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Marble Memories

SG1 and Indiana Jones step through the Stargate to a new world.

There was a gentle breeze blowing through the trees at the edge of the circular clearing which held the Stargate. The only other things in the clearing were a semi circle of exquisitely carved marble replicas of the Stargate. The 'gate was in the center with replicas of descending sizes surrounding to make the semi circle. There was a track leading off into the scrub opposite to the 'gate. SG1 spread out to inspect the statues.

"So what does it mean?" Jack asked Daniel and Indy who were standing on the track, facing the 'gate.

"Well, they could be trying to build a new stargate. But it is more likely a place of worship." Daniel replied.

"It could date back to the time of Stone Henge," Indy said.

"Stone Henge?" Sam repeated.

"Yes. At the time Stone Henge was built circular stone places of worship appeared in England and parts of Europe." Daniel explained. "They were thought to be connected to the position of the sun on Winter Solstice."

"So you think they used the Stargate to worship the sun?" Jack asked in disbelief. Coming to stand with them after he had scanned the area for locals.

"I think it is more likely that they worship the Stargate itself. Remember, this is one of the worlds you put in when you had the knowledge of the Ancients. It may not have been discovered by the Goauld yet. Daniel said.

"Yes, that would explain why the statues are Stargates," Indy agreed.

"Look!" Teal'c said, coming with Sam to join them.

They raised their guns, but lowered them again seeing the newcomers were unarmed. Humans in brightly coloured robes with intricate embroidery, started to emerge from their hiding places. The leader, in a Gold and sky-blue robe stepped forward and spoke.

"Saludos! We have waited muchos luna for your coming travès the el conocimiento hope ring."

"Daniel?" Jack asked.

"It seems to be a mixture of Spanish, Greek, Latin and English. I've never heard anything like it."

"Indiana?" Jack asked in frustration.

"The strange thing is they seem to be modern variants of the languages, not ancient or mutated variants," Indy explained.

"He said: Greetings. We have waited," translated Daniel.

"Many moons," supplied Indy.

"For your coming through the Knowledge Hope Ring - their name for the Stargate," finished Daniel.

"Amazing," Said Sam, looking at their clothes. "I wonder what their city will be like.

"They were waiting for us?" Jack asked.

"Probably not us specifically." Daniel replied.

"It sounds like we are the first ones they have seen come through the 'gate," Indy said. The natives looked at them carefully while they were talking.

"Venir," the leader said, pointing to the track.

"Well?" Jack asked.

"He wants us to go with him," Daniel said.

At the end of the path was a village.

"This can't be right!" Indiana said.

"Maybe they lost their building skills," Daniel said, though unconvinced. The village was  a group of wood and mud huts with thatch roofs. The rest of the natives (who had followed them) disappeared into the village.

"Venir, we will break bread and bond amistad." the leader said. SG1 followed the leader into one of the tiny huts. The hut consisted of one room with wooden pallets at one end and a fireplace at the other. The pallets were covered with the same bright, embroided material the natives wore.

Some natives entered with a reed mat. They placed this on the floor at the center of the hut. Others brought food in wooden bowls and on platters. The leader sat down on the mat and motioned SG1 to do the same. Some other natives came in and joined them.

"To the protecia, finally to be cumplir!" The leader toasted.

"The prophecy?" Daniel asked, surprised.

"It . . . . was . . . . written . . . . by . . . .the . . . . ones . . . . who . . . . brought . . . . our . . . . ancestors . . . . here." The leader said haltingly.

"He is trying to use only english words," Indiana explained.

"Uh, thanks," Jack said to the leader.

"My . . . . name . . . . is . . . . Scott de Manjic. I . . . . am . . . . governor . . . .of . . . . this . . . . region."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Colonel Jack O'Neill."

"Ellos are not of deshonesto ways," another native said.

"Esto is true. We should show them," Manjic said.

"Show us what?" Daniel asked, but Manjic ignored him.

"Llevar le," Manjic said, pointing to Daniel. "And le," Manjic pointed to Indy.

"My . . . . name . . . . is . . . . Ronal." The native said and stood up. Daniel and Indy did the same."

"He is taking us to see . . . . . something," Daniel explained to the puzzled look on Jack's face.

"Teal'c, Like to go with them?"

"Sir, I would like to go." Sam said before Teal'c could answer.

"I do not think they would be in any danger," Teal'c said.

"She . . . . may . . . . go." Manjic decided.

~ * ~

Daniel, Sam, Indiana and Ronal followed a track leading away from the village. This track seemed as well traveled as the one leading from the Stargate. Some of the trees and bushes had been cut to math the path, which, at times, seemed like a green, leafy tunnel. The track ended at the foot of the mountain, which sheltered the village. The surface rock, with a fine covering of soil in some places, allowed stunted shrubs and grasses to grow.

Ronal stepped into a crevice which ran up the side of the rock.
Creeeeak, whooosh.
An opening appeared in the rock in front of Sam. Light flood out of the opening.

"This . . . . is . . . . the . . . .  workers' . . . . entrance," Ronal explained.

"You mean there is a bigger one?" Daniel asked.

"Yes . . . . but . . . . not . . . . this . . . . side." They followed Ronal into the mountain.

~ * ~

"Llamar for Rebecc. Our guests shall be permanecer," Manjic said. One of the natives hurried away.

"Pity both Daniel and Indiana left. We need a translator." Jack complained.

"They will tell us what we need to know," Teal'c said. A native woman appeared at the door of the hut.

"Rebecc, show our visitors to the el cazadors' huts. The el cazadors should not be back until next week." Manjic said to the woman.

