***When I Met Him***

Title: When I Met Him (1/1)

Author: Talion

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

Rating: R (maybe?)

Feedback: Do you ever want me to write anything ever again?

Notes: OK… this just came to me… thus I wrote it.



The silence thrummed threw the room. This was ridiculous, and ingenious. Shit, if the boss had been this smart… well he’d still be dead, but maybe not blown up bits, ya know? Fuck, what do I know? I’m just staying in my space. Funny, I spent every day of my life, since I lost my mom, clawing my way out of a corner… just to end up hiding in one.

SHIT! I hate this feeling. I hate not knowing. We aren’t even given anything sharp to kill one another with. I want to cry every time Angel comes to check on me. B gives me this look. Like she’s gonna hurt me... hurt me bad. Like I fucking blame her right? No way in hell.

I hid in corners when I was a kid. Mom drank, dad was… well I think he was dead. Who gives a fuck, right? And here I am again. In a corner. I stopped letting Angel come check on me. Buffy started this big fight, the last time he did. I flipped him off when he asked how was. He smiled, and thanked me. Hasn’t been back this way since.


At first it was just me in here. This room. One door, no windows, and blankets. Water came from some where and there was a light. Like 20 feet above head. Food, they sent food in with B. She was the next. We still haven’t talked. She just leaves half for me, and sits on the wall opposite mine. Whenever food appears, I let her go first, and I take what ever is left. I can tell it pisses Angel off. But I think he’s mad at her, for allowing it, rather then me for not changing it.

Then they sent Angel in. Bit her ass bad, when he saw me and rushed to ask how I was. They did that whispering, so that I could still hear thing. Then made up. B slept in his arms that night. I didn’t… sleep that is. Not really interested in Angel’s arms, believe it or not. He’s not my type… to, quiet. I need some one louder.

You won’t believe the form your wishes come in. Mine showed up two days after Angel. He growled when he saw Buffy. Flipped Angel off and called him peaches. Angel ignored him, so did Buffy. But I was ‘intrigued’. Don’t know why. Bad cloths… very 80’s he had that punk star wanna-be vibe going. Bleach blond hair. B’s hair needed a touch up. His was white, blond. A great color to set of these steely blue eyes.

Didn’t take long for me to put two and two together. He was a vampire. Took me a while to figure out ‘who’ he was. Actually it took Angel threatening to rip his throat out, if he didn’t find some thing other then Henry the Eighth to start singing. He called him child. Then Buffy glared at him, and told him he was a sick pervert, when he started singing "Closer" by NIN. I laughed. For the first time in I’m really not sure how long. Well before I got to SunnyDale, but I laughed. Spike… that’s his name, he smiled up at me. B and Angel sorta looked at me like I was NOT ok. I was waiting for B, to put her finger to her head and make swirly motions. I helped him finish the song off. Then things went silent again.

I don’t know how long it’s been since I saw the sun… or even the moon. But it’s been a long while. The keep feeding B. but and me there’s never any thing for Angel… or Spike. Who I learned has a chip in his head, to stop him from hurting people. How fucked up is that? I mean, take away a vampire's right to kill, to cause pain. Shit, that’s just sick. B called it poetic justice I called it twisted and uncool. Not that B understood me… that started her on a whole thing about me and my head. OK, all those who KNOW I’m not a card-carrying member of the sanity club raise your hand! Fuck, I think I could do bodily harm to her, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love her… cause she’s B. But she can be so self righteous and bitchy.

It’s been a while now. A long while… we’ve got to be missed by now. Well, B and Angel have to be missed. Every one would miss them. Angel and Spike haven’t had any blood in way to long, Spike can’t even keep his human face on. Kinda strange, but I like his game face. He looks primal, natural. Like that’s the way he was meant to be you know.

I got pissed when Buffy offered Angel her wrist. Then shrugged at Spike. I mean, really pissed. It took me another… day I’m guessing, to do what I just did. I still can’t believe it. I watched Angel hold Buffy, due to lack of blood. What the fuck ever, they’ve used every excuse known to stay as close to one another as possible.

I crawled across the room, toward Spike. He had a knife. A really nice piece. Shiny well cared for. Not too big, but not small. It fit in his boot. He was carving on his arm, when I took the knife; he looked at me, just kind of confused like. I leaned down and licked the blood. It was sweet, not what I had expected. When I was crawling over I could hear Angel in the back ground, growling. He was warning Spike, that I was property. His. And not to be touched. Don’t think Spike cared. When I heard Angel coming, I sliced my wrist fast and held it to Spike’s lips.

It hit me all at once; I felt two pair of arms around my waist. Spike’s must have won because I was in his lap. The feeling was almost orgasmic, now I know what all the noise was about earlier, from B. I’ve always been a screamer, but I’m pretty sure I only whimpered a bit in his ear. He licked the cut closed. He stopped. He didn’t kill me. I don’t know why. Shit. Another chances blown. I can’t do anything right.

I didn’t move. I sat there, the feeling sedate. Tired. I was straddling his lap. Spike’s knees were up, keeping me there. His arms fit perfectly around my waist. I didn’t want to move. I lay there, my head on his shoulder. I’m not sure when I started crying, but he just soothed me.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Don’t worry, luv. I could feel the desperation in you." He kissed my temple. "I’m only saving some for later." He assured me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. He would do it. He’d have too. God I felt so fucking good in his arms. My tears dried up, and I snuggled deeper into his body, he didn’t do anything but tighten his grip on me. I think that was the first night I slept all the way threw. I slept just like that, nestled close to him, his arms around me. I was so… safe. Nothing was gonna hurt me there. I hadn’t slept a whole dreamless night, since before I lost my mom. Funny, Spike chased away the demons. I mean… he’s known for it now. Gets his asked kicked for it, from what I heard? He’s enjoying it though. Misogynist. Wonder if Angel’ll ever tell me exactly WHY Spike is so into the pain. I know there’s something there. Every time Spike comes for a visit. The way Angel watches him. Shit, some times I’m tempted to call headache, just to see what’ll happen. Not that that would ever happen.

Oh, I do that a lot, just sorta drift from topic to topic. We got out. I never left Spike’s arms. It got to where he was feeding from me, and I wasn’t eating. Finally Buffy brought me the food. She left it there, by our side, just looking at us. We got out. One day I woke up… or should I say, he woke me up. The door was open. The Scoobs were there, Giles had a chainsaw. For some reason this didn’t bother B. I know what it did to me. Don’t care what any one thinks. That man is fucking sexy. Made Spike growl for some reason. I learned why, when we all got back to Angel’s apartment. God, but that’s another story. Right now, I think I’m tired. And Spike is here. Night!

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