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Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Brother Harry: Pattern Maker and Interstellar Liaison
Methow Valley News  Page A5 By Paul Butler

Brother Harry Bonnelle is a merry old soul, with an uncanny resemblance to St. Nick and a chuckle to match, who lives on a farm up the Twisp River valley. He is perhaps best known for his occasional advertisements in this paper depicting a cute space creature, (known during the holidays as Santa Baby) holding a world globe in one hand and "the magic wand of enlightenment" in the other, while backed by a fleet of spaceships. This creature, which extends blessings and good cheer to all, is the main communication symbol of the Magnanimous One. It also conveys a glimpse into the complex, whimsical world of Brother Harry, the ground communications commander (or interstellar liaison) connected to the celestial city of Acosma located directly above the Methow Valley. This is a fanciful-yet very real world, replete with angels, spooks, fleets of light, multi-dimensions, and other mind boggling possibilities     


Brother Harry's molded resin spaceships offer a glimpse into his creative mind
You can purchase them through
Cosmic Com.

How long have you been living in the Methow Valley?

Brother Harry: Over 14 years.

Where did you come from?
Well, I'm a Seattle boy. North Seattle.

How did you happen to end up here?
I had a calling to move east. My beautiful wife decided to go to Hawaii and find her a rich man, and I wasn't doing that badly, but she wanted to get into a higher income bracket. So, I moved to East Wenatchee and lived there for six years. Then the house there was sold and I had to find a place. I can carry my business on my back.

What would that be?
I'm an industrial foundry pattern maker by trade. I have the account of Pump Components in Savannah, Georgia. They are a pirate pump manufacturing business and I'm kind of pirate-like too (laughs). I work in my dusty little Santa-baby shop.
But back to East Wenatchee. I had to move. I was looking in this direction and had made contact with the Wrangles through the Amanda spiritual family- the yoga family- I'm not a yogi because my bones don't stretch. That was my first contact. I was invited up for a New Year's meditation and I stayed at the Daskam's. They live in a castle on the river down below Libby Creek. I had time then to take a look at the Methow Valley. I had never been here before.

Had you ever heard of it?
SURE: I'm a spooky person and that is my area of expertise, but that is what I have to offer people who are afraid of multi-dimensional stuff.  Anyway, I knew I had to anchor in and when I became aware of the Methow Valley I could see that this was the chosen place, obviously. It had everything. There were fewer people, but it had a community spirit-resources-and I was at that time somewhat consciously looking for a place to ride out the storms of changing times, which we are now into and nobody would argue that, I don't think. The time frame is loose but...

So when you got up here, you felt like this was home?
Definitely home; down on Burger Street was good, but this is better. Living on an organic farm-there are not too many situations like this-is very healthy mentally and physically. I don't have a lot of hands-on with the planting and harvesting, but I'm on call.

It sounds like you have several things going on, like the pattern making, which I don't quite understand...
I am given parts to produce or to copy-that is the pirate part-these pumps or impellers are used wherever liquid is motivated

What is your background in that?
I was a pattern maker in the Navy. After that I had a job at a shop in Chinatown and served a five-year apprenticeship in three years. Then I took a job in a Puget Sound naval Shipyard. I worked there for nine years and had to make a decision about staying . At that time my spiritual gears started kicking in and I became really interested in a spiritual walkabout-a quest. That was a real education. So I started going around and tried some Eastern stuff and wound up in some spiritualistic circles and they are some really spooky people (laughs)-praise God for that!

So the pattern making is more of a normal occupation for you?
Yes, that is how I make money. They call me on the phone and give me some dimensions and I come up with a price, but I don't need much money. I have very few costs here. 

But clearly you don't consider that your life's work? There is something else?
Oh, no sir. I come to do this stuff that I;m doing, and it is working for me, in that in the realm of no secrets-now we are talking fourth dimension, we are talking about out of the physical- I deal with these kind of people where we are working with them in unselfish service to make contacts. I get the silent voice. I have people who try to take care of me and they can download information. I'm aware of both the positive and the negative.

