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Power Solutions

The high voltage power supply which I have been using up until now is the HVOLT100 kit from Information Unlimited, at a cost of $199 US. This was the device which introduced me to the wonders of the Biefeld-Brown effect. However, after recent experiments with thicker sections of polysulpide wing, it becomes apparent that a beefier power supply is required. An example of such a device is the power supply used by Jean-Louis Naudin in his ARDA craft. This is a home-built machine which uses a 24 Volt power supply to put out 25-30 kilovolts at around 4 milliamperes current.

Now, it appears that my HVOLT100 cannot cram enough electrons onto my condenser plates to move the entire ANGEL craft, and therefore I intend to build a new supply based on the one I have just mentioned. In order to supply the necessary wattage for such a power supply, an efficient high energy battery is required. After looking around for something suitable, I found that compact lead-acid cells were ideal for the job. The one pictured here can provide 2.5 Volts and 5 ampere-hours of current. With a few of these joined together in series, the power demands of the new PSU could easily be met.

In terms of design, it is a complicated matter, but I believe the main heart of the system will be 3 or 4 Power MOSFETS. These will drive a transformer which will output to capacitors and a voltage multiplier. I am still working the details out but I envisage the output of the final device to be around 100 kilovolts at a much more useful 1.5 milliamperes. There will be two such power plants, so the total power of the unit will be quite considerable (nearly 300 Watts for the High Voltage System alone). Naturally this will bleed the batteries rather quickly, but with rechargeable lead-acid cells and short flights, this should not be too much of an impairment.

I also plan to experiment at some point in the future with the now-infamous gravity capacitor to see if it can provide useful lifting forces. Until then, construction continues on ANGEL, with the airframe being built very soon.................