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The Gravitic Warping Slideout (GWS) System

GWS is another potent technology which relies on the Biefeld-Brown Effect, and quantities of the same high-K dielectric (polysulphide sealant) which are employed in the main wing. The lifting force delivered by polysulphide condensers is such that a practical aid to takeoff for ANGEL is possible, using the same equipment as on board the main wing. The GWS system is designed to reduce the weight of the craft, thus reducing the amount of electrogravitic and plasma thrust required for takeoff. The GWS is attached to the underside of the ANGEL wing, with the central wire uppermost. The easier "slideout" derived should make the ANGEL a much easier vehicle to put into it's operational theatre, as a considerable amount of it's energies are spent in getting away from the ground, the scourge of conventional aircraft.

A shallow plastic container has the bottom lined with Aluminium foil and an electrical connection made for the high voltage. The container is then flooded with polysulphide and left for a few days to cure. Alternatively, the layering method may be used if time is more pressing. Once the container is full, a bare copper wire is placed into the polysulphide as demonstrated in the diagram, and connected to the power supply.

The Set-up....

The GWS container was set on a polystyrene block to insulate it from earth, and this in turn was set on a sensitive balance to measure the weight. The weight of the GWS with no power applied was 1.2 kilograms. The voltages employed here were 50, 100 and 175 kilovolts. The current at the high end was about 100ua and naturally dropped as the voltage was reduced. The potentials were applied and the weight reductions derived were noted.

The Results....

Once again it seems that polysulphide has demonstrated itself to be a superb dielectric for electrogravitics research. At 50 kilovolts, the device exhibited a weight reduction of 13%, a notable but not amazing reduction. When this was doubled to 100 kilovolts, the reduction increased to 25%, a figure which one may consider more interesting. At the peak possible voltage for my supply, 175 kilovolts, my apparatus was seen to undergo A WEIGHT REDUCTION OF 41%. This is again a fantastic result, and the the implications of this are great for ANGEL. With a GWS in place, any craft could reduce it's fuel consumption and efficiency with only a few Watts of electrogravitic power. Doing this, we can pack heavier and better instrumentation onto our aerospacecraft, and send them further with the same power supply. The philosophy being reinforced here is clear:

"Faster, Lighter, Better"