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Another cool feature: Click yes to the popup that asks you to install Cool Cursor to enjoy the fun cursors I use throughout my page. (I know that sounded corney, just bare with me...)
The World of Scatha
Star Wars
Weird Games
Final Fantasy
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 Welcome to my Realm.

Welcome to Jedi21's Fantasy Page. This site is devoted to Roleplaying, Scifi, Fantasy, Gaming, RPGs, and pretty much anything in that area. I still have much to do before this site covers everything that I want it to, but I think it's coming along.
Last updated: 1/17/01

The world of

( Fantasy )

Scatha is a world of Fantasy maintained and created by Jedi21. Right now the message board, Ellegon's Tavern is under construction, but it will be up again soon. Until then, take this path.

Final Fantasy My thanks to the RPG Emulation HQ for this shot...

(Mostly humor, although walkthroughs, screenshots, roms, etc. coming soon.)

Other RPGs

*Coming Soon^

Use the force!

Weird Games

You must have shockwave to play these games. Download it here

In the first odd game, you take the role of a small alien called Yar.You must blast malicious little characters and objects that try to crash down on you.Some of these evil little things include: pac-men, smurfs, and purple Marios.

Don't ask me...angelfire made this game.. In the second, more disturbed game, you must take the role of a smiling guy in a rocket ship ( don't ask me ). You must destroy as many meteors as you can without getting blown up more than 3 times.

Site Shortcuts

Star Wars

  • Star Wars Humor

  • This section is mostly amateur pictures of Star Wars action figures. Some of the skitsare pretty finny. Not much going on here, lately, though. Might wanna check this section out if you're interested in winning an easy pat on the back.
  • Star Wars Links

  • Like the name suggests, this is a section of links to Star Wars sites that caught my eye.
  • Star Wars Pics

  • A small gallery of Star Wars pictures. If you wish top use any, just right click on it, and select Save As.
  • The Path

  • A little introduction to Scatha.
  • Ellegon's Tavern

  • The roleplaying Msg Board of Scatha.
  • Revenge of Yar's Revenge

  • In this game, you play a small creature called Yar. You must blast everything that comes down from the top of the screen. Record you scores in the log and compare with other people if you wish...
  • Space Blammo

  • In this game, you play as a guy in a rocketship. You must shoot asteroids that come at you from the opposite side of the screen. It's a lot harder than Revenge of Yar's Revenge.

  • Note: You must have Shockwave to play these games. They were created by angelfire, not me.

  • Final Fantasy

  • Final Fantasy Roms

  • If you're looking for Roms, I have Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, and Mystic Quest.
  • Edward's Trial

  • This is a little skit I created. I have brought up charges against Edward (FF IV) for running from battle. (Comedy)
  • Evolution 101

  • Another skit that I created explaining the evolution of characters from the original Final Fantasy up until Final Fantasy III/VI. (Comedy)
  • Final Fantasy "Movie Trailer"
  • ,#2,,#3

    These are comic strips that I created with Final Fantasy III/VI icons. I added dialog and "clever" themes and made them into trailers. Of course no movie will be coming out...yet... (Comedy)
  • Final Fantasy Links

  • Additional Site Features

  • Submit Your Site For An Award

  • I'm still working on graphics, but yes, there is a Dragon's and Jedi's Award.
  • Help Earth Out a Bit..

  • Here you can save a little bit of the rainforest or get some food for someone that's starving, and it's all free.

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    This is my adopted Dragon, Epik.

    *New* Apply for an Award


    My Awards

    If you wish to link to my page, or use any of my material, please use this banner.
    Links of the Week:...ok fine, maybe not of the week..or month or whatever...I'm just too lazy to change the link(s) every week, so I'll just keep'em up:

    Shadow's Page

    Ok, Shadow is a buddy of mine...or aquiantance..(ok, heck, I barely know the guy) from a Message Board. Anyway, he's a little wacky at times, and it shows on his page. He has a great site, though, and if you're in the mood to laugh, stop by.

    The Magnus Files

    This is a very funny page. It includes Humor from console games to UO to Everquest. Oh yes, and contrary to certain rumors, this page does not contain images of nude Disney characters.

    Red Phantasm's Realm of Anime

    This is the page of a friend of mine. I was waiting for him to develop it a bit, and now it seems pretty.....developed. Anyway, he has some good fanfics and fan art on his page, as well as picture galleries and info on various anime.

    Every good writer or artist must have a good sense of humor as well as imagination...

    Ok, now the goofy stuff.

    Run, Luke, run!

    Be on the lookout for this boy. He is armed, and extremely dangerous. He was last seen fleeing from Ellegon's Tavern after killing several patrons with fireballs.

    ( No, not really. )


    Look! It's a button! It must do something wonderful.

    Why not push it?!

    You know you want to....

    Jedi21's Fantasy Page, Ellegon's Tavern, Ellegon's Calendar, The World of Scatha, and Edward's Trial are

    Copyright (C) 2000 by Jedi21

    All Rights Reserved

    No replications allowed.