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S'fina and Yebanth

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Sofina to S'fina...this is her life!

Sofina left her farthers cothold, set on the outskirts of Ista Hold when she was 15 turns old. She did not have too many skills and her life was spent pretty much the same as others, working though the hold with the women and kitchen staff mainly Her one hoby of anysort was music. She could not read the HarperHall script but like many people enjoyed manking up melodies to suit her mood. Sofina could not get people to understand that she wanted to do more than have a family and live in the family buisness, which in this case was carpentry. Not something she was good at.

Finaly reaching an age where she was eligble to seek a craft, the first place she thought of was HarperHall. On hearing about Master Charlton, Sofina took her pipes and modestly home made fiddle and set off on her runner Powder to seek out a new life and just abit more adventure that her life now holds..well..actually as her life at the moment holds non..anything..would be an improvement! Just as she reached the Fort Road area and her brothers had turned back from being her escort to this area, Sofina met WeyrWoman Wullan, with her gold Isabeth. Well like many people she had not seen a dragon at this range, but riders she had met. Smiling politly conversation was struch with an Ending that Sofina will never forget. Sitting behind the Weyrwoman on the gold dragons neck, Sofina found herself bound for Ista Weyr and residency in its great caverns.

Her life again became on of helping out where she could and spending time in the kitchens, but somehow this new atmosphere held her attention more and the people seemed not think of Sofina as the daughter of the smallholder but as an individual. Time in the Barracks and in the Living cavern got her making many friends and finding new entertainment. The first friend to teach her the joys of wine and TableDancing was a resident called Adria (Who now hold the position of Headwoman) Sofina, Adria, Audria,Mesopha, B'roughs and many other residents would see many an evening in the Living Cavern, drinking Klah, Wine, eating and chattind. Then if the evening was in good spirits would go onto the traditional Table Danceing sechions!

A turn was spent in this way, towards the end of this time a new resident came to stay at the Weyr. A gentleman who has spent many a time traveling. His name was Phredrik. After not long at the Weyr he and Sofina found love in each others company and the relastionship grew up between them. Many afternoons when the work had been done and many a rider where out of the Weyr on buisness Sofina and Phredrik where to be found about the Volcanic Rocks and the pools their.

Time went on with Sofina having not thoughts of being happier, though her dream of working up the Harper Ladder had changed to Dragons and finding out as much about then as she could.. This dream reached a peak when Llawenth, a green belonging to G'briel decided that Sofina would stand on the Hatching Sands for the clutch hardening their at this time. Sofina was over the moon, she had one of those silly grins stuck to her face for most of the day. The only down side came when she spoke to her love, Phredrik. Candidates are asked to keep out of relationships where emotional attachment could be a put off for the dragons who are looking for their mind and sole life-mate. This situation was enhanced when a drunk Phredrik, got himself searched also. They split and had to suffer with this. Sofina on the other hand also got on with all the jobs that where thrown her way. She was not sure what she did wrong, but boy did she get fed up of Laundery Duty!!

The day approached and nerves where high and the aspect of what was about to hit then finally broke out..Candidates piled in on each other with the hug pillow fight, a time for releasing stress, though it was rather fun foofing each other with pillows!!

The big day and what a day Sofina will never forget! and one that has changed her life for every. Standing on the sands Sofina watched as Dragon after Dragon hatched and found their lifemates stood in that white ring of robes.(Sofina has to thank Headwoman Chandella for her wonderful robe, an embyoderd dragon on the inside for her own encouragment) Then the one egg that had always caught her attention from the day she watched it land <Cotton Candy Egg> As it cracked Sofina watched as a clumbsy green fell out. her heart was in her mouth, a green from that egg. Then it all happened in a daze. The dragon rolled off its hill, right to Sofinas legs and then her mind was nolonger just hers. Yebanth was forever their. S'fina now happy and crying her eyes out as she realises how worried the little green is that she her her lifemate..her lifemate! In a daze she went and fed and oiled the greens hide.

Her life for the next turn did not realy chane from that last statment, though wing practice and firestone eating and all the other lessons. The first flight was amazing!!!! Now in the griffon wing and with her own Weyr she works on sweeps and carrier servise. Phredrik sadly did not impress but their relationship is back on track!

What will happen next??? who knows...the future is in fates hand!!

Link to Inspiration Read Yebanths Inspiration here!!

Logs and Links!

Sofina's Search Log

Gold Tajiath's Clutching

Descriptions of S'fina and her family!