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Ms. Kellie Hay's Classroom Website
computerShellieMs. Kellie Hay’s Classroom Website

Internet Issues

Ethics Violation

Internet and Computer Security
  • Security is a major issue when using the internet and computers in schools
  • Most computer facilities have a security system
    • Authorized users are issued special cards, keys, passwords, account numbers or a list of names (typically in schools)
  • Many feel the internet is not 100% safe and may never be
  • Solutions?
    •  Issue pass cards
    •  U.S. computer makers offer smart cards for laptop computers
    •  Fingerprint recognition
    •  Desktop Security Programs
      • Fortres 101
      • SmartFilter
    • Encrypted or encoded data
    • Firewalls

  • According to the FBI, computer crime costs $67 billion
  • Top 5 categories of offenses include the following: non-delivered merchandise and/or payment, identity theft, credit card fraud, auction fraud, and computer fraud
  • Internet Crime Schemes
  • Typically done by a hacker
    • A hacker is a computer programming expert or someone who illegally accesses and tampers with computer files.
  • Best Known hack - 1969
    • UNIX was created
    • UNIX
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 came about after the case of famous hacker Ian Murphy (Captain Zap)

Viruses and Worms
  • Virus
    • Computer Viruses
    • E-mail attachments have become a quick way to spread viruses
    • “I LOVE YOU” virus
      • Year 2000
      • At least 14 agencies infected (including the CIA and Department of Energy)
      • Cost an estimated $15 billion
    • Can be nearly harmless or very destructive
  • Worms
    • Computer Worms
    • Often confused with a virus
    • Internet Worm
      • Nov. 2, 1988
      • Disrupted operations of 6,000-9,000 computers nationwide

Privacy Violation

  • Definition
  • Is a growing problem with increased usage of the Internet
  • Easy for a student to plagiarize and harder for some teachers to determine whether a student plagiarized
  • Is being done at the elementary, high school, and college levels of academia
  • Frightening statistics
    • 80% of college students admit to cheating
    • 54% of students admit to plagiarizing at least once via the Internet
    • 1996
    • One of first sites to help fight plagiarism when dealing with the Internet and other digital media
    • Many universities are now using this to fight plagiarism

Copyright Infringement
  • Definition of copyright
  • What does copyright give an author the right to do?
    • Reproduce the work
    • Permit copies to be made by others
    • Prepare derivative works
    • Publicly display the copyrighted work
  • Copyright Laws
      Copyright Act of 1976
    • Report in 1998 expanded these guidelines to include the following:
      • Audio
      • Film
      • Digital technologies
      • Multimedia
      • Print
  • To determine copyright infringement a teacher should look at:
    • Purpose and character of the use
    • Nature of copyrighted work
    • Portion used of the work
    • Effect of the use on the marketplace

Software Piracy
  • Definition of Piracy
  • Studies show that 35% of software installed on personal computers is pirated
  • It is speculated that 30-50% of school software is illegally copied
  • Why do school districts copy illegally?
    • Integrate computers into the classroom
    • Limited funds
  • Unauthorized duplication of software violates copyright law
  • Examples of websites used to get pirated software and files can include
  • What can we do to prevent software piracy?
    • Software fingerprints
    • Serial Numbers
    • Electronic registration
    • Product keys
Unequal Access