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Past Heroes
Sg1 were standing with General Hammond watching the gate activate through the glass in the control room.
"We are receiving the Tokra's iris code Sir."
"All right, open the iris," commanded General Hammond. The iris slid open and three figures stepped through the gate. Seeing Martouf, Sam smiled.
"This is impossible," Jack muttered staring at one of the figures.
"Oh wow," replied Daniel. The rushed down to the gate room to greet the new arrivals.

Sg1 were sitting in the briefing room with General Hammond, Dr. Frasier and the three new arrivals.
"Heran'k insisted on coming when we told him of our alliance." Lantash explained.
"How long has  . . . Heran'k been with you?" Daniel asked.
"Almost ten years," Martouf said. "Recently he has been working as a spy with a powerful system lord, that is why you haven't met him before."
"This does not seem like my world," Heran'k's host said. "I thought you said we were coming to earth." He looked accusingly at Martouf.
"This is earth," Sam said. "We are inside an air force facility. The resemblance is remarkable."
"Why do you all keep looking at me like that?" Heran'k's host asked.
"You resemble a movie character of this world," Daniel explained. "Indiana Jones, he is very famous."
"But I am Indiana Jones!" Heran'k's host said. "I was on my latest mission after rescuing my father and discovering the resting place of the holy grail, when some serpent guards came through the device I was trying to rescue from the evil Dr. Blackbad and killed everyone and took me hostage. Before I became a Tokra."
"I think we should run some tests before he goes into his past." Dr. Frasier announced.
"That might not be a bad idea." General Hammond agreed. "Colonel O'Neill, I would like to see you I my office."

"What do you think?" Hammond asked Jack.
"He seems to be genuine, though that is impossible."
"Has the actor who played Jones been reported missing?" Hammond asked
"Harrison Ford, Sir. No. Major Carter and Dr Frasier went to see his latest movie, he is here, never left."
"I wonder what this means?" Hammond murmured.
"Are you going to inform the President?" Jack asked
"Not just yet. I'll wait until we find out who he really is."

"What's the verdict?" Sam asked Janet in the lab.
"He has the same DNA as Harrison Ford, but." Janet replied.
"But we saw him at the movies last week." Sam finished.
"We need to hear his story." Janet said as the walked back to tell Indiana of his test results. He looked up as the walked in.
"The tests show you are a healthy Tokra, but you have Harrison Ford's DNA." Janet informed him.
"Who is Harrison Ford?" Indy and Martouf asked together.
"He is the actor who played Indiana Jones, you, in the movies." Sam said. Jack walked in.
"General Hammond wants everyone back in the briefing room when the tests are done," he announced and they followed him out.

"I would like you to explain how you came to be with the Tokra," Hammond said to Indy. "Then we should be able to understand what is going on." They looked at Indy expectantly.
"As I tried to tell you before. I was on my latest mission after rescuing my father and discovering the resting place of the holy grail, I was hiding behind Dr. Blackbad's tents watching when the Stargate (though I didn't know what it was then) was activated. Serpent Guards came through and started firing. Most were killed or injured. A guard came up behind me, there wasn't anything I could do. They took me and some others through the Stargate to another world."
"Chulak?" Teal'c asked.
"No, I'm not sure what world it was, the gate opened into a large hall, there were no doors or windows but there was something like a large mirror that covered the back wall." Daniel gasped. "We were pushed through the mirror. It felt strange but we had not moved from the hall. Then the guards activated the Stargate and took us through again. This time we arrived outside. The guards took us to the village and locked us cells."
"Did you see the Goauld?" Jack interrupted.
"No, I didn't see anyone but the serpent guards and the other captives 'til the Tokra rescued me. We were in the cells for a long time, then the guards came. They looked at us and then took one of us away. He never returned. They kept doing that every so often until I was the only one left. Then the Tokra came. I was very weak and couldn't resist where they took me away. But they looked after me and I agreed to join them and become a Tokra."
"He must have come from a parallel world, like the one I went to before the battle with Apophis and Klorel!" Daniel exclaimed excitedly.
"That explains the DNA," Janet said "But if it was a world like ours, wouldn't that make him Harrison Ford?"
"Not necessarily," Sam said. "I've had a theory about this. He would have come from a Movie dimension. A place where movies are reality."
"Then how can we have movies?" Jack asked.
"The writes of movies might have an unconscious link to that world. They might dream the events from Indy's reality then write them down and make them into movies for us."
"So you're saying this really is Indiana Jones?" Hammond asked.
"Yes, I think it is, Sir."
"I don't understand, is this Indiana Jones of this world a person or something else?" Teal'c asked, utterly confused.
"Don't worry Teal'c, I'll rent you the video." Jack said. "Indiana, you were my son's hero."
"I have inspired many of my world." Indy replied.
"If movie writers get their information from Indy's reality, why wasn't his last adventure made?" Daniel asked.
"Because it would have lacked an ending." Sam explained. "He was taken from his reality so the movie would have ended with him going through the Stargate, not the usual happily ever after ending they normally have."
The Stargate activated and they rushed to the control room.

