Writer's Palet

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HI, THIS IS A NEW INTERACTIVE PROFILE, POETRY, & WRITING WEB SITE. I'm looking for, profiles, poetry, short stories, opinions, and just about anything else you can think of. All you have to do is go to the bottom and click the "E-mail me" link, type out whatever it is you want displayed (in the exact font, color, and size you want it seen here) and I will put it on the site for as Long As you WANT, after it is sent in. This is a great opportunity to show off your creativeness to people. Plus it's FREE! so send in your things and, remember to keep it appropriate,


We Are the Writers

A Writers touch is his own, working his own direction in his own goal. He describes in his own way, works in his own way, thinks in his own way. His Wisdom is one of a kind, all writers and poets, and artists. We are the people that created all your entertainment, all your literature, all of your thoughts and sayings of today. We are the ones that conquer the thoughtful side of the world, we rule the pencil and paper. We are the ones with true emotions, able to describe it. We can tell what you can't, see and realize what you can't. Don't disagree, you know I'm right, you know that these words don't lie to your eyes. Don't disrespect us, the writers, the poets, and the artists.

­-© 2001 Slashvre

OooO, AreN'T we SoO loVEly! You knOw You'RE JeAlouS!!!! so Don't EvEN TRy To HidE it!!! oh WEll, fine hide it, I don't care *turns away* oh yah, btw, click THe piC to See morE of US!!!

AlsO Come See pix Of My BORED STATE OF MIND!!!


Links to other parts of the page

MYSTERY PAGE!! (it's fun I promise)
to go to the "Poetry Corner"
to go to "PiX PaGe!"
to go to "Profiles Page"
to go to "Story Time" page

My "Teen Open Diary" Journal thing
Slashvre's Page
Star Trek Site
Interplay Site
Westwood Site
Starcraft Site
Joe Cartoon
Fun Games
E-mail me to have anything put on this site. Send it in the exact, color, size, font etc. that you want it to appear in.

get this gear!

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