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Well Met Traveller!Enter the Realm of Faerun and see it's mighty Heroes!On this Webpage you will find everything about our AD&D-gaming group, the Eddersheim-Gaming-Society!Be amused of the funny stories I present on this page or learn more about our characters!You can also find information about AD&D and the new 3rd Edition.Now step in!


28/06/2000 my own, great, extremly interesting Webpage!Its dedicated to AD&D and my own RPG-group. I hope you enjoy it.I'd like to greet all my friends and comrades, so here we go:Greetings to: Daniel,Marc,Michael,Mathias,Elli,Andro,Frank,Phillip, Steffen,Patrick,Olli,Jenny,Steffi and the whole 10cG of the Graf-Stauffenberg-School,Flörsheim. P.S. Please be patient...It's my first webpage! VISIT AGAIN! Im counting on you! (Well... actually my counter does!!!!!!!!) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31/10/2000 WUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Yes, the best and creepiest day of the year has arrived!!And as a special treat (get it?) I present you 100 zombi...oh wait no...I can't, they are to shy..and trustme they are dead serious about that! :) *g* .Ok..then I present you a creepy story on the "Halloweenspecial" part of the page!Wuhhahahah now I go seek a brain for my master! CU Jens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27/01/2001 Ok...just wanted to say hello again (it has been a while since my last update) and present the new part of my homepage: "CAMPAIGN CHRONICLES" In this part of the page, I will present you the complete chronicles of our groups adventures from the start to present! Have fun! Jens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 06/02/2001 Helllllooo! Ok...first updaté in February!My upcoming birthday preperations kept me kinda busy!But here (in the Gallery section) are the first pics of ,tadaaaaa,our gaming group! Take a look!! Well Met! Jens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11/02/2001 Hello again! I've made some minor changes on the Profiles...and inclueded a new picture to the Gallery!Hope you like it! Well Met! Jens

Internet Poll's!

Welcome to the Internet-Poll, where your opinion is important!!! :) This weeks topic: The new AD&D 3rd Edition.Its out now (YEAH!), but tell me what you think of it!?:

Also on this Webpage:

Player's Handbook
The Gallery
Funny Lists
About Me
The Lord Of The Rings Movie Trilogy
My group

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