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[ Sebastian's apartment. ]

Sebastian: Whatcha doing?

Pris: Sorry, just peeking.

Sebastian: Oh.

Pris: How do I look?

Sebastian: You look better.

Pris: Just better?

Sebastian: Well, you look beautiful.

Pris: Thanks.

[ Roy approaches Sebastian's apartment ]

Pris: How old are you?

Sebastian: Twenty-five.

Pris: What's you problem?

Sebastian: Methuselah syndrome.

Pris: What's that?

Sebastian: My glands. They grow old too fast.

Pris: Is that why you're still on earth?

Sebastian: Yeah, I couldn't pass the medical. Anyway, I kind of like it here.

Pris: I like you just the way you are. Hi Roy.

Roy: Ah, gosh. You've really got some nice toys here.

Pris: This is the friend I was telling you about. This is my savior J. F. Sebastian.

Roy: Sebastian. I like a man that stays put. You live here all by yourself, do ya?

Sebastian: Yes.

[ Roy kisses Pris. ]

Sebastian: How 'bout some breakfast. I was just gonna make some.

Pris: Well?

Roy: Leon--

Pris: What's going on.

Roy: Ah-- There's only two of us now.

Pris: Then we're stupid and we'll die.

Roy: No we won't.

[ Sebastian and Roy at chess board ]

Sebastian: No, knight takes queen, see. No good.

Roy: Why are you staring at us Sebastian?

Sebastian: Because. You're so different. You're so perfect.

Roy: Yes.

Sebastian: What generation are you?

Roy: Nexus six.

Sebastian: Ah, I knew it. 'Cause I do genetic design work for the Tyrell Corporation. There's some of me in you. Show me something.

Roy: Like what?

Sebastian: Like anything.

Roy: We're no computers Sebastian, we're physical.

Pris: I think, Sebastian, therefore I am.

Roy: Very good Pris, now show him why.

[ Pris throws hot eggs at Sebastian ]

Roy: We've got a lot in common.

Sebastian: What do you mean?

Roy: Similar problems.

Pris: Accelerated decrepitude.

Sebastian: I don't know much about biomechanics, Roy, I wish I did.

Roy: If we don't find help soon, Pris hasn't got long to live. We can't allow that. [ pause ] Is he good?

Sebastian: Who?

Roy: Your opponent.

Sebastian: Oh, Dr. Tyrell? I've only beaten him once in chess. He's a genius. He designed you.

Roy: Maybe he could help.

Sebastian: I'd be happy to mention it to him, sure.

Roy: Better if I talk to him in person. But I understand he's a sort of hard man to get to.

Sebastian: Yes, very.

Roy: Will you help us?

Sebastian: I can't.

Pris: We need you Sebastian. You're our best and only friend.

Roy: [ Holds fake eyebalss up to his eyes, and speaks in a goofy chinese accent ] We're so happy you found us.

Pris: I don't think there's another human being in the whole world who would have helped us.

[ To Tyrell's house. ]

Tyrell: 66 thousand Prosser and Ankovich. Hmmm.. Trade. Trade at--

Computer: New entry. A Mr. J. F. Sebastian. 1-6-4-1-7.

Tyrell: At this hour? What can I do for you Sebastian.

Sebastian: Queen to Bishop 6. Check.

Tyrell: Nonsense. Just a moment. Mmmm. Queen to Bishop 6. Ridiculous. Queen to Bishop 6. Hmmm... Knight takes Queen. [ pause ] What's on your mind Sebastian? What are you thinking about?

Roy: [ whispered ] Bishop to King 7. Checkmate.

Sebastian: Bishop to King 7. Checkmate, I think.

Tyrell: Quite a brainstorm, uh, Sebastian. Milk and cookies kept you awake, huh? Lets discuss this. You better come up, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Mr. Tyrell. I-- I brought a friend.

Tyrell: I'm surprised you didn't come here sooner.

Roy: It's not an easy thing to meet your maker.

Tyrell: And, what can he do for you?

Roy: Can the maker repair what he makes.

Tyrell: Would you like to be modified?

Roy: Stay here. [ pause ] I had in mind something a little more radical.

Tyrell: What-- What seems to be the problem?

Roy: Death.

Tyrell: Death. Well, I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction, you--

Roy: I want more life, fucker.

Tyrell: The facts of life. To make an alteration in the evolvment of an organic life system is fatal. A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.

Roy: Why not?

Tyrell: Because by the second day of incubation, any cells that have undergone reversion mutations give rise to revertant colonies like rats leaving a sinking ship. Then the ship sinks.

Roy: What about EMS recombination.

Tyrell: We've already tried it. Ethyl methane sulfonate as an alkylating agent and potent mutagen. It created a virus so lethal the subject was dead before he left the table.

Roy: Then a repressive protein that blocks the operating cells.

Tyrell: Wouldn't obstruct replication, but it does give rise to an error in replication so that the newly formed DNA strand carries the mutation and you've got a virus again. But, uh, this-- all of this is academic. You were made as well as we could make you.

Roy: But not to last.

Tyrell: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very very brightly, Roy. Look at you. You're the prodigal son. You're quite a prize!

Roy: I've done questionable things.

Tyrell: Also extraordinary things. Revel in your time.

Roy: Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for.

[ Roy kisses Tyrell on the mouth. Tyrell screams as his eyes are gouged out. ]

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