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More Goddesses

Original artwork: Rachel Muller


greek: Aset
(Iset, Auset)

She was the great goddess of Egypt,
and probably the most important god
in the Egyptian religion.

was said to be
the goddess of motherhood,
marriage, healing, & magic. Her magic
was the wost powerful in the Universe, this was
enpowered by her knowing the secret name of the god Ra.

She was the mother & sister of the god Osiris, sister
of Set & twin sister of Nephthys. She bore
a child, named Horus, who became the
first pharoah of Egypt.

This is the story of Isis:
Isis' husband Osiris was killed
by her brother Seth (evil dude).
She searched for his body,
finding it, she reassembled the
body (this is how she became the
goddess of funeral rites & the dead).
Isis intent on having a child impregnated
herself from the reconstructed dead body
of her husband & gave birth to Horus in
Khemnis in the Nile Delta. She had to
raise her child in secret for fear of Seth.
When the child grew to adulthood he defeated
Seth, and took thethrone as the first pharoah of Egypt.


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