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**********K.NARASIMHAN's PAGE (MADHU)**********

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Interaction in Science is the key to success

Basically, I'm a science student interested in Plants and Microbes (currently working on Interdisiplinary Research involving Biology, Chemistry and Physics), but you will find more interesting things in my home page.............. have a nice time and please don't forget to mail me your comments about my home page, thanks a lot in advance. Well more things to come in the near future!!!!!!!!!!!

Hottest news in Science around the world (Posted 3rd May,2000)

(The Human Genome Project)

(Want to know the whole history of people behind the discovery of DNA ) HREF= Scientific American

My Research Interests are in :

Life Sciences , mainly DNA - PROTEIN interactions and their family

Well now about me
  • Presently I'm doing my Post Graduate studies (Ph D)in the
    Department of Biological Sciences (DBS),
    National University of Singapore , popularly known as the HARVARD of the east.
  • My Lab: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction Laboratory
    Welcome to our Post Graduate Congress, 2000

    My work is focussed on Plant Metabolic Engineering for Manipulating Plant-Microbe Interactions for beneficial purposes for this, I use the following two systems: plant system-Arabidopsis thaliana and Microbe- Pseudomonas putida

    To know more about my work please click here
    Metabolic Profiling in Plants and it Implications in Functional genomics Pls see the last abstract, Thanks

    shortly you will find more about Human Genome Project, Accelared Drug Discovery, Treatment for Acute Illness,Gene therapy, All about Molecular Biology (MB),

    Molecular Biology Protocols , Mass Spectometry, MALDI-Q-TOF, Internet Science Discussion Forums, more on Video conferencing, e-commerce on Science and Technology etc etc ..................
    WWW on DNA and Protein Analysis tool kit Expecting your sincere co-operation for making this venture a success

    Links to Scientific Journals in Life Sciences

    The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology
    Nature Biotechnology
    My favourite liks in Life Science & Space :
    Meyerowitz Lab
    California Institute of Technology
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    CNN ,
    Why study Plant Biology

    Jochn Innes Center

    Mass Spectrometry , TIGER
    from ohio


    Agricultural Conferences
    All about my Lord
    Astrology + Horoscopes

    More about India

    Indian News Papers
    All About Kerala State and Malayalam Songs

    for KN's friends home pages please click here

    my cat

    Hi friends, do you wish to know more about my University click here

    National University of Singapore My Address : LAB: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciecnes, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117600. Telephone: 874-2879.

    Home Address: Block 612,#03-326, Clementi West Street 1,Singapore 120612. Telephone: 778-1195

    Hi you are visitor number

    since April 30, 2000

    Last Up Dated 23rd July, 2000.