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(The Tearer)

The probe disappeared into the water-like abyss of the Stargate's event horizon. SG-1 watched it's progress across the star chart.

"We are receiving video."

They moved to crowd around the monitor. It showed a scene of Jaffa training. Both Jaffa and natives were carting equipment to the pyramid from a path leading into the sand dunes.

"They are preparing to do battle," Teal'c said, not looking at all concerned.

"Notice anything strange about this picture?" Jack asked, staring at the screen

"Yes," Sam agreed. "They are all women."

"That is not unregular Colonel O'Neill. Some Goauld have all female Jaffa, some have all male and some have both male and female." Teal'c informed them.

"Are you still willing to got to this planet?" Hammond asked.

"Yes" Sg1 replied.

"They might be planing to attack here," Jack said.

"Or their victims might be the Tokra," Indiana Jones said.

"We have to help!" Daniel said.

"All right," Hammond said, still looking worried.


Whoosh, the Stargate deactivated behind Sam as she arrived on the desert planned. Jack surveyed the area with his binoculars. He saw a troop of Jaffa coming towards the gate from the sand dunes.
"Move out!" Jack yelled, and the headed off into the dunes, avoiding the Jaffa but heading where they came from. Jack continued to monitor the Jaffa while SG-1 crept by, unnoticed.

The sandy path took them through the dunes to a limestone temple. On both sides of the entrance were large bronze statues of cats. The temple was a flurry of activity, Around the temple were buildings also made of limestone, a city more than a village. Men were present in the city, though they did not go near the temple.

"The men seem to be afraid of the women," Daniel notices from were they hid behind a sand dune scanning the city. The men were doing medial tasks that were usually done by women in countries on earth, most were carrying water from the river that flowed next to the temple, or preparing food at the communal fire pits around the city. When the Women Jaffa walked past the men stopped their activities and bowed their heads until they had past.

"Look at that!' Indy said as a band of small animals walked down the main path of the city towards the temple. Again the Men stopped and bowed their heads, this time to the animals.

"They're cats," Jack said amazed.

"We must be on a world controlled by Bastet," Daniel said, looking amused.

"Bastet?" Jack asked. Then wished he hadn't.

"Also called Bast or Bubastis, she first appeared in the Second Dynasty of Egypt. Goddess of the home and of the domestic cat. She sometimes took on a role similar to that of Hathor. Usually represented by a women with the head of a domestic cat and holding a sistrum, that is type of sacred rattle with was also used by Hathor..."

"Ok, ok, we get the idea," Jack cut him off, annoyed.

"Is she dangerous?" Sam asked.

"All Goauld are dangerous," Heran'k answered, his eyes glowing momentarily.

"Meeeeooow," a high pitched voice called directly behind them. Startled Sg-1 looked and saw a sand coloured Abyssinian cat with gold eyes and large ears.

"We should leave now," Teal'c said looking at the cat.

"Why?" Jack asked. "It's just a cat." The cat stared at them intently.

"A cat," Teal'c said "Sacred to Bastet and the keeper of her secrets." The cat meowed again.

"Ok, retreat," Jack ordered, still unconvinced.

They turned and came face to face with the staff weapons of six Jaffa.
"Come!" They ordered. Jack looked back at the cat, it looked smug.

Sg-1 marched though the sand to the temple. Bastet's first prime was waiting on the steps.
"Bring her in," She gestured to Sam. "Take the others to the city, they can help prepare the travel food, make sure they are confined."

"Hey! Wait! You can't!" Jack yelled as they were dragged away leaving Sam alone with Bastet's first prime.

Bastet's first prime touched her neck and the cat mask slid from her face into the neck plate.
"I am Keowler," She said. "This way." Keowler escorted Sam through the temple. Keowler's Jaffa tattoo was the head of a cat, in gold but it had green eyes.
The temple was filled with cats, both living and statues. The seemed to accept Sam's presence and hardly gave her a second glance.

They stopped in front of a sculptured limestone alter, cats filled the room. There was a curtain behind the alter, woven images of cats appeared in the cloth.
Surprisingly, Keowler did not make Sam kneel at the alter, though she did herself.

"I have brought one of the intruders, my lady." Keowler announced in a purring voice.

A jewelled hand thrust the curtain aside. The woman who stood at the alter had iridescent black hair and large, bright-green eyes. She wore a simple green dress that matched her eyes. On her head was a gold covering, similar to the one Apophis wore, except hers had two gold cat ears. Her jewellery depicted cats all facing to the right, with their tails placed neatly against their right sides.

"So, you have intruded my world. You are no Jaffa, not Goauld, though I do sense a presence was once in you. Who are you? Why are you here?" Bastet's eyes flashed and her voice had the distinct Goauld presence as she spoke, but her words still came out friendly.

"I am Samantha Carter, an explorer of worlds," Sam answered leaving out all important details.

"You are afraid," Bastet purred. "Why have you chosen to visit my world?" Running footsteps interrupted them.

"My Lady, the prisoners refuse to work. They may give the men rebellious ideas." A Jaffa reported.

"Move them to the dungeons under the river." Bastet ordered then turned back to face Sam. The Jaffa hurried away.