"Sorry, I have to go," Martouf said. "I'll see if Jacob can come when we return for Heran'k."
"Thank you," Sam said. Martouf, the messenger Tokra and the other Tokra he came with stepped through the gate to help with the evacuation. The Goauld had located the Tokra tunnels and they had to move again.

"Wouldn't it have been amazing if we got MacGyver instead of Indy." Sam said to Daniel as they walked back to the briefing room, she glanced back at Jack.
"Hey! I don't look that much like MacGyver." Jack growled. "Anyway, he didn't make movies."
"Yes he did," insisted Sam. "MacGyver - Trail To Doomsday was on last week, it is a movie."
"I still don't look like him," Jack muttered.
"You do. I've seen the photos from before you joined the Air Force. You even had the long hair." Sam laughed.
"Just drop it Carter, Ok?"

"What are your plans now?" Hammond asked when Sg1 was assembled back in the briefing room.
"I was going to finish cataloguing the artifacts we brought back from P8JX99. Indy said he wanted to help, He is in my rooms now." Daniel said, starting to fidget. He had a wistful look in his eyes.
"All right, you can go." Daniel rushed out the door without a word, eager to work with such a famous archeologist.
"What about you Colonel?" Hammond asked.
"I wanted to get leave to go out with Teal'c to rent some Indiana Jones Movies, Sir." Jack replied.
"Normally I would say no, but under these circumstances I think the movies could be useful," Replied Hammond. He looked over at Teal'c. "Remember to be careful and wear a hat."
"Yes General Hammond," Teal'c replied solemnly.
"Major?" Hammond asked.
"I would like to ask Indy more about his world, these parallel dimensions are fascinating, Sir." She replied.
"You are dismissed but remember, Indiana Jones is not to leave this base."

"If Indiana Jones is a teacher, why did he jump out the window and put himself in danger?" Teal'c asked. He was having trouble grasping the concept of movies.
"Ask him when he comes in," Jack replied. They were sitting in Jack's room watching the movies.
"Have I missed much?" Indy asked as he walked in.
"Yes, actually. We are about to watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. We have watched the others already." Jack explained.
"Daniel's work is so interesting. I'd love to work with you, exploring new worlds."
"I thought you were a Tokra spy?" Jack asked, waiting for the tape to rewind before he could start the next.
"Yes, but my assignment is finished now. We have a rest period after each spying mission because they are so stressful. I may be able to spend that time working with Sg1."
"And we'd love to have you," Jack said. "I'll see what I can do. It's ready now." Jack forwarded through the warnings until he reach the movie.
They watch in silence until it came to the bit where Indy was forced to give his rescued treasure to the "badies".
"I can't believe they made me do it," Indy said. "That treasure belonged in a Museum. Everyone had a right to see it." Jack looked amazed.
"You . . . remember this?" He asked.
"Of course, I wasn't that young." Teal'c looked genuinely amazed. His amazement increased when the grown-up Indiana came on. He looked exactly like the man who was sitting with them. Apart from some scars, he had not aged or changed a bit.

Sam was working on one of the computers in the control room when the gate activated. General Hammond came out of his office to watch with her.
"We are receiving the Tokra's iris code Sir."
"Open the iris," commanded General Hammond. The iris slid open and two figures stepped through the gate. Seeing her father, Sam smiled.

"Welcome home, Jacob." Hammond said shaking his hand.
"Dad!" Sam said.
"Sam!" Jacob hugged her. "I's amazing isn't it?" He said to Hammond. "A real life Tokra Indiana Jones. I have only met him recently myself."

Siting around the table in the briefing room once more.
"I'd like to stay," Indy said.
"You have your break now," Lantash replied. "I can see no reason why you can't spend it here with Sg1, if they agree."
"That would mean I would have to inform the president," Hammond said looking worried.
"That's easy," Jacob replied with a grin. "Tell him Tokra Heran'k will be working with Sg1. Just don't mention Indiana Jones is his host."
"Of course!" Jack exclaimed. "That should work."
"I'll see how it goes. Wait here." Hammond retired to his office to make the call.
"How was the move?" Sam asked.
"We found the spy," Martouf replied. "He was a native to the planet we were on. He believed the Goauld are Gods."
"What did you do with him?" Daniel asked.
"We sent him to the address he had been sending information to. Let the Goauld deal with him." Jacob replied. Hammond returned.
"The president agreed. Heran'k has information we may need. Indiana Jones, welcome. You are now an honorary member of Sg1!"

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