Is that what you refer to as being a gatherer?
As a gatherer my job is to make contact with people who are spiritually inclined with multi-dimensional awareness, who get tones-that is why I advertise for angels. Those tones come from spaceships. Many people in the Valley hear them. They often go get their ears cleaned because of it. The tones still keep coming because those folks are Bee Dee Bee Dees.

What is a Bee Dee Bee Dee?
It is a benevolent space dimension being that has a physical contact. Now we are talking about the being that owns your bones-we all have them (laughs) And there we get into some fun: the communications from the guardian groups-everyone has guardians who love and care about them-and the realms from where they come from. You see, there are at least 15 dimensions and as they become more refined, they become more as one mind.

So you see yourself as someone who is seeking others who hear these tones? And you also present yourself as a spiritual adviser?
Yes-to anyone who has problems. The first thing I do is to run a star chart on someone via their birth date. I don't quiz them about their mother or father or upbringing though they certainly have an impact. Mainstream psychology does not address first-cause issues, and we are talking about who the being is-what realm they come from, what their birth date is, possessions and obsession, and spook influence whether positive or negative. And there are both on all of us-we all have that. 
Those of us who are aware of the possibilities even old ones like me-I'm 63, born a Sagitarian tiger and this has been my prime time if there ever was with the sun in my sign-know that the outer planets have been at this for a long time. They have set up a swoosh of energy which has taken its toll and gotten back to us here of which we are a part. And I must say, in God's great creation, in the realm of no secrets, these energies-there is not a resistance to it-just like telepathy. We are subject to the influences and they motivate us. 

What is it like hearing these tones?
I get a half dozen voices. The silent voice is just that. It is a very definite data or reminder and in my case, since I'm slipping a little bit at 63, when I go to get something and mentally loop off-bi locate-and I can't remember what I came for, then the silent voice comes and gives me the data.

So you hear from them often?
All the time-every day and the daily reminder thing comes in handy-there is a little slippage there, but I'm still dangerously functional. I'm in good shape.

You put out these advertisements looking for other people who hear tones or have visions and you offer advice as well?
Indeed, I don't charge for counseling. They can come to me for nothing and for any amount of time. We can have some laughs and drink some wine, if they want to do that and discuss their situation. I'll run a chart on them, an astrological one, and find out the foundation of what their lessons are on this planet. We'll find out what they are taking in mentally and nutritionally, and what they are generating out. We can tell a whole lot about somebody if they have any idea of who they really are-what realm they come from, and their dream visions-I do all that stuff and it is very casual. 

Do you have quite a few people coming to you?
I wouldn't say quite a few, but they do occasionally. Since I don't do this for a living but I do advertise and I am out there putting myself on the line. I am available.

Is there any controversy?
I'm at peace with that, in that the people I have to answer to, my supervisors-and I do have them-I have many, and I need them (laughs). I'm talking about spooks; I'm talking about space people. I work for space people. I come from Orion and beyond. And the councils that govern the celestial city, which I'm the only fool making any noise about-I'm joking, of course...

You're referring to Acosma when you say, "Celestial City?"
Yes. To me it is very real because I'm there every night in the ethers right above the Methow Valley. That is where the action is. 

How do you get there?
You just go out of body at night, while the physical vehicle rests, and raise hell and joy. This is a spiritual celestial city that draws energy from the Pacific Ocean and is expanding north into Canada.

Over ten years ago you saw Twisp as becoming the Cultural Center of the New Age of Enlightenment-has it?
It is in the best shape yet. Y2K proved Valley people could pull together. It is for real. Wednesday awareness night in the celestial city-where electric bodies come from all over, with all manners of entertainment and classes, with all this amazing art, sound and color going on-has become successful. It is a gathering of benevolent extraterrestrial ones. Yes, something is going on and it's time to go rural. 


 Created By Web Magi