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The The Dr. Who Purity Test

Check all of the boxes that apply to you!
Hit the 'submit button at the bottom to calculate just how obsessed you are!

  1. Do you know what Doctor Who is?
  2. Can you name at least two actors that played the Doctor?
  3. Can you name 5?
  4. Can you name all 8?
  5. Can you name at least one companion?
  6. Do you know the actor/actress that played the companion?
  7. Do you know what a police callbox is?
  8. Do you know why the Doctor's TARDIS is shaped like one?
  9. Do you know what TARDIS stands for?
  10. Do you know what a chameleon circut is?
  11. Have you ever seen a Dalek?
  12. Have you ever asked someone if they wanted a Jelly Baby?
  13. Do you know what a Jelly Baby is?
  14. Do you own a Tom Baker like scarf?
  15. Do you wear it in public?
  16. Have you ever read any of the Doctor Who novels?
  17. Do you own any?
  18. More than 5?
  19. More than 10?
  20. All of them?
  21. Have you ever purchased or rented a Doctor Who video?
  22. Have you ever dressed like a character from Doctor Who?
  23. In public?
  24. Have you ever been to a convention?
  25. Have you ever attempted to build a model from the show? (i.e. K-9, a Dalek, the TARDIS)
  26. Do you have any Doctor Who websites on your favorites?
  27. Have you ever made a Doctor Who site?
  28. Do you have a Doctor Who related E-mail address?
  29. Do you belong to any mailing lists/newsgroups/newsletters about Dr. Who?
  30. Have you ever contemplated writing Doctor Who fanfic?
  31. Have you gone through with writing it?
  32. Have you written multiple peices?
  33. Have you ever had a dream about someone from Doctor Who?
  34. Have you ever had a crush on a character?
  35. Have you met an actor/actress from the show?
  36. Do you know the signifigence of Totter's yard?
  37. Have you ever devoted a large amount of time to a Doctor Who related project? (i.e. Complete Timeline, encyclopedia, outfit, model)
  38. Did you spend over a year on it?
  39. Did you finish the project?
  40. Have you ever written a Doctor Who novel?
  41. Have you ever submitted it for publication?
  42. Did it get published?
  43. Have you ever walked around acting like your favorite character?
  44. In public?
  45. For more than a day?
  46. Not at a convention?
  47. Have you ever pinned celery to your lapel?
  48. Do you understand the above reference?
  49. Do you make inside jokes about the show?
  50. Are you the only one who gets them?
  51. Do you spend large amounts of time working on/looking at Doctor Who sites?
  52. Have you ever skipped work/school/meals to do so?
  53. Is your love-life suffering because of Doctor Who obsession?
  54. Do you own an original peice of Doctor Who set?
  55. Have you spent over 20 dollars on Doctor Who merchandise? (Not counting videos/novels)
  56. Over 50 dollars?
  57. Over 100 dollars?
  58. Have you ever used references to Doctor Who in a School/Work paper?
  59. Have you ever suggested to NASA that a newly discovered planet/star/etc. be named after something from Doctor Who?
  60. Have you ever succeded?
  61. Have you ever written your own script for a Doctor Who episode?
  62. Have you performed it at a convention/in your yard/at a party/etc.?
  63. Did it win an award?
  64. Have you ever written to the BBC regarding Doctor Who?
  65. Do they now know you on a first-name basis?
  66. When they hear your name, do they wince?
  67. Have you ever gone as a character from Doctor Who for halloween?
  68. Do you intend to this year?
  69. Are you a member of a fanclub/viewing club?
  70. Do you regularly attend the meetings?
  71. Do you head/hold a very important position in said club?
  72. Do you have a tattoo pertaining to Doctor Who on your person?
  73. Have you ever drawn/painted Doctor Who fanart?
  74. Has it been used in a publication?
  75. Is your computer desktop Doctor Who themed?
  76. Did you make the theme yourself?
  77. Have you ever played a Doctor Who drinking Game?
  78. Have you ever written one?
  79. Have you ever played Six Degrees of Doctor Who?
  80. Do you have Doctor Who related vanity plates or bumper stickers?
  81. Do you call your car 'Bessie', 'the Whomobile', etc.?
  82. Do you manage a Doctor Who webring?
  83. Do you have a Doctor Who related screen name on AIM/Yahoo!/ICQ/MSN/etc.?
  84. Do your buddy/friend lists contain all/mostly Doctor Who fans?
  85. Have you ever named a pet after a character on Doctor Who?
  86. Your child?
  87. Do you and your spouse/significant other call each other by Doctor Who nicknames?
  88. Have you embroidered question marks into articles of clothing?
  89. Have you ever rewatched an episode of Doctor Who in extreme detail?
  90. Do you know scenes verbatum?
  91. Do you impress your friends by reciting scenes?
  92. Full episodes?
  93. Do you get upset when people make fun of Doctor Who?
  94. Do you become violent?
  95. Have you had your name legaly changed to something partaining to Doctor Who?
  96. Have you ever seen/read the script to a 'lost episode'?
  97. Have you ever attempted to recreat a lost episode through video or other media?
  98. Do you know the term for something bigger on the inside than the outside?
  99. Do you use the phrase often?
  100. Do you peak inside Police callboxes/telephone booths to see if they might be a TARDIS?
  101. Have you ever written your own Doctor Who purity test?
  102. Do you retake this test occasionaly to chart your 'progress'?

The Moment of Truth!

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