
Title: Sharing (1/1)

Author: ~Talion

Disclaimer: I do NOT own these charectors, in any way at all.

Rating: NC-17

Feedback: MANDATORY!!!! *pout*

Notes: For whomever was begging for A/B/S fic. Hope you like it! And To MY Sweetling, I know you'll like it, and thanks for finding it! *g*


"SPIKEEEE!!!" the roar echoed throughout the apartment. Spike rolled his eyes. Angelus wasn't Angelus < Thank Satan! > but he wasn't the slayer lapdog any more either. And when Dru decided ending her worthless unlife was the only way to "be with her Daddy!" Spike had come back after the slayer. Spike heard his name bellowed yet again and rolled his eyes. Stepping out of his room and into the mutual room in his and Angel's apartment, he smiled.

Angel slung the blond slayer onto the couch, and growled at her when she opened her mouth to speak, causing it to snap shut. "Look what I found." he turned smiling at Spike.

"Horny little bitch aren't you? What, you've been caught four times this week already. Twice by me and twice by 'im." Spike smiled, when Buffy turned her skylight fired eyes on him.

"I wasn't planning on being hunted," she gave Spike a pointed look, causing him to smirk.< Good girl, luv. Always be the innocent one! > then she rounded back on Angel. "Or stalked! So, I... sorta went out. With a friend!" she winced at the double growl.

"Tell him which friend." Angel prompted. Buffy just bit her bottom lip.

"Which friend?" Spike asked to anyone willing to answer, his nerves thin as it was.

"Remember Scott?" Angel growled out. It took Spike a minute to recognize the name.

"The boytoy... from before?" Spike's turn to growl.

"Hey, he was NOT my 'boytoy'! And it... it was just, a harmless...little,"

"DATE!!!" Both men cut her off. Spike came over to the couch.


"Guilty." Angel smiled. Spike raised an eyebrow.

"And who shall carry out her punishment?"

"Share 'er!?" Angel grinned sadistically.

"Excuse me! As the share-ee I'm leaving. Share one another!" Buffy stood to leave. Two hands pushed her back into the couch.

"You sure mate?" Spike asked still unaccustomed to this Angel.

"Why not, we've both had her and she is a slayer. She's also Buffy, and that makes her able to take whatever we can dish out." Angel shrugged out of his leather jacket. "Think of her as... our flexible friend!"

Spike shook his head, smiled and began to strip like his sire.

Buffy sat mesmerized by the sight before her. Both of her vampiric lovers where striping to SHARE her! Would they really?




Not in this life time! "Okay, boys you have fun. I'm so out of here!" This time Buffy tried to scramble over the back of the couch. Groaned in defeat when two strong hands grasped her waist, pulling her back against his already growing erection. Her small leather skirt and lace thong offered no barrier at all. She looked up pleadingly at Angel. She really wasn't sure if she could take them both at once. Shit, she was always sore for a couple days after just one night with Spike.

"Don't look at me like that, Lover. You brought this on your self." he taunted coming down for a kiss. . Moving away from her leaving Spike to hold her still Angel picked up her purse. "Let's see what exactly you had planned for tonight." The contense of her purse spilled onto the leather. Make-up went every where, along with various hair products. Briefly she thanked god for having forgotten her brush at

home. "What's this?" Angel asked holding up a jar of raspberry lip balm stuff.

"Vaseline and raspberry extract. Its for my lips, kee... keeps them soft." she whimpered when the hands tightened.

"Vaseline?! For your lips? Okay so we add lying to your list of charges. Looks like she gets it twice, Spike my boy!"

"Not a problem here!" Spike quipped thoughroly enjoying himself. Again she was captured by Angel for an almost brutal kiss. She lost herself in his cool lips, and didn't realise her hips had begun to gyrate. As Angel let her mouth go and she gasped for air, she heard the remote sound of buttons popping and flying off everywhere.

"You just bought that shirt she mumbled and gasped as hands began to caress her body. They turned her so she faced Spike. He kissed her soundly on the mouth and ripped apart her expensive Victoria Secrets bra. He immediately took a nipple in each hand and twisted, as she cried out in pure pleasure.

