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Main Page

First off I just want to say one thing...if you do not wish to become Wiccan or Pagan that is fine. Magick is something for everyone and anyone. No matter who you are, you can still study and learn about Magick. This site is to help you understand about Wiccanism, Paganism and about Magick and WitchCraft. I ask that you please keep and open mind while viewing this site. Thank you.

Witchcraft is a complex thing that has many forms and branches. Most people starting out don't even realize that it comes from a religion called Wicca or Paganism. I want to help people understand that it's based around nature and paganism which can have different variations. This page is to help you on your journey into the world of Wicca and Paganism.

I have found that a lot of people believe in reincarnation and that we are all floating spirits waiting to be called. We have many links on our link page for you to continue on your journey. Its hard to start out when your not around people who practice Witchcraft/Paganism. It is tough, however there is so much on the Internet to help you.

One of the questions people actually ask is how do you actually use spells? This is a very good question and actually interesting because some people who are wiccans do not even practice magick. Sounds strange but its hard for some people to use they're own methods. Usually you take your beliefs and mix them with spells or make your own stuff up. Most stones, candles, colors and more have certain uses in spells. I found that mixing spells you find with your own or making something up works the best. Its much easier than people think.

A lot of people associate spells with the four directions North, South, East, and West and the five elements Akasha, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Its kind of your own thing so do what feels right, not just spells off paper because they're just to help guide you. The most important thing is that you follow the rede and never harm others and know enough to cast spells first. Also you must feel power or energy to have a spell work.

Blessed Be, Conscious