
Title: Mine (1/1)

Author: Talion

Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize. The fic idea is mine. The people in it are not. Please, please, don't sue me!


Feedback: YES! Please!!! let me know my creative efforts aren't wasted, please!!!

Dedication: This is to Emma, Sandy, Ryan and Dru. All of whom in one way or another own me! *grin*


"This is totally ridiculous!" Faith moved through the house with slayer persition, listening for her brooding lover. "Angel!" She came around the corner to find him in front of the fire in an overstuffed chair ... brooding. "Fuck! She was here already. Ya know. I'm getting really tired of B blowing through LA and sending you intro a four day brood fest." Faith growled at him. He didn't even pretned to care she was there. "Hello???" Faith waved a hand in front of his face, and Angel didn't even blink. "Fine."

In the three years since Faith had moved in with Angel, they had become friends, companions and then lovers. That had really rattled B's cage, and the Scoob's had serious issue with it, but since Cordy and even Wesley had come to except it she really didn't care. Spike even liked her, and the only person Spike liked was Wesley and that was for WAY obvious reasons. Every once in a while though, Buffy had to come to LA. Whether is was to see her dad or just fuck with the lives of those in LA she didn't care. Because every time Buffy came to town, Angel spent days brooding, and usually spent weeks avoiding touching Faith, except in sleep. When he was asleep and would finally fall asleep he reached for her, and held her tight. Something he'd done before they were lovers, something he'd done to help chase away the faces.

This was the last straw. For the last five years she had put up with it. At least two times a year Buffy would breeze through and Faith just put up with it. Yeah she would complain to Cordy. Some times she's fight with Spike because of it, but she'd had enough. She was squatting next to his chair, waiting for him to know she was there. Patients was never Faith's strong suit, shaking her head, fighting tears she stood and walked away. Closing the door to their bedroom she flung open the closet door, digging through the things inside for her leather back pack, the one she came to LA with.

Angel had been sitting in front of the fireplace since Buffy had left. She always managed to come by when Faith wasn't there. Today she'd come over, let him know how well things were going between herself and Riley. So he told her how much he cared about Faith. Buffy had looked angry but shrugged it off mildly, she walked around his home picking up things she knew weren't his... at least not by his choice alone. She had been touching everything in his new life. The one he'd built without her. For some reason it had made him feel dirty, ever item she touched seemed to defile what he had with Faith. He had let it happen, because he still loved her. He always would and for that reason he was powerless against her, at least when Faith wasn't there. Buffy always managed to make him feel bad about being happy with Faith. About moving on and being OK, with the life he had now. Buffy never left without making him pay for leaving her, for not going back to her, and without reminding him that he loved her.

He'd heard Faith come in and known she was there. It was always the same. Faith accepted his past, his feelings for Buffy. She was always there when he finally broke from his melancholy. Today he realized he loved Faith too. Part of him was head over heals for the brash, bad mouthed, brunette. Her humor, her instance for fighting and survival. He loved every part of her, and it had shred him to know that Buffy purposely came to make him feel bad about it. To make him feel sorry. To make him want to give her up.

When Faith slammed the door he snapped out of his revere. Not so much the slamming of the door. She was Faith, she loved to slam doors. It was the utter finality of the sound that scared him. Standing he moved turning the knob and leaning on the jam be watched casually as she packed a bag, his demon screaming in protest. "Faith? Baby... what's going on?" He asked, desperate for her to inform him she had agreed to stay a few nights with Cordy, while Lindsey was away. He felt his heart constrict when she looked up her beautiful expressive eyes landing on him.

She'd heard him come in and had become increasingly angry when he asked her what was going on. Looking up at him, her eyes read her hurt, betray, anger, and love. "I'm leaving." She sighed, shoving her oldest pair of leather pants into the bag, along with her faded black jeans and the shirts she'd brought with her. "I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back ... and I don't want to see you again." She growled looking up at him. "Go back to the fire. Just do me a favor and wait to call Buffy until after I've left." She cinched the back pack, snapping the flap.