Angel's hands had moved to her lower body. Having long ago done away with the lace concoction laughingly called underwear, he teased her clit lightly. The dampness on his fingers grew, and he smiled. Quickly he plunged two fingers into her. She spasmed and came within mear seconds, arching and screaming mindlessly.

She was lowered to her knees and whimpered as Angel entered her swiftly. She opened her eyes and stared straight into Spike's massive cock. the tip brushed her lips and she whined. Finally conceding when Angel stopped all movement, she opened her mouth.

The head of Spike's dick hit the base of her mouth about two thirds of the way in. She continued to bob her head and suck as her hand began a slightly sporadic jerking motion. Feeling himself approach orgasm, he took handfuls of Buffy's hair, and began to fuck her face. Calling her name as he came.

Angelus watched grunting and groaning as Spike fucked Buffy's face. Come dribbling out of her mouth. Slamming harder and deeper into her he came with a roar. Buffy began to cry having been denied her own release. Angel popped her firm ass.

"Don't worry. We still have a round to go."

"Yes, pet... my turn!"




"Yes, pet... my turn!" Buffy shivered at the simple thought. < Spike's turn. >

"Your room?" Angel asked. Buffy lifted her head. < What the fuck did they need to move her for? > She looked up searching Spike's icy eyes for some clue.

"My room-- you 'ave that water bed." Spike stated, lifting Buffy and throwing her over his shoulder, starting for his room. "Don't know why. The damned thing is bound to pop. Serves no real purpose."

"I'll show you exactly why I have that waterbed one of these days, Spike." Angel said a seductive grin, a come hither look darkening his face. Spike sat Buffy on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe someday I'll let you do that." Spike raised an eyebrow. Buffy's wide eyes looked from one lover to the other, finally shaking her head, clearing it of an interesting image. "Right, come now, pet. You bend over the bed."

"What?!" Buffy screeched as she was physically placed in that exact position.

"'old her hands, Angel." Spike ordered. Angel climbed on to the satin covered bed, straddling Buffy's back and holding her hands by the wrist. She shivered when she felt his hardening cock on the smooth skin of her back.

A scream of shock bounced off the walls when the first of many swats hit the slayers taut ass. Tears streamed down Buffy's face with every hit of the belt. With the exception of her initial scream she had

managed to stay silent. She finally broke when Spike hit her flaming ass for the twentieth time.

"Stop, please. I won't see Scott again. I promise. Ahhh.... please."

She began to beg for it to stop. With one last loud smack, Spike dropped the belt. Angel got off her back and she stood, nude, shaking in pain and need. She had yet to come and her damn nipples rubbing against the satin sheets while being beaten by her lover had not helped her situation.

Spike pulled the slayer onto the bed in his arms. He licked each tear trail and kissed her red puffy eyes. Then kissed her soundly on her lips, laying down and pulling her over his chest. Disengaging from the kiss she grasped his pulsating member; she inched down and thrust fully on it, screaming out as waves of pleasure washed over her. Positioning her self trying to get a little bit more comfortable on his massive cock, she began to rock in a steady rythym. Spike saw Angel walk back in, the jar of raspberry stuff in his hand. Grabbing Buffy by the back of her neck he pulled her down and kissed her. While Spike kissed the slayer, Angel moved on to the bed behind her still-red ass. Smearing a great deal of the balm on his dick he stuck a finger in the container, and then moved it to Buffy's puckered anus. Buffy arched into the finger, allowing it to go deeper into her tight channel. Angel removed his finger and immediately replaced it with his cock. Moaning into Spike's mouth, Buffy braced herself on Spike's shoulders. She arched her back further to take both men deeper. Moving again, this time in time with Angel, she moaned and crooned, her eyes glued shut, as stars burst behind her eyelids. She was loving this completely full feeling.

< Maybe next time we can bring Giles in... >

That was her final thought before she fell over the edge and into an oblivion of raw feelings. Just as she was coming down she felt both Spike and Angel spill inside of her at the same time, causing her body to shudder in another earth-shattering orgasm.

Sandwiched between both Angel and Spike, now on either side of her tiny body. Snuggling into the crook of Spike's shoulder she sighed.

"Remind me to never bring over, Threesome again." she yawned before falling into a peaceful sleep.


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