"Your men are disruptive." She said partly accusingly. "Why are you here?" Her face was still calm and friendly.

"We heard you were about to attack a world, we came to find out who's world."

"So you are a spy!" Bastet replied.


Jack, Daniel, Indy and Teal'c found themselves in a dark dungeon. Water dripped steadily from the ceiling, splashing in deep puddles. The walls were covered by moss and lichens growing in the moist conditions.

"Great! This is just what we need," Jack complained hitting the barred door with his fists. Worry showed on his face.

Daniel squatted near a puddle in the darkness examining the water.

"It seems to be ok," he said. Jack turned to glare at him, then realised what he was doing.

"We can drink that water?" Jack was sceptical.

"We might be here for a great length of time," Teal'c said.

"We must plan an escape," Indy said, looking around. The door they  had come in was the only one. A Jaffa was posted outside the door and there were more positioned through the tunnel which lead to the surface. The tunnel was lined with limestone to stop the sand seeping in to collapse it.

"Well, we can't go through the walls," Jack said. "We will have to fight our way out. There can't be that many of them.


Sam had managed to convince Bastet that SG-1 were just travellers from a small insignificant planet afraid for their own skins and wary of the System lords.

"You are right to be wary," Bastet said. "The System Lords would happily crush any world in their way."

"You are clearly planning for battle, who are you fighting?" Sam asked, not expecting an answer.

"Not the System Lords, not yet." Bastet confided. "I am not powerful enough, yet." Her eyes flashed. "There is a Goauld in this area who plans to wipe me out. My spies say he will come soon. I want to get there first." Sam was getting worried. Bastet was telling her to much. Clearly Sam was going to be killed.

"You want to fight him in his world, not yours," Sam said carefully.

"Of course. I will have the advantage. I will be prepared. My people will not be subjected to a Goauld attack." Again Bastet's eyes flashed. She was determined.

"My people could help you," Sam offered, looking for a way to help the others escape.

"You," Bastet laughed. "What could the five of you do to help my Jaffa army?"

"We are trained fighters and we help worlds fight against the system lords." Sam's mind raced. She hoped she was doing the right thing by offering help. A Goauld ally could be very valuable, as long as she stayed an ally.

"Keowler!" Bastet's first prime appeared at the door. "Bring the prisoners here."
"But they are men My lady. Your rules are . . . "
"Bring them!" Keowler hurried away avoiding the argument she had foolishly started.


The confines of the dungeon cell was causing SG-1 to feel claustrophobic. They crouched in the corners trying to keep themselves dry. Only a few hours had past but their legs and backs ached from it.

Keys jangled at the door.
"Oh no! Now I'm hearing things," thought Jack. He was relieved to see the others straighten up, hearing it as well. Slowly the heavy door opened, stiff with age and neglect.

"Come!" It was Bastet's first prime. The other guards were waiting with her when Jack stepped out into the dim light. Jaffa surrounded them and escorted them to the surface. Jack glanced backwards to see Daniel stretch, the Jaffa leading Daniel didn't hit him.
"I'm going mad," Jack thought and turned back.

They were lead to the limestone temple. Sam was standing on the steps, stroking a cat, beside her was a Jaffa. Sam smiled as they approached.

"Bring them in," the Jaffa said.

The escort departed leaving Keowler, Sam and the Jaffa standing with the men. Sam and Keowler lead the way. Jack and Teal'c scanned the temple for danger as they walked. Indy admired the statues and Daniel sneezed almost constantly. Sam whispered something to the Jaffa that Jack couldn't quite hear and the Jaffa lead Daniel away.


Bastet was waiting for them at her sculptured limestone alter. Keowler roughly made the men kneel, shoving them hard, the only evidence of her displeasure of the arrangement.

"You may go," Bastet ordered.

"But, My Lady, your safety . . ." Keowler showed her displeasure openly now.

"Sam will not let them hurt me," Bastet replied, revelling in the puzzled look on the men's faces. "And, I am a Goauld!" Keowler turned and left them passing Daniel and the Jaffa as she left. The Jaffa followed her out.

"Sam tells me you are warriors." Jack stared at her with defiance then gazed at Sam. "She has offered you help to fight my enemy."

"Who is your enemy?" Jack asked, wondering what Sam had done.

"There is a Goauld planning to attack my planet. Sam offered your assistance is my surprise battle at his home world. Do you agree?" Bastet's eyes had not flashed during her speech. Jack wondered if she was really a Goauld.

"If Sam has offered our help. We will help." Jack answered.

"Good!" Bastet called Keowler to show them to their accommodation.


SG-1 sat around a small table in the sandstone hut they had been given. Sam had explained why she volunteered their help.

"I don't trust her," Jack said again.

"I do not trust her either Colonel O'Neill," Teal'c agreed.

"Why don't we just sneak off through the stargate?" Daniel asked.

"Because we said we'd help her," Jack replied. "Like Sam said, Bastet could becomes our ally. Being allied with a Goauld is too valuable an opportunity to waste." Keowler entered the hut.

"Come!" She said. "You are to help load the communication devices. We leave tomorrow." They followed her out.

Allies part two of Bastet

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