~Not Mice!!~

Title: No, Not Mice (1/1)

Author: Talion

Disclaimer: I don't own these people or this song. Nothing here is mine, sept the story ... cause I wrote it all by myself.

Rating: PG-13

Summery: This is what just mild nonsense written by me. S/F, some B/A. This is SILLY FIC. It's written to amuse, please enjoy!

Feedback: YES!! YES!!! YES!!!!

Notes: It's late... I was listening to this song, and reading Spike/Faith fic. I'm sorry. I know I need help ... but the little green pills ... they call to me ... they say "Tali. take me!" And being the good little girl I am.... I do! *eg*

Little Girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Sweet little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Buffy looked over at Angel, who was wearing an annoyed look mirroring her own. This was just wrong. Glancing at the clock, "It's fucking 2:30." Buffy grumbled. She stood, putting her robe on, and moved to the window to tell Spike to shut the hell up. But was stopped cold by what she saw. "Angel! Get up ... come here! Oh my God! You have to see this!" Buffy was now giggling uncontrollably.

Do you love me back

What do ya say

Do ya love me back

What can I say

Spike who had just flung his T-shirt, at the bush, stood shirtless on the front lawn, singing along with he stereo. Faith's flung her window up and stared down at the bleached moron she had just finished a fight with not two hours ago. "Spike!" She hissed. "SPIKE!" Her voice raised and she glanced at Buffy's window making sure Buffy and Angel's light wasn't on. {At least they wouldn't be witnessing this embarrassing act!} "Spike! You are going to wake up Buffy and Angel!!" She leaned further out, and Spike turned wriggling his ass at her.

Because I wanna be your boyfriend

Oh-eee little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Sweet little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

He turned back and grinned at her, the break in the song allowing him to speak. "You're gonna fall out, luv!" He warned, his grin widening. He picked the song up, his timing perfect. Faith's eyes widened, as his hand went to the snap of his jeans.

Because I wanna

Oh-ee little girl

Sweat little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

"Spike!! Don't you dare!" Again she glanced at the window of her fellow slayer. "Damn it! Spike ... if those jeans come off I am gonna kick your naked ass!" She warned. "Spike OK, OK! Yes ... yes ... its official, me and you we're more then ... friends, we're a THING OK! Now STOP!" She yelled the last part as his zipper came down.

Because I wanna

Oh-ee little girl

Sweat little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Buffy was now giggling uncontrollably. "Why's she stopping him?" She laughed, as Angel growled. "No ... that can't be why!" Buffy laughed even harder when Faith, appeared in the yard, in her underwear. Grabbing both the half naked Spike, and radio before dragging them inside. As the front door slammed, the music got louder until, Faith's door slammed, and then the CD started again. Buffy raised an eyebrow to the noises which were now familiar, but until tonight, neither she nor Angel had be able to place. "Nope ... not mice ... squeaky bed springs." Moving back into bed, Buffy was curling up when she noticed Angel's smirk. Ohe

Do ya love me back

what do ya say

do ya love me back

what can I say?

"No..." Buffy began to shake her head and laugh hard as Angel mimicked Spike's dance, mouthing the lyrics to the song, and drowning out the squeaky bed.

Because I wanna be

Oh-eee little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Sweet little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Ahh-ee little girl

I wanna be your boyfriend

Sweet little girl

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