Angel watched her go through the motions of packing. It wasn't a light threat, it wasn't a cry for attention, not that Faith had ever done that before, suprisingly. No, she was being honest and unless he put a stop to it now, she was walking out of his life ... forever. He watched as she reached up to pull her hair back, still acting as if this was an every day occurrence. Her slightly tanned skin shown two twin puncture scars just above her navel. That's when he growled.

"Like hell you are." The door slammed as he walked into the room, and locked it. Stalking toward her. "You are mine ... and you are NOT going any where." Her hands flew to her hips as she glared at him.

"No. Errrt, wrong answer. I'm sorry sir, would you like a consolation prize? I'm not any ones. And I'm leaving." She shook her head, grabbing her back pack and making her way around him, only to be caught around the waist pulled back against him.

"Really? Your not mine, Fay?" Gently he brushed his hand over the mark, smiling as the muscle there quivered. "You are mine. This mark says so. Remember how proud you were of it, to be claimed by both me and Angelus? You wore mid drifts for months." He whispered into her ear. Inhaling the scent of her hair, kissing her scalp. "Your mine Fay... I'm not letting you go."

She was livid. How dare he. How dare he use that against her. She was shaking with rage, as she flung her bag into a corner turning and smacking him hard across the face. "Bastard." She seethed. When he shifted she knew what was going to happen.

"I've been called worse ... but less, lover." He murmured, pulling her into a bruising kiss. Ripping her cloths, the tank and sweat pants she had been training in. "You are mine Faith." He stated firmly, pushing her onto the bed, relieving himself of his slacks, grateful he hadn't been wearing a shirt.

Kissing her again he waited till she was moaning to let up, allowing her to breath. Trailing small kisses down her jaw, to her neck, sucking on her pulse. "Mine." Angel whispered. His hands fondling her breasts. Faith arched wantonly into his expert fingers, as they kneaded the firm flesh and twisted her puckered nipples. She scram when his mouth finally found one, worrying it with his teeth, then soothing the rosy pebble with his tongue. Switching he grinned in pride as he smelled her heady scent. Moving lower he licked and nipped at her mark, the one branding her as his own. Groaning he plunged into her soaking flesh. Licking and nipping at her puffy outer and inner lips, before cleaning her. Careful to avoid her clit.

"Please... Angel ... please ... fuck ... suck me... Angel please ... please... I need you so badly, I need you to suck my clit. Fuck just touch it please." She whimpered, lost in her need for release. Always the gentleman he quickly moved up latching on to the tiny bud. Sucking hard as she rode his face, crying out. "Fuck... YES!!! Oh thank you... ahhh ... ahhhh.... Ahhoohhhhh..... ohhh ahhh... yes... fuck oh gods... yes.. thank you... thank you..." She was still bucking when he stood.

Raising her knees around his fore arms, he plunged into her. Feeling her instantly begin to spasm around his hard cock. Grunting he began to move thrusting, hard into her welcoming body. Sawing in and out of her pussy at an alarming rate, taking her quickly to her third orgasm of the night. "More?" He grunted holding back his release until she came for a third time.

Nodding rapidly she tried t convey her need to him. "Harder... harder... please... fuck me, hard Angel... please... make me cum again. Ohh shit, I'm close... I'm so... ahhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhh, yes! Fuck!! Yes! Oh Angel..." Whimpering as her limbs fell boneless, she smiled sedately at the feel of him shooting his seed deep inside her womb.

"Mine." He growled, moving to pull her spoon flush against him. "You are mine Faith. I'm not letting you go, Baby. I love you... I do. It just took her coming back and trying to destroy that, for me to realize it." He kissed her neck inhaling the musky scent of her and himself, sex, and her blood.

"I love you too, Angelus." She whispered, very low, almost unheard. She puled her hair aside, allowing him neck access, something she never ever permitted. Growling in approval he sunk his fangs in to the creamy flash. Lapping at her new mark he began to purr.

"Mine." He growled when she moved. Turning in his arms to face him.

"Mine." She smiled, dozing in his arms.

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