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Welcome to "Something Weird is Happening"

This site is closed temporarily for re-vamping.

This page was created by the
The Flatlander
Click on my logo to learn more about me.


Disclaimers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Mutant Enemy, Kuzu Enterprises, Sandollar Television, Fox, Warner Bros. Studios, and Joss Whedon. Pictures are from the Official Buffy Site,, the Buffy Cross and Stake, and The Unofficial Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sounds are from Tom's Buffy Page, Sound America copyrighted by LinkAmerica Communications, and Psyche: Transcripts and Sounds. No copyright infringment was intended. This page was created for entertainment, and no money was exchanged.

To contact me e-mail me at

Created and maintained by the Flatlander, the webmistress of
The Flatlander's Highlander Site | Danielle's Bookshelf | Gate Travels