

If you have stumbled here by mistake, well, go away, basically, this place is devoted to my grumbles and opinions (and if you ask my friends, I don’t need a web page to bring them up…), it’s about the game we run and the enjoyments I find in kicking people when they’re down (who me? No way! I’m as adorable as a little kitty…) so unless you know what happened when we played, there’s nothing here for you and that won’t change anytime soon!


After this hard sorting of readers, I shall go on – ok?


Who am I?


Does it matter?


Well, that’s me:


I even added some text…



Onward to the Debate Team...


Oh, by the way, I have a life and this site updates regularly every Saturday (or whenever I want to update it – LOL I almost never update…).

I will notify you of special updates, bringing them to your notice with a festive e-mail (you know who you are!)


One last thing, this site is best viewed by the blind; if you are not impaired in that way try setting the desktop size to 600X800.