~It's Better This Way~

Title: It's Better This Way (1/1)

Author: Talion

Disclaimer: I do not own either of the characters used in this fic. Nor do I own the Sarah Mac song used in this fic.

Rating: NC-17 (Hello, I'm still Tali! *g*)

Feedback: Would be muchly appreciated.

Notes: Because I needed to write, and they were whining about not being played with in a while. So I played. Please don't hate me.


"You're ready." It's not a question. It's not even an order. She has become used to those. No, this is just a statement. A Fact. Yes, she is ready. She somehow knew he'd come for her tonight. Why else would she return here? His hands are so gentle on her skin. Slipping her top from her too tiny form. A year of fighting him, a year of loosing loved ones, because she was so very weak against him, has taken it's toll on her once perfect body. Where her skin was once bronze and firmly stretched across muscle, it's now swallow colored pulled taunt and transparent across her bones. The young firm breasts, are but shadows of their former selves. But she's still beautiful, still his tiny sun goddess.

The winter here is cold, and bitter

chills us to the bone

I haven't seen the sun for weeks

to long, to far from home

"Yes, I'm ready." She answers, shuddering at the feel of his cool hands across her body. Slowly he pulls her pants down. The heat's off and the winter air nips at her. Stripping himself he lays her gently on the bed. Naked they tangle together. His mouth plays along her shoulder, moving to her collar bone. His hands caressing her arms and legs, oddly enough trying to warm her. Finally his mouth finds hers.

I feel just like I'm sinking

And I claw for solid ground

I'm pulled down by the under toe

I never thought I could feel so low

Oh darkness I feel like letting go

The kiss isn't urgent, gentle and tentative, just like that first night. His hands careful not to hurt, gently tracing the lines of her body. The swell of her breasts, the curve of her thigh as if desperate to memorize her every inch. The small whimpers coming from her mouth, make it all the harder for him to control himself.

Of all our strength and all our courage

come and lift me from this place

I know I can love you much better then this

full of grace

full of grace

my love

A small suckle at her nipple, before gently sliding into her, still so tiny passage, causes both forms to whimper. No one, not a single person has touched her since that night. That night a year ago, when he took her virginity. The night she took his soul. Slowly, ever gentle he moves over her. Heavy breathing, her soft whimpers, and the sound of the scarlet satin sheet rustling are the only sounds in the room.

It's better this way, I say

haven't seen this place before

where everything we say and do

hurts us all the more

His tempo picks up, not urgent, not rushing, but slightly faster. Nothing to hurt her. Her hands, move over his shoulder, shadows caressing his skin. Gasping her eyes finally lock with his, just before baring her neck to him. Shifting he accepts, knowing she is ready. His fangs pierce her skin, and she half whimpers half moans.

its just that we stay, to long

and the same old sickness here

I'm pulled down by the under toe

I never thought I could feel so low

Tears falling from her eyes, as she uses what's left of her strength to hold him there, to her throat. Her legs wrapped tight around his waist, her body lifting him further into herself. He empties into her, filling her, even as he drains her. Her legs slowly fall from him, and with one last soft sweep of her fingers to his nape, she whispers to him.

and Oh darkness

I feel like letting go

Fallen are strength and all our courage

come and lift me from this place

"Thank you..." Her dyeing words, nothing but acceptance, and gratitude for the release he's granted her. Moving off to the side he holds her until her last breath is gone, kissing the still mouth. Licking from her face the tear tracks, he has caused for the last time. Moving again from the bed, he dresses. Being sure to clean, and leave the room impeccable. He switched the light off.

I know I can love you much better then this

full of grace

"You're welcome, Buffy." Angelus sighs, cutting the light off, before shutting the door to Angel's apartment. Walking away from the blond for the last time.

I know I can love you much better then this

Its better this way....

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