Disclaimed, summarized, etc. in Part One.

Part 5 of 5

"I feel like I'm starring in one of those movies I
always used to tease you about," she whispered as she
watched his hands dance across her breasts and wander
down her belly.

"You're MUCH prettier than anyone I ever saw on a
video," he whispered. "Much sexier, too. Much sweeter. Much more responsive. . ." he continued on in this vein until she wasn't sure which was turning her on more, his touch or his voice or the sight of the two of them in the mirror.

"Spread your legs a little wider," he whispered, as he bent her down lower, covering his upper body with his. She complied, then gasped when she felt him entering her.

"If it's painful, baby, tell me." She could see his
eyes in the mirror, dilated with passion, but also
tender and concerned.

"No," she moaned softly. "You're not hurting me. It's
just. . .intense."

He began moving in and out of her, holding onto her
hips. He went slowly at first, but as she began moving to match his rhythm he sped up the pace. Eventually, she felt him explode inside her and - in a reversal of the way it usually went with them - the feel of his climax triggered her own.

Still gasping with pleasure, she let him lead her to
the bed and pull her beneath the covers so they could
snuggle together. She took advantage of the fact that
they were now face to face to kiss him several times
and run her fingers across his face.


"Yeah, Scully?"

"You're incredible!"

He smiled. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing
about you."

The following evening, Scully and Mulder met Dr.
Thomas and the James family at a restaurant not far
from their hotel. The case had been completely wrapped up; they'd even gone so far as to e-mail a preliminary report to Skinner. They'd spend Monday morning filling out paperwork and submitting their final field report.

"I fed Parker before we came," Michelle assured
everyone. "You won't have to watch him smear his
supper all over his head. He can just snack on a
French fry or roll while we eat."

During dinner, Scully asked, "Michelle, what are you
going to name your new baby?"

"Ashley, if it's a girl and Sean if it's a boy. Which
reminds me of something."


"What's Mulder's first name? The whole time you've
been here, I've only ever heard you call him Mulder.
That's all John Byers ever refers to him as, either."

"It's Fox, but he doesn't like it. That's why he
insists that everybody call him Mulder all the time."

"Even you?" Michelle asked.

"Mostly. I can get away with calling him Fox in, um,
certain circumstances," Scully said with a smile,
ignoring the look her husband was sending in her
direction. She'd already figured out that Michelle
knew darn well that she and Mulder had more than just
a professional relationship.

Austin glanced over at Mulder and decided to take pity on the other man. He knew from experience what it was like to have the woman in your life talk about you like you weren't there; Michelle did it all the time when they were with her mother.

"Hey, come on, Michelle. Let's dance."

"Dance? Austin, I'm as big as a house!"

"We'll manage," he replied and from the twinkle in his eyes Michelle knew he was remembering a certain other activity they'd managed just fine the previous
morning, despite her size.

Dr. Thomas, who'd been pretty quiet up to this point,
gestured at all of the younger adults. "All of you go
dance. I'll stay here and keep Parker company."

On the dance floor, Mulder pulled Scully close and
tucked her head beneath his chin. "We really shouldn't be doing this," she murmured. "It doesn't look very professional." Even while saying so, she snuggled closer to him and tightened her grip on his shoulder.

"Dana, it's Friday night. The case is officially
closed. As far as I'm concerned, we're off duty. If it will make you feel better, I won't even put tonight's dinner and hotel charges on our expense report."

"What if someone sees us?"

"Sweetheart, I didn't think it was possible, but
you're outdoing me in the paranoia department. I
sincerely doubt that field agents from the San Antonio office are hiding in the potted palms taking pictures of us!"

She smiled, sighed and relaxed against him. "Know
what, Mulder?"


"I don't even care if they are."

[ Part 1 | Part 2 |Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Index ]