***When You Feel the Need***

Title: When You Feel The Need (1/1)

Author: Talion

Rating: NC-17

Summery: PWP B/A(us) This is a ONE shot thing.

Disclaimer: I do not own them!

Archiving: As with all of my work this will be up at my site, when I get my computer back. I don't know of any one else wanting ANY of my work... but if ya do... just let me know! You can have.

Feedback: You bet your sweet bippy!

Notes: I’m tired of dealing with angsty charectors who don’t even do what I tell them too… so I’m writing something just plain smutty. I want NO PLOT! Angelus is Angelus… just less psycopathic!

Dedication: To MoonGlow, who litteraly begs for this stuff. And to my shmoopie... cause she's my shmoopie!*g*


Her body gyrated to the strong beat from the over head speakers. She was serrounded by a throng of young men. The vampire above growled in annoyance. What the hell did she think she was doing? He had gone out of town on "bussness" leaving his mate behind. Never expected to return to this. Hell, he had expected to find her in bed… where she damned well belonged!

Instead Buffy was down on the dance floor. Her slim body encased in tight restricting leather riding low on her hips. The tiny red halter, threatening to allow her unbound breasts to either spill over the extreamy low cut, or out of the loose and short bottom. When a glint off the tiny silver ring in her bellybutton caught Angelus' eye, he raised his eyebrow.

"I was gone for three days. A long weekend... and..." Angelus was to angry to finish the thought. He would kill her. No, death would be too sweet for his little minx. It was bad enough he couldn't kill her. The little witch still hadn't paid for that one.... but right now he had bigger fish to fry.

"Big mistake, son." Angelus growled when one of the boys on the dancefloor next to Buffy, moved to grind against her, and she allowed his arms to cirlce her waist. She looked up meeting the eyes of her demon lover and smiled blatently at him both. Then turned capturing the young pup in a kiss.

Buffy could sense him there. Her blood was boiling. She'd known the second he had entered the city limits. the closer he got, the hotter she was. The three days had felt like months and every houre was a day. Her fingers, her toys... nothing had worked. Nothing would work untill he returned. She wasn't sure who mastered whom, or if anyone could at all.


She felt herself being yanked back into a growling chest. She could smell the worn leather, her vision was blured... but she heard the snappinng of a human neck, and the snarling toward screaming patrons of the club. She was lost, compleately. She was simply to close to him to think strait after so long... too long. Her arms wound their way around the neck of the vampire who had lifted her into his arms.

She wasn't sure how or when, but they were home and she was flush against the wall, as Angelus devoured her mouth. Every moan, every whimper, every groan, and every breath. She tried to beat on him... to let him know she needed air, but he didn't pay her any attention.

His nimle finger quickly shed her of the hip-hugging leather pants, and he shred the offending top, having no wish to see her in it again. Buffy pushed the crushed velvet of his shirt off his shoulders, bearing his cool marble skin to her finger nails, which promply raked down his back. The sent of his own blood, inflaming Angelus' passions.

She gasped her tourtured lungs filling with air, when he backed away from her mouth granting her a seconds reprieve, before his expert mouth caught her nipple suckling the bud, loving the mewling sounds coming from Buffy's throat. His hand covered the other mound of golden flesh, his fingers kneeding it, untill it grew hard in his hand.

Not sure how or when they had lost thier cloths, and not really caring, both Angelus and Buffy lay in the middle of the oriental carpet, on the cool marble floor. buffy's finger were gripping at the dark locks on the head, that was bussy between her knees. Angelus moved his tongue in and out of her grasping passage. The sent and taste of her was addicting. He couldn't seem to get enough. He even loved the way she arched rythmicaly into his face. Sucking on the hard button of her clit, he listed, and inhaled as Buffy came, screaming his name.

Angelus moved inside her tight body, unable to explain the attraction he had to this girl inperticulare. His hand griping her hips pulling her as hard against him as he could, all he knew was that he wanted her, he needed her, he had to get deeper. She pistoned back, her palms griping the carpet, her breasts swaying to the animalistic rythym he had set. Buffy couldn't keep her head up or her eyes open. her body was running on auto pilot. She knew he wanted deeper, and when his thrusts speeded up, she began to cry out... loving the feelings he caused inside her. An over head light cast a silver glow over them.

Buffy's thighs spread on either side of her mate's legs. he continues to thrust in her tight passage, as she rises from her hands and knees, to just her knees. Her hands locking behind his head. He growls as he feels himself slipping deeper into her body. She moves on him, ready to cum, needing release again. Needing his release inside her desolate body.

Her head on the right side on his, cocked slightly to expose the tanned colom of her neck. His right hand rests on her hip, kneeding the flesh there. His left cupping her left breasts, tenderly palming it, carressing the mountain of flesh. Their frenzied fucking slows, and the light above casts and eerie silver glow over them. As if promted by slowmotion filming, Angelus leans down his face shifting, biting into Buffy's neck. Crieing out only for an instant, Buffy's nails dig sharply into Angelus' back, blood seeping down is back in ten thin lines. From the bite on her neck, a single trikcle of blood flows between the vally of her breasts, splitting to go around her newly peirced belly button, and rejoining at he apex of her thighs. Beaarly moving now, her mouth is open in silent orgamic scream, as he emties his long dead seed inside her warm recieving body.

Her eyes wide, mouth agape, his demonic visage visable barely, as his face remains bearied in her throat. They apear still flawless a painting from long ago... Satin himself seducing a young angel from the heavens, their essinces mixing to create perfect... flawlessness.... raw need...

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