"Go . . . .  with Rebecc . . . . she . . . . will . . . . show . . . . you . . . . your . . . . rooms."

Jack and Teal'c emerged from the hut, the sky had started to darken.

"It will be night soon," Jack observed.

"Night . . . . . comes . . . . . fast . . . . . this . . . . . time . . . . . of . . . . . year." Rebecc said. She took them to two huts on the edge od the village.

"You . . . . . will . . . . . have . . . . . these. They . . . . belong . . . . to . . . . the . . . . hunters." She left them to inspect the huts.

~ * ~

Inside, the cave was lit by what appeared to be electric lamps, set high in the walls and ceiling. The lamps had carved silver mounts. The inside of the mountain gave the impression of a cross between a workshop and a warehouse. It was filled with all sorts of inventions and sculptures, as well as tools and people working.

"Come," Ronal said. He led them through the assorted items to a wall. Writing was carved into the rock.

"This . . . . is . . . . our . . . . earliest . . . . work. It . . . . tells . . . . of . . . .  our . . . . arrival . . . . here." Ronal explained. Daniel and Indy looked at the writing.

"It is the same mixture as their speech," Daniel said.

"We will copy it and translate." Indy said.
"Yes," Ronal said. He looked at Sam. "You . . . . will . . . . tour . . . . the . . . . mountain." He lead Sam away and started explaining the inventions to her.

~ * ~

It was full dark and the moon lit the track back to the village. Rebecc met them outside Manjic's hut.
"I . . . . will . . . . take . . . . you . . . . to . . . . the . . . . others." Rebecc said and escorted Daniel, Sam and Indy to the hunters' huts. Daniel, Sam and Indy joined Jack and Teal'c in one of the huts.

"Have fun?" Jack asked, looking up at them from his position near the fire. "We should have brought Marshmellows," he muttered.

"It was amazing, Sir. They are soo talented.." Sam replied as they sat down by the fire.

"We were taken into the mountain . . ." Indy began.

"Into the mountain?" Jack interrupted.

"The mountain is a sort of . . . factory," Sam said. "Perhaps you should read the translation," She looked at Daniel.

"One of the walls of the mountain was carved with the history and origin of these people," Daniel explained. He shuffled their notes from the carvings and read:
"The world was sinking, we prepared to accept our fate. A great object appeared in the sky above. A creature appeared on the earth below the object. It spoke in our tongue. It said "I am one of the ones now known as the Ancient ones. Your knowledge is too pure and diverse to be lost. We shall save you. But, you must never let the enemy know of the secrets you shall keep. You will know the enemy by their glowing eyes and crewel ways." "

"The Goauld," Teal'c said.
"Yes," Indy replied.

"We watched our world be swallowed up by the waves," Daniel continued. "The Ancients took us far away to a new world. We must keep our promise and atone simple lives to hide our knowledge. The Ancients showed us a stone circle which stood in our new world. "This must be watched and protected," they said. "Watch and wait until ones come worthy of your knowledge. They may come from your home world." Then the writing continues with how they were to hide their inventions in the mountain." Daniel concluded.

"I wonder who it means?" Sam asked when Daniel was finished.

"It sounds a bit like they came from Atlantis." Daniel said.

"Atlantis is just a myth," Jack scoffed.

"So was the Holy Grail," Indy cut in.

"Most humans we have found came from your home world," Teal'c said.

"They may have actually been waiting for you," Indy said.

"Us?" Jack asked.

"You have said the Asguard are preening you to be the fifth race." Heran'k (Indiana's Tokra) said. "The Asguard have been monitoring your planet for hundreds of years. Perhaps the Ancients had the position before the Asguard took over. They may have saved these people to help you after you found the Stargate."

~ * ~

A knock sounded at the door of the hut. SG1 and Indiana Jones slowly woke from where they had fallen asleep in front of the now smoldering fire. Rebecc opened the door.

"Sunrise. De Manjic is waiting." She lead them back to Manjic's hut. A feast, this time one of fruit awaited them.

"To . . . sunrise!" Manjic toasted when they were all seated.

"Your history is very interesting," Daniel said.

"It does not mention the name of the place you came from." Indy continued.

"That . . . is . . . so . . . the . . . enemy . . . can . . . not . . . invade," Manjic said.

"Do you know the name?" Daniel asked. "There is a story of a land that was swallowed by the sea in our world."

"That . . . knowledge . . . has . . . been . . . lost," Manjic said, he looked grim

"We are to leave today," Jack announced.

"But . . . we . . . are . . . to . . . give . . . you . . . our . . . knowledge," Manjic said, his face turned white.

"We will send people from our world to learn from you," Sam explained. Manjic relaxed.

"You . . . may . . . take . . . anything . . . from . . . the . . . mountain . . . back . . . with . . . you," Manjic said.

"Thank you," Sam replied. Ronal arrived to take them all back to the mountain.

"Wow!" Jack exclaimed as he scanned the contents of the mountain. "This stuff is much more advanced than we are.." They split up to select pieces to take back with them.

~ * ~

"Ready?" Jack asked as they returned to the entrance.

"I wish I could take it all," Daniel sighed.

"Better to learn how to make it for ourselves," Jack said. Ronal walked them back to the village. Manjic was waiting, with the natives that had met them in the clearing.

"I . . . will . . . take . . you . . . back," Manjic said. The lead Sg1 and the other natives followed. Daniel dialed when they reached the clearing and they prepared to leave.

"Thank you for the knowledge," Indy said.

"It was fated that you would come. I am happy it is during my lifetime." Manjic and his natives bowed and Sg1 stepped through the Stargate.

~ The End  ~

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