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News Archive - August-October 2000
October 31 - Caution

I am working on a new layout for this page so some links may not be working. If you hit a bad link please contact me.

October 31 - Balance Point Released Today

The second hardcover from The New Jedi Order hits the shelves today. Literature

October 31 - Happy Halloween from BanthaPoodoo.Net

I would like to wish a Happy Halloween to all of those who visit Bantha Poodoo.

October 30 - BanthaPoodoo.Net

I am proud to say that Bantha Poodoo finally has its own domain name!!! You can now visit Bantha Poodoo by typing in your URL fields!!! Please change all links that may need fixing. I would like to thank Mace from Jedis Council for all his help with this. It is greatly appreciated.

October 29 - Today's Rogue Leader

Today Rogue Leader reviews Agents of Chaos II Jedi Eclipse. Visit Rogue Leader

October 28 - Obi-Wan Meets Palpatine

SW Rumors has updated with a cool report about a scene in the next prequel. Episode 2

October 26 - Select 16

The Official Site has updated with the 16th Select image. This week's picture is is pretty hard to decipher.Click here for all of the Episode 2 pictures.

October 26 - Episode 2 Plot Summary

TF.N has some cool Episode 2 info today; a plot summary.more...

October 25 - Guy Lagace Creates Exclusive Images

I would like to thank Guy for the new images. It is great to be working with such a talented artist. These images will be used as buttons and banners for easy linking to Bantha Poodoo. Go to the Links page to see full sized images.

October 24 - Jedis Council

I am proud to say that Bantha Poodoo has affiliated with its second site in less than a week! Jedis Council is a fantastic site with lots of Multimedia and lots of other really cool stuff.

October 24 - Bantha Poodoo Wins First Award

Jedis Council has honored Bantha Poodoo with their Award of Excellence. Bantha Poodoo is also their current Site of the Week. I feel honored and I thank you very much!
October 24 - Star Wars VCD's

Its not DVD but it is close.News and Rumors

October 22 - Christopher Lee to use a Lightsaber

TF.N is reporting some really cool news about Lee using a lightsaber.Full Story.

October 21 - Watto's Junkyard

Bantha Poodoo is proud to have its first affiliate, Watto's Junkyard. It is an honor to be affiliated with a website of that caliber. Please check out their impressive site.

I have placed an image on the right sidebar that will take you directly to their site. Also I have updated the Links Page.

October 21 - Page Update

The GIFS page has been updated again with 7 new GIFS. GIFS Page.

October 20 - Jonathan Hales Interview

The Episode 2 section has updated with an interview from October 2nd, with the screenwriter of Episode 2. Some old news stories have been posted as well.Episode 2

October 20 - Episode I DVD and Soundtrack

Check out The Phantom Menace Page for news on Episode 1 DVD and the complete soundtrack by John Williams.The Phantom Menace

October 20 - Episode I & II Sections

Bantha Poodoo is proud to introduce new Episode 1 and 2 sections. Each page has loads of information on each prequel. Check them out under the Episode Index on the right sidebar.

October 20 - New Select Image

We got a cool one this week. Check it out!!!
It features Anakin in a interesting environment.

October 19 - New Section @ Bantha Poodoo

I've added a new Literature Section where you can read fan fiction and check out the New Jedi Order books. You can reach this page by hitting the new image on the sidebar.

October 19 - Updated GIFS Page

Well, thanks to Angelfire's 50 MB of webspace I was able to upload some GIFS to the GIFS page. Follow the Multimedia link to see them.

October 19 - New Layout

I've spent a lot of time to renovate this site and update the JediBanner Exchange code. Hopefully the page is more navigable and pleasent to look at. Hope you like the new look.

October 14 - Updated List of Domain Names

Many new domain names have been found, including what might be the new Sith Lord's name.more...

October 13 - More French Episode 2 Photos

The Episode 2 picture page has updated with more pics from the French SW Magazine. See Padme, Chistopher Lee, and more Anakin pics. Follow the Spy Photos link. Check 'em out!!

September 30 - French SW Insider Episode 2 Photos

The Episode 2 picture page has updated with a few more cool pics featureing Anakin in costume. Follow the Spy Photos link. Check 'em out!!

September 29 - Episode 2 Storyboards

Many sites have posted the new Episode 2 storyboards. At first I thought that they were a hoax, but not anymore. Wanna know why? The sites that posted these images got emails from Lucasfilm to take them down. Why would they bother with it if it wasn't the real thing?

MAJOR SPOILERS Highlight: These storyboards showcase two major battles; one between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett and the other in an arena. It appears that the Jango Rumors are true after all.

Lots of stuff is leaking out now, so I would advise you to stop checking all the spoilers unless you want Episode 2 to be ruined for you. I myself am stuggling with my adiction to Star Wars News. For those of you like me, who just can't get enough, visit the Episode 2 picture page. Follow Spy Photos to see the storyboards.Check 'em out!!

September 25 - New Episode 2 Photos

The Episode 2 picture page has had a huge update with scenes from actual footage. Check 'em out!!

September 25 - I'm Back....Kind of

Lots of stuff has happened since the last update. Not only in Star Wars but my life as well. I will try to maintain this site. Please hang in with me.

September 3 - New Lucasfilm Domain Names

Lucasfilm has recently purchased quite a few domain names. Some of them may hold names to characters we'll see in Episode II. more...

September 2 - Lotsa Stuff!!

I have been really busy lately and I am sorry for not updating much. But hopefully I'll be able to keep up with Star Wars and school at the same time. Rogue Leader is back today and a few new really cool pictures have been added to the Episode II picture page. Hit this link to see them!

I am glad to announce that the radio dramas are now working again. However the soundtrack music still needs to be fixed. I am not sure that this will be possible any time soon.

August 22 - New "On Location" features C-3PO!!

The new "On Location" reveals a little about our favorite protocol droid, C-3PO.more...

August 22 - Temuera Morrison Spy Photo!!

Heat Magazine has a picture of the rumored Jango Fett in partial costume. Click here to see it! more...

August 22 - More Casting News!!

Seven new roles have been cast. Plus some very interesting speculation. more...

August 15 - Site Updates!!

New full page scans of the spy photos have been added to the Episode II picture page.Check it out!

August 14 - Natilie Portman in costume Spy Photos!!

Four new pictures in the Episode II picture section including new spy photos of Natalie Portman and some aliens.Check it out!

August 10 - Calssic Trilogy to be Re-released on Video

Amazon.Com is taking pre-orders for the Classic Trilogy videos. the Trilogy will also contain something very special.more...

August 4 - Site Updates

Today I added a link to a gallery with every Episode II related picture to date. Check it out!

Archived News

August 4 - Select Pic - 3D room!!

Martin Bond, from Tatooine QC sent this in to Episode X

The SELECT 4 is an unfolded VR! So I rolled it back into a Quicktime V,R in order to allow us to look at it as as a photographic virtual reality.

You open it with Quicktime, you click inside and you drag to see the 360 degrees! The resolution is low, but that is because of the source.

It seems to me that Lucasfilm will offer us a virtual tour of the set sometime, like they did with Anakin's home! Click here to see it.

August 4 - Pics taken down

The spy photos were taken off SirSteve's and their original source. They can still be seen at JediNet

August 3 - HUGE News - Pictures from the set!!

Here he is; Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is Episode II. Looks pretty cool!

Want so see more amazing pics, visit Sir Steve's Guide. more...

UPDATE! I made some changes to the Obi-Wan picture. It's brighter and has more contrast. It also is a little smaller.Click here to see.

August 2 - On Location Problems

There have been a lot of problems with the "On Location" feature on the Official Site. People are having problems veiwing it, even people with QuickTime. There seems to be a problem with the streaming format. TheForce.Net posted links so you could download the video to your hard drive. Then, as per request by the Official Site, they took down the links because they took traffic away from the Official Site. If they want more traffic then maybe they should get a format that works!!! Something has to be done or many of us will not be able to view the videos. I am disapointed with the Official Site so I will post the links anyway. It's not fair for those of us who have problems with the format. I'm sure that they won't find out about this little opperation and shut me down. So try this out:

Hi-Rez 24.8 MB
Lo-Rez 3.16 MB

Right click on the link to save to your hard drive.

August 1 - Hero's Trial hits shelves

The fourth New Jedi Order book hits the shelves today. more...