Scene A sandstrom rages as they board the Falcon QuickTime
Complete description of scene with pictures and